So the French are getting raped by corruption. Whatever. In the US we can institute oversight. There is no reason why the fine details of bringing jobs back home cannot be hammered out. Employers cannot afford American workers and compete globally. That you cannot deny. A superfund, with extensive oversight and regular revisiting, that is padded by low monthly premiums with people making more visits for preventative care without worry of cost will cost less than the mess we're in now.
Can you deny that?
So support the one solution that will bring American jobs back, stabilize the banks, the economy and lead to a future for America instead of a predicted decline into forced socialism on more levels than you, Andy, would be comfortable with at all..
The evidence and data, does not support anything you have claimed.
You know, I do appreciate that when you talk, I know you believe what you say... however... I don't see how you could possibly believe this.
This exact system you are talking about, has been duplicated in a number of countries. It hasn't worked. Why do you think it will work here? You even state the French are being screwed by corruption... and you think that will not happen here if our government gains control of the entire health care industry?
You, Mr Sihouette who claims every part of our government is corrupted by evil BigOil, BigNuclear, BigBusiness, Big-whatever-the-latest-conspiracy-is-today, want to trust that government will be pure as the wind driven snow with health care? You are telling me that the same government that (supposedly) controls the media, has psy-ops running around, and might even have political plants on this very forum, yet can totally be trusted with your health?
But let's take a step back... is there anything in our own country that we can look to as an example of the system you claim you want?
SS is a 'superfund'. It has "extensive" oversight, and is regularly "revisited", and has supposedly "super low premiums".
When SS was planned and sold to the public, it would be 1% tax on the first $1,400 of yearly income. You could retire at age 62-63. The SS contribution would be tax deductible, and most importantly, it was voluntary enrollment. If you wanted it, you could sign up, and if not, you didn't have to.
So where are we now?
- First, it is not voluntary. Like any government tyranny, you have no choice but to enroll in SS.
- Second, the tax rate is now 15.3% taken from your check (both sides).
- Third, you are taxed on the first $102,000 dollars, more than most will ever earn in a single year.
- Fourth, you can not deduct SS deductions from your taxes.
- Fifth, thanks to Bill Clinton, you now get taxed on the money you receive from SS, just as you got taxes on the money you put into SS. (double taxation)
- Sixth, thanks to Jimmy Carter and the democrats, now anyone who immigrates to the US, even if they are over 60 years old, and never paid a dime into the system, they can collect a check just like anyone who paid in their whole lives.
- Finely the retirement age was 62 years old, and now it's 70.
So let us review. Social Security has increased in cost, and reduced in benefits, every single year since it was enacted. Further, it is going bankrupt as we speak, thus more increases in cost and reductions in benefits, are in the future. But wait! MAYBE.... the pay off is really good!
In the early 80s, in Galveston County, Texas, thousands of employees were allowed to opt-out of SS. Their payroll taxes were given to a private retirement fund of their choosing. Here are the results.
Employees who earned $50,000 a year, *would have* collected $1,302 a month.
Under the private plan, they collected $6,843 a month.
Employees earning $20,000 a year, *would have* collected $775 a month.
Under the private plan, they collected $2,740 a month.
Hmm.... so the service is crap too.
Based on evidence and data, not opinion and hearsay, and some utopian "it should / could work" theories... I can safely say, that if you do the same thing with health care, the results will be similar, if not exactly the same as SS and every socialized care in the world... namely... higher cost, lower benefits, and reduced service.