Biden does not support Israeli retaliation against Iran


Biden does not support Israeli retaliation against Iran​


Clueless, Republican, History Majors are still that anxious to engage with Iran, huh?????
I don't think opinionated books by political hacks have the same weight of validity as do congressional records and sworn testimonies.
We all know how much Trump loves "sworn testimonies".
Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, and so on ad nauseum.
I am reminded of Trump holding a bible upside down and hawking desecrated bibles for 29.99.
The advertised price of Trump's Bible is $59.95. Plus shipping and handling. And it comes with an extra bonus! When you order one, Trump will have your mailing address, your e mail address and your credit card number.
I don't think opinionated books by political hacks have the same weight of validity as do congressional records and sworn testimonies.
You were talking g about God and the Bible being the legal justification for Israel, legal ******

I have a holy book too. I am just as justified toclaim I own the world on that basis as your stupid claim that the Bible justified israel
We all know how much Trump loves "sworn testimonies".
Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment, and so on ad nauseum.
Elijah Cummings literally went ballistic because Issa kept trying to get Lois Lerner to testify about the 2012 IRS-Gate scandal and all she did was plead the 5th.

Lois Lerner pleads the fifth again, doesn't testify on IRS targeting​

By Rebecca Kaplan

March 5, 2014 / 9:48 AM EST / CBS News

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., reconvened a hearing Wednesday that began more than nine months ago to investigate whether the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) targeting conservative groups, a scandal that was exposed in 2013.

The problem was, he didn't have a witness to answer his questions - again.

Lerner once again asserted her Fifth Amendment right not to testify, as she did last May when she was first called to testify. Before she first spoke at the hearing Wednesday, Issa warned that his committee would consider whether to hold her in contempt if she declined to testify.

At the first part of the hearing last May, Lerner delivered an opening statement declaring she had done nothing wrong, and then invoked her Fifth Amendment right and refused to answer any more questions. Republicans, however, concluded she did and have recalled her to answer questions about why Lerner gave heightened scrutiny to conservative groups with the words "tea party" or "patriot" in their names when reviewing applications for tax-exempt status.

The move did not sit well with Ranking Member Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who demanded a chance to speak as Issa brought the hearing to close after repeated attempts to question Lerner, with no avail.

"Mr. Chairman you cannot run a committee like this. You just cannot do this. We're better than that as a country," Cummings said, his voice rising as Issa stood up to leave and the members' microphones were cut off. "There is absolutely something wrong with that and that is absolutely un-American!"

"I am a member of the Congress of the United States of America!" Cummings shouted at Issa, who talked over him to tell the room that the hearing had been adjourned. "I am tired of this!"

After the hearing, Issa said his committee would discuss the next steps.


Hillary Clinton aide pled the 5th more than 100 times to avoid testifying about Hillary's illegal e-mail account.

A former employee for Hillary Clinton invoked the 5th Amendment about 125 consecutive times in a deposition with a conservative advocacy group, a spokeswoman for the group said Wednesday.
You were talking g about God and the Bible being the legal justification for Israel, legal ******

I have a holy book too. I am just as justified toclaim I own the world on that basis as your stupid claim that the Bible justified israel
Unsaved sinners come up with some wing-dingers of imaginative theories and tall tales.
Elijah Cummings literally went ballistic because Issa kept trying to get Lois Lerner to testify about the 2012 IRS-Gate scandal and all she did was plead the 5th.

Lois Lerner pleads the fifth again, doesn't testify on IRS targeting​

By Rebecca Kaplan

March 5, 2014 / 9:48 AM EST / CBS News

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., reconvened a hearing Wednesday that began more than nine months ago to investigate whether the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) targeting conservative groups, a scandal that was exposed in 2013.

The problem was, he didn't have a witness to answer his questions - again.

Lerner once again asserted her Fifth Amendment right not to testify, as she did last May when she was first called to testify. Before she first spoke at the hearing Wednesday, Issa warned that his committee would consider whether to hold her in contempt if she declined to testify.

At the first part of the hearing last May, Lerner delivered an opening statement declaring she had done nothing wrong, and then invoked her Fifth Amendment right and refused to answer any more questions. Republicans, however, concluded she did and have recalled her to answer questions about why Lerner gave heightened scrutiny to conservative groups with the words "tea party" or "patriot" in their names when reviewing applications for tax-exempt status.

The move did not sit well with Ranking Member Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who demanded a chance to speak as Issa brought the hearing to close after repeated attempts to question Lerner, with no avail.

"Mr. Chairman you cannot run a committee like this. You just cannot do this. We're better than that as a country," Cummings said, his voice rising as Issa stood up to leave and the members' microphones were cut off. "There is absolutely something wrong with that and that is absolutely un-American!"

"I am a member of the Congress of the United States of America!" Cummings shouted at Issa, who talked over him to tell the room that the hearing had been adjourned. "I am tired of this!"

After the hearing, Issa said his committee would discuss the next steps.


Hillary Clinton aide pled the 5th more than 100 times to avoid testifying about Hillary's illegal e-mail account.

A former employee for Hillary Clinton invoked the 5th Amendment about 125 consecutive times in a deposition with a conservative advocacy group, a spokeswoman for the group said Wednesday.
I won't vote for her if you won't vote for Trump do we have a deal LOL what a stupid comparison
Congressional investigators have reported tens of millions of dollars transferred from foreigners in various Biden family member bank accounts for no openly declared valid reason.

Biden Family Investigation - United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability 2-12-24


Chairman James Comer and Oversight Committee Republicans are investigating the Biden family’s domestic and international business dealings to determine whether these activities compromise U.S. national security and President Biden’s ability to lead with impartiality. Members of the Biden family have a pattern of peddling access to the highest levels of government to enrich themselves, often to the detriment of U.S. interests. We are committed to following the Biden family and associates’ money trail—consisting of many complex, international transactions worth millions of dollars—and providing answers to the American people. The American people deserve to know whether the President’s connections to his family’s business deals occurred at the expense of American interests and whether they represent a national security threat.​

Evidence obtained by Committee Republicans reveals Joe Biden lied to the American people about his involvement in his family’s business schemes. The Biden family business model is built on Joe Biden’s political career and connections with Joe Biden as the ‘chairman of the board.’ Biden family members sold access for profit around the world to the detriment of American interests. If President Biden is compromised by deals with foreign adversaries and they are impacting his decision making, this is a threat to national security. The American people deserve transparency and accountability about the Biden family’s influence peddling. With the new Republican majority, Oversight Committee Republicans will continue pressing for answers to inform legislative solutions to prevent this abuse of power.


Key Evidence:

Again, not one word of that proves Biden received anything which is why your GOP dropped the impeachment.
It's taking you a while to realise you're argument is fucked.
Again, not one word of that proves Biden received anything which is why your GOP dropped the impeachment.
It's taking you a while to realise you're argument is fucked.
Don't worry. Biden's justice department bootlicks are preventing Biden from being charged with the crimes has has been found to have committed.
I am committed to voting for the candidates best suited to turn America back to God.
which has nothing to do with the fact that you think she is comparable to a candidate running for president lol.

you think a politician can "turn america back to god"? your god needs help from a ...politician? wow, your god is truly pathetic. lol
Don't worry. Biden's justice department bootlicks are preventing Biden from being charged with the crimes has has been found to have committed.
how was he "found" to have committed crimes? that's what courts do, and he hasn't been tried.

you are so stupid. you understasnd nothing. ol