Biden does not support Israeli retaliation against Iran

That is a blatant unsupported fucking lie.
There are far more logical reasons for believing Biden is receiving kickbacks from his generous funding of Iranian despots than for believing Trump has received any dirty money from Putin under the table.
There are far more logical reasons for believing Biden is receiving kickbacks from his generous funding of Iranian despots than for believing Trump has received any dirty money from Putin under the table.
Provevit ly8ng moooron
The UN got out of land dealing after 1948. The barbarous Arabs refused to accept Jewish ownership of any property in the Middle East and began a relentless bombing campaign of Jewish settlements in their demonic effort to push the Jews into the sea. What morons the Arabs have proven to be.

As a result of the Six Days War, the Jews seized the Golan Heights from the barbarous savages that had been ruthlessly and relentlessly bombing Israelis from that advantage point. Since the Arabs had been violating the human rights of Israelis from that vantage point for decades and since the barbarous Arabs incited the Six days' War Israel was right to seize the ground of attack from the aggressors. Too bad for the morons on the wrong side of God and right.
I love how some of the morons here claim Israel stole the land of Canaan and can not comprehend it was a land of many tribes Juda and Israelites were 2 of those original tribes.
I love how some of the morons here claim Israel stole the land of Canaan and can not comprehend it was a land of many tribes Juda and Israelites were 2 of those original tribes.
In 1947 did Israel own the land? No
How did they get it in 1948?

And originally did the jews own the land? No
They stole it from the Canaanites
It would be if you produced the evidence.

It's proven he took money from the Chinese. Russia is not such a stretch further.

Kevin McCarthy
stated on September 12, 2023 in a news conference:
“We know the bank records show that nearly $20 million in payments were directed to the Biden family members and associates through various shell companies.”
Biden is clearly the kind of appeasement leader the unified world government oligarchs need to bring the US under their fascist authority.
i.e. Spanky's good-buddies!!!!

In 1947 did Israel own the land? No
How did they get it in 1948?

And originally did the jews own the land? No
They stole it from the Canaanites
I'm talking about your claim they stole Canaan from the Palastaine lands
70000 years ago when in fact the land at. The times which is much. Larger then Israel by several times now it encompassed Parts for f present day Jordan Egypt Lebanon and Syria. It contained several smaller tribel style cultures there were more then one tribe that was Jewish. You had Israselys and another called Juda among others cultures as well some say there was a black Jewish tribe involved that far back in time don't hold me to that. But not only have I seen mentioning of the area in several articles on historian's.

Next part mug flop they were enslaved by the Egypt empire and again you have a lot of historic. And a lott of biblical evidence to also back that up.
Now according to science humans have been around a long time at least what we would call first real humans go back to the Paleolithic era. Not sure if I spelled that right I am away from home at the time just got my phone .before that we were pretty hairy according to science .you would have to go back to pre history to where we were more ape then man to determine who the land belonged to before humans became tribal and started communal living together.
Now Isreali may have or may not had a choice andestr
In 1947 did Israel own the land? No
How did they get it in 1948?

And originally did the jews own the land? No
They stole it from the Canaanites
now in 1948 they were given the land by the people who controlled it .
Interesting semantics: “control.” Just curious, who “controls” the land upon which your or your family’s house is built on? City, state, USA?
Well well I asked lug flap one time who originally owned his land according to him no one not one Indian tribble owned it.
The entire area where I live was last owned by a rancher the DuDA family before that who knows You cold trace it back to the America Indians, the Spanish and French England and more have laid claim to it .
My point was that in one form or another the jews were already there .. some claim technically lands belong to the people who originally owned the land . but thats not how it works land change borders and nations often in history,. Lug faps claim is not based in facts mine are
many of the Arabs in ww2 from the area not only supported Hitler but fought for him...At one time jews and Iranians got along jews lived in Iran but al of that has changed thanks to their radical religious beliefs which by the way lefties seldom complain about like they do Christians ..
Interesting semantics: “control.” Just curious, who “controls” the land upon which your or your family’s house is built on? City, state, USA?
During how many of the last 4,000 years did the Palestinians own the land they now are trying to take away from Israel?

During how many of the last 4,000 years did Israel own the land in dispute?
Well well I asked lug flap one time who originally owned his land according to him no one not one Indian tribble owned it.
The entire area where I live was last owned by a rancher the DuDA family before that who knows You cold trace it back to the America Indians, the Spanish and French England and more have laid claim to it .
My point was that in one form or another the jews were already there .. some claim technically lands belong to the people who originally owned the land . but thats not how it works land change borders and nations often in history,. Lug faps claim is not based in facts mine are
many of the Arabs in ww2 from the area not only supported Hitler but fought for him...At one time jews and Iranians got along jews lived in Iran but al of that has changed thanks to their radical religious beliefs which by the way lefties seldom complain about like they do Christians ..
Could not answer a simple question. You used “control” instead of “own” and when confronted ran away from your own terminology.