This is the usual problem egotists, and the ignorant, have.
Ahhhh...the classic response of the ignorant yourself a big old logical fallacy in which you can make your inability to provide even a single piece of observed, measured, quantified evidence supporting AGW (even to a minor degree) over natural variability my fault.
If it does not agree with their pointy headed, small minded, opinion then it is either a lie, or the result of manipulation.
I asked for a single shred of observed, measured, quantified evidence supporting AGW (to any degree) over natural date, not a single one of you warmers has managed to achieve that feat. My position is based entirely on the empirical evidence....There is no place for opinion in science....either the evidence supports you or it does not. You, on the other hand depend entirely on opinion as there is no actual observed, measured, quantified evidence upon which to support your position.
So, while I am not convinced that climate change is caused by man, I am convinced that you are a fool thinking he is some kind of psuedo-scientist.
And the wait continues for that single shred of observed, measured, quantified evidence supporting AGW (even to a small degree) over natural variability. It appears that the Great Pumpkin may show up before any actual evidence supporting your position.
Well, we can determine that this isn't science right off the bat as it is produced by the environmental defense fund. Note that this organization used to be all about cleaning up the environment...water, actual pollution, ground, etc. Now it is a mouthpiece for climate change and hasn't done anything real towards actually cleaning up the environment in a very long time. Aside from that, lets look at what they have to say.
1. Simple chemistry – when we burn carbon-based materials, carbon dioxide (CO2) is emitted (research beginning in 1900s)
So what? CO2 is plant food, not a pollutant, nor does it have any effect on the global climate. Unless, of course, you would care to provide a single shred of observed, measured, quantified evidence supporting the claim that it does...if it did alter the global temperature, it would be doing so by an observable, measurable, quantifiable mechanism...and it is the central claim of climate science. One would think that there would be such evidence...where is it?
So the first piece of "evidence" is nothing more than opinion, not supported by fact.
2. Basic accounting of what we burn, and therefore how much CO2 we emit (data collection beginning in 1970s)
This one brings us back to the big assumption that was put forward in the first piece of "evidence". We know that when the ice age that the earth is, at present, still exiting began, the atmospheric CO2 levels were around 1000ppm...more than double the present amount and yet, an ice age began under those conditions. That along calls into question the claimed warming capacity of CO2. So number 2 is just an accessory to the assumption in number one. Do we see a pattern forming here?
3. Measuring CO2 in the atmosphere and trapped in ice to find that it is increasing and that the levels are higher than anything we’ve seen in hundreds of thousands of years (measurements beginning in 1950s)
Yes....the pattern continues. They just keep accessorizing the assumption made in exhibit #1. I suppose they think that if they accessorize it enough, that nasty old requirement for actual evidence that exists in the field of physical sciences will just disappear.
The fact that the CO2 levels are lower than anything for hundreds of thousands...even millions of years is due to the fact that the Earth is in an ice age. Cold water holds more CO2 than warm water...the colder the water, the more CO2 is sequestered. As the water warms, CO2 outgasses. Every ice core ever done has shown us that increasing atospheric CO2 lags behind warming temperatures by anywhere from 100 to 900 years depending on the amount and rate of warming that was happening. Increased CO2 is the result of warming...not the cause.
Further, recent published research has called into question our contribution to atmospheric CO2. It seems that when the subject is looked at closely, there is little correlation between our CO2 output and the actual amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. As I have been saying for decades, we don't even make enough CO2 to overcome the natural variation in the Earth's own CO2 making machinery.
4. Chemical analysis of the atmospheric CO2 that reveals the increase is coming from burning fossil fuels (research beginning in 1950s)
More accessories to the first exhibit...what a surprise. Actually, recent studies have found that those isotopes that climate science has so long touted as a human fingerprint are quite common in the earth's own natural CO2 making machine as well. After all, they are the result of burning natural products. So no, the so called fingerprint of hunan CO2 is not true at all, although I wouldn't expect an outfit like the EDF to be worried about fact...I mean, look at the evidence so far.
5. Basic physics that shows us that CO2 absorbs heat (research beginning in 1820s)
What do you actual observable, measurable, quantifiable piece of evidence....although even in this, they only told a half truth. While CO2 can absorb infrared radiation in a few very narrow frequency bands, it is quite unable to hold on to that radiation. It absorbs and then emits the radiation....if it gets the chance. You see, it takes about 1 second for a CO2 molecule which has absorbed a photon to go from the ground state to an excited state and emit a photon. In the lower atmosphere, the time between molecular collisions by which the CO2 molecule might pass on that absorbed energy is roughly a nanosecond. A billion times shorter than the time it takes to emit the photon. So in the troposphere, roughly one CO2 per billion actually gets to absorb and emit a photon of IR...the rest simply pass on the energy they absorb via the route of molecular collision...This means that within the troposphere, where the radiative greenhouse effect is supposed to be the mechanism for keeping the Earth at a habitable temperature, convection is the dominant form of energy movement by a ratio of about a billion to one. The very idea of a radiative greenhouse effect in an atmosphere so dominated by convection is laughable and pseudoscience on its face.