60+ wildfires in Western US, and 220 in BC Canada. Most being driven by dry conditions, and abnormally high temperatures. But hey, you know more then those who study the climate for a career. In any event, since you seem to be intellectually challenged to have an informed debate, and seem to feel that the only argument you have is man made climate changed, something I have never argued, maybe this will help to end your confused state:
And round and round the circular thinking goes. That would be because you are stuck looking at the short term as if the short term could tell you anything about the climate. If the long term history of the areas showed that they had always been lush and green, and that lush greenness suddenly came to a halt and was replaced with drought, you would at least have a data point to stand on...you don't. the climate history of those areas is long periods with little rain...some lasting hundreds of years. And the aquifers....that is just misuse...not the fault of climate. When you live in an area that normally sees long periods of dry climate, how much do you think you can legitimately pump out of the aquifer and expect it to be naturally replaced?
"As humans put ever more heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere, the Earth heats up. These are the basics of global warming. But where does the heat go? How much extra heat is there? And how accurate are our measurements? These are questions that climate scientists ask. If we can answer these questions, it will better help us prepare for a future with a very different climate. It will also better help us predict what that future climate will be.
The very language of that is laughable..."heat trapping gasses"? Where is this heat that is being trapped? And how does a gas with no ability to absorb IR and hold it "trap" anything? The greenhouse hypothesis and the AGW hypothesis both predict that if you increase the so called "greenhouse gasses" in the atmosphere that the resulting "trapping" of energy will result in a tropospheric hot spot...it isn't happening. A million plus radiosondes confirm that fact. Predictive failure. That is a valid scientific reason to disregard the hypotheses and begin looking for another that can more accurately predict reality.
Then there is what the satellites tell us..here are two graphs, both measuring outgoing long wave radiation over the same part of the world. One taken by the IRIS satellite in 1970 and one taken by the TES satellite in 2006.
Now print those two graphs out and overlay them...the outgoing long wave in the CO2 absorption frequencies measured in 1970 is identical to the measurement taken in 2006. There is considerably more CO2 in the atmosphere in 2006 than there was in 1970 but the amount of measured outgoing long wave in the CO2 emission band is the same. Now, think real hard...what do you think that says about the statement that CO2 and other greenhouse gasses "trap" energy".
Here is a clue. It means that the hypothesis has failed again. In real science, a single predictive failure is adequate reason to dump a hypothesis and start work on a new one. The missing hot spot and the actual measurements above both demonstrate predictive failures and yet, the failed hypothesis persists.
So there is observed, measured, quantified evidence that CO2 is not trapping energy and causing the atmosphere to warm. I have asked you over and over for a single piece of observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports the man made climate change hypothesis over natural variability..to date, you haven't brought even one shred of evidence here to support your belief. If you were a thinking person, that fact might set of a signal in your brian, but it hasn't.
All you seem to be able to do is post the sort of pseudoscience that has been good enough to fool you. Article after article delivering opinion after opinion and not the first piece of observed, measured, quantified evidence in support of the opinions. Ever wonder why? Well, above is some observed, measured, quantified evidence and it shoots your opinion right in the head....the observed, measured, quantified evidence says that your opinion is shit.
The most important measurement of global warming is
in the oceans. In fact, “global warming” is really “ocean warming.”
Why, yes it is....and guess what...infrared radiation can not penetrate the oceans...so the so called back radiation that is what is supposed to be causing global warming can not warm the oceans, it can't penetrate the surface of the ocean more than a tiny fraction of a millimeter....only short wave energy from the sun is able to penetrate the ocean...so if the oceans are warming, then they are being warmed by the sun...not the atmosphere. The oceans warm the atmosphere, not the other way around...and never mind the observed, measured, quantified evidence that says that no energy is being trapped in the atmosphere as evidenced by the same amount of outgoing long wave measured at the top of the atmosphere in 2006 as was measured in 1970.
The fact is, that you have been duped...you have been hoodwinked by pseudoscience...there may be warming, but it is natural variability...nothing more...nothing less.
These difficulties are tackled by oceanographers, and a significant advancement was presented in
a paper just published in the journal Climate Dynamics. That paper, which I was fortunate to be involved with, looked at three different ocean temperature measurements made by three different groups. We found that regardless of whose data was used or where the data was gathered, the oceans are warming."
Still waiting for the first piece of observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports the man made climate change hypothesis over natural variability...Just one piece. The claim that the oceans are warming is just the claim that oceans are warming...a thermometer can satisfy that claim..observed, measured, quantified evidence...the claim that man is causing the oceans to warm requires actual data as well..observed, measured, quantified evidence.
And if you were involved in the study in any real way, then you have gone a long way towards explaining why science has deteriorated so badly over the course of the 20th century and continues to deteriorate in the 21st. No adherence to the scientific method...quasi religious zealots doing science with a predetermined outcome in mind when they write the grant request papers...people to whom assumptions are good enough and don't feel the need to have any stinking data to support their assumptions. Congratulations...you believe in pseudoscience.