conservatives did better
republicans need to figure out that they cant keep watering themself down and be what they used to be IMO
Fabulous! We're getting all this info together, and supplementing each others' info. LOVE it! I like Fro-Dino's list. Good info No O.
So VERY true! The blue-blood Republicans were finally hobbled within the party by the Republican Revolution in '94. Both Reps and Dems like to think of themselves as "big tent" parties.
Conservatism has ALWAYS been the strength and asset of the Republican party. '06 should have given the Republicans in Congress the message, but instead it got written off to other factors. The truth is we're sick and tired of their vascillating and shifting away from their foundational principals.
Here is CNN's list of the House races: Link
we have to stop voting in rino's we just have to
Part of THAT problem is due to the MSM's treatment on this. RINO's are the ones who might get the newspaper endorsements, and the accompanying kinder treatment. But it's like I was saying a year ago: "McCain, don't expect that just because you're getting all the nicey-lovey-dovey treatment now from the media to get it this time next year." The MSM is great in helping engineer the primary process to slant towards moderates & RINO's, and then turns on them in general elections.
And because we keep getting so many of them, it's mostly why I left the Republican party. I'm Conservative and will usually work for the election of the most viable Conservative candidate.
by chance did you pray for unity in the last 8 years? I didnt but I also knew it had no prayer, this is no differnt.
I hope you dont get to discouraged when people dont unify
I beg to differ. Sure there will be the hard Right in constant attack mode... that goes with the territory.
But Bush NEVER enjoyed the HUGE worldwide support and the Democrats brought together massive numbers of not only established Independents, but new youth and minority voters. This is a brand new ball game and I believe President Obama will surprise even those on the Right in the way he's able to run his office... much like he did his campaign.
And besides all this the Bush/Obama comparison has one glaring fatal flaw that jumps right off the page at anyone that's been around and even barely paying attention... George Bush wasn't all that smart.
It'd be best to wait until The Republican Party's Civil-War has run-it's-course.How can we begin to rebuild a unified America from the three distinct groups that emerged during this campaign cycle - the neo-cons, the true conservatives and the moderate-to-liberal left? Discuss. unfortunate that Obama is addressing our Economy, first....and, consulting with The Clinton Admin's economic-advisors.I dont see it happening. We will be as unified under obama as we were under bush unfortunate that Obama is addressing our Economy, first....and, consulting with The Clinton Admin's economic-advisors.
Enjoy your misery.
Yep. Darfur is critical to our unfortunate that Obama is addressing our Economy, first....
Yep. Darfur is critical to our economy.
"Issuing a threat to the Bush administration, House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) said Democrats were prepared to forgo a planned lame-duck congressional session unless President Bush commits to a compromise stimulus bill.
"We still don't have any agreement," Hoyer said. "Clearly there's no point in us doing something if the administration is going to take the position that they're not going to sign something."
Leaving Congress shuttered would close the door on Bush's legislative accomplishments, a particular blow to his free-trade agenda as the long-sought pact with Colombia still awaits House and Senate approval.
"Our view on Colombia is that Colombia deserves to get done on its own merits. As for what Democrats want to get done, they haven't spelled that out," Fratto said later. "We can't get this done by smoke signals. They have to be clear about their intentions."
"Obama responded by suggesting that the United States should ensure such agreements contain adequate human rights and environmental protections, particularly in the case of Colombia where more unionists are killed each year than in the rest of the world. “We have to stand for human rights and we have to make sure that violence isn’t being perpetrated against workers who are just trying to organize for their rights,” Obama declared, suggesting that human rights trump U.S. trade interests.
Not surprisingly, McCain’s position on free trade agreements is consistent with that of President George W. Bush, who again urged Congress to ratify the U.S-Colombia pact the day after the debate. McCain, like the Bush administration and many other Republicans, advocates the expansion of the neoliberal, or “free market,” global economic order that has been established over the past quarter century."
So are you saying that he isn't going to make me pay for darfur for a long time? GOOD.Show me where he addressed Darfur, at his press-conference.