women are not required to carry a baby but men are required to pay for them
I think it would be fair if it were agreed on. If a woman gets pregnant and wants to keep the baby and the man agrees he wants to be the father then they agree and both will pay
if the woman wants an abortion then she wants it and the man should not have to pay for it, if the woman wants to keep the baby and the man does not then he should not have to pay for it.
its absolutly stupid that women have so much damn power over men and men are dumb enough to put up with it.
a woman can get a man drunk have sex with him knowing she is not protected and hoping she gets pregnant because the man is rich and she wants a settlement. That same man has no power over the life of the baby if she wants to flush it down a toilet but if she decides she wants it or there is big money to be had she can ruin this mans life for over 18 years. if it were a two way street and a man could do the same to a woman i would not care but its very one sided and I am just shocked that there are so many people who buy into this.
A man and woman gets married or are dating and have a baby, are together then later break up...well of course the man should pay child support but a women dating a guy on and off nothing serious but there is sex, holds his life in her hands and we all sit back and call that fair, its not. its dumb and should end.