
Non-sequitur pale. On the other hand, you are attempting to demand that an unlawful intruder be permitted to take up residency in someone elses home just in case they forciably break in, against the will of the homeowner! Oh, and in case you missed it, in most States, the use of deadly force IS authorized to prevent just that.

If you are in law enforcement, then you know that an intruder must come from the outside. The unborn, however, has never been anywhere except where it is. If fertilization has taken place, not only is it not an intruder, it is the woman's child.

So you claim that you're right because you claim that you get your information from doctors, yet you attempt to excoriate me for making the same statements? You've just shot yourself in the head. :rolleyes:

Here is a link to a little table that shows who says what about when pregnancy begins. Tabers is back and forth on a regular basis which tends to reduce their credibility to a great degree.


I have expressed no position on stem cell research, whether embryonic, adult, or any other form, which renders your entire statement nothing but a LIE. Are you sure you're not top gun, or maybe you just took lessons from him.

I note that you still haven't either. Interesting, isn't it? You could prove me wrong by simply stating that you support embyronic stem cell research, but you didn't. Instead, you do a little shuck and jive and leave the direct question unanswered.
If the will of the woman is irrelevent, then there is no difference between rape and consensual sex, as the woman's permission is the only difference.

Pregnancy and sex are different things as well. You spend a great deal of time fabricating false analogies.

Claiming my analogy has failed also does not make it so.

No claim. To date, you have not shown any real property is in dispute and welfare depends upon taking real property from one and giving it to another.

One is done by free will and the other by force.

What "force" is the child guilty of?

Where is your legal foundation for the banning of abortion?

I have made no argument for the banning of abortion? I have made an argument for ending abortion on demand. I believe that rather than address each and every one of your remarks, which by the way, are taking on a mewling tone (no fault of your own of course as you are trying to defend an indefensible postion where no possibility of honest argument exists) I will simply cut to the chase if you don't mind.

My legal foundation lies in the 14th were the roe court itself said that roe's silver bullet resides. Any argument in favor of abortion on demand gives one individual life or death power over another. Status of dependence is irrelavent as our inalienable rights are not based on our status of dependencey.

"Section. 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. "

The only just reason any one of us has for killing another human being is self defense and the state can't simply give us the right to go about killing others without due process. Even when we kill in self defense, a hearing, or trial ensues to determine whether we genuinely acted in self defense. None of us has the right to kill on our own say so and let the matter end there.

If each and every child were given thier day in court and just cause shown why thier life should be forfiet, then I would have no problem with abortion. Of course, in a court of law, the whole analogy to welfare would fall apart as soon as the judge asked for evidence of real property being taken by force.

The woman can provide herself the means to continue living, therefore she has an advantage over the child.

So might makes right is the foundation of your argument.

Claiming an argument to be irrational does not make it so. I understand your interest in avoiding the analogy, it challenges basic principles that you flip-flop on once the child is free of the womb.

Till you can show which real property is being taken by force and given to someone else it is not just a claim. Till you can prove your claim, I am not avoiding the analogy, I am dismissing it as irrelevant. You are making the claim, the onus is upon you to prove it.

Forced is not an assumption, it is fact. You're forcing a mother to remain pregnant against her will.

Forcing her body to do what it does naturally. Interesting. What force is applied to her body?

Yet this is precisely what you're argument has eroded into being. You no longer cite any scientific or legal precedents to support your position, you simply decry my position to be superficial, irrational and existing only in sophistry.

I no longer need to cite any scientific or legal precedents. To date, you have not produced science or legal precedent that bring them into question. You have posed an argument based on a false analogy and by now it is clear that you can not produce any science or legal precedent that calls anything that I have said or produced into question. They all still stand unchallenged by anything other than your say so. Precisely the reason all pro choice arguments fail in the end.


Yes, it does. As I have stated but you continue to ignore, the right to live is a right to not be killed, it is not a right to be given that which is necessary to live. Until you can come to terms with this, you will continue to misunderstand my analogy as being superficial.

Are you arguing that abortion is not killing the child?

You continue to be dishonest in recognizing the similarities in your rush to discount the comparison.

I acknowledged the superficial similarities and acknowledged that I could see why you would try the ploy. Had we never lifted the surface and saw that nothing was there, the ploy may have worked. In the end, though, you can provide nothing more than your own opinion in support of your claims that my argument, fully supported by fact and legal precedent, is wrong.

When you purchase food, it is your property. Please explain to me the exact point when in the consumption of that food it ceases to be your property... Is it the magical journey down 7 inches of esophagus?

I don't know. It is your claim that food digested down to its basic building blocks is property and that the state is taking it from the woman and giving it to the child so it is up to you to provide proof and substantiation to support your claim. Good luck.

There you go again... Relying on your assumptions. You assume the unborn child has a right to life but have failed to prove this in any substantial way. But OK, under that assumption I am saying the unborn child would have a right to not be killed, however, it doesn't have a right to continue living off the mother against her will.

I have proved that unborns are human beings and until you can demonstrate in some credible way that only some human beings have a right to live my argument stands uncontested.

As to living off another individual, see depdendent conjoined twins. I make no arguments that I can't provide either scientific proof for or lega precedent.

This is the conflict of rights that I had hoped you would be able to grasp, acknowledge and resolve but your only explanation was:

And as I have stated, repeatedly but you continue to ignore, this same argument is applicable to supporting welfare. At what point does your above statement no longer apply to individuals? Once they have undergone the magical journey through 7 inches of birth canal?

You have stated but have not proven. Welfare involves the state confiscating, by force, real property from one individual and issuing it to another. No such thing is happening in a pregnancy and therefore the analogy fails.

So according to you, none of what the founders wrote on anything else amounts to a hill of beans and only the Declaration and Constitution are to be looked at in discerning their intentions? This would explain why our Republic is being destroyed through erroneous interpretations of the constitution.

The federalist papers have a certain force because of the reason they were written and the purpose they served but even they have no legal force. In a court of law, yes, what they said prior to putting their signature to the declaration and constitution doesn't amount to a hill of beans. They put their signature to certain legal principles and the principles that they legally put their signature to is their public declaration of their position. They said, in effect, "on this day and for hear after, I support this."

Any attempt to interpret what they believed rather than take at face value what they said is the source of the destruction of the republic. I make no attempts to intrepret or divine anything beyond that which they put their signatures to as nothing else is relevant.

I am claiming no such thing. A thing is itself. Its only after it comes into being as a separate living entity (out of the womb with umbilical cord cut) that its rights are recognized.

Exist and recognize are two different things. There is no argument over whether or not the rights of the unborn are being recognized. Clearly, they are not. As you seem to be claiming that they do not exist until the cord is cut, the onus is upon you to prove that they don't exist till the cord is cut.

The statement you just made seems to rely on an assumption that the child is neither separate nor living till such time as the cord is cut. I have never seen any credible science that even begins to suggest that the child is not a separate individual from the time it comes into existence, nor that it is anything other than alive.

I feel the same way about your claims of my assumptions.

My argument is fully supported by scientific fact and legal precedent. I have reviewed our conversation since you took the position of the devil's advocate and to date, no part of your argument is supported by anything beyond your say so. No different than all the other pro choice arguments.

Still you. My point was that if the Supreme Court had held that the Declaration had the force of law, and its words could give rise to legal rights independent of the Constitution, in which case Abortion would have had a very short existence and would have been long since settled.

Like slavery?

The supreme court made an assumption that unborns were something other than human beings in order to reach their decision on roe. To admit that they were human beings was to admit that they were persons and to admit that they were persons was to admit that they had a right to live that was specifically protected by the 14th amendment and to admit that was to take abortion on demand off the table.

Their decsion wasn't based on basic human rights or to whom they applied, their decision was based on the premise that only human beings have human rights and unborns are something other than human beings. The roe decision acknowledged a woman's right to terminate a "potential human life". It did not even address unborn human beings.
The 14th amendment clearly states:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. "

The equal protection clause that the Pro-Life movement makes reference to only applies to individuals who have made the magical journey through the 7 inches of birth canal and not the unborn.

Now that is truely disappointing. I would have thought that you, if anyone, would have a grasp of not only, what the constitution says, but what it means. That last argument brought all of my opinions of you into question. Allow me to explain section 1 of the 14th amendment to you.

Amendment 14 - Citizenship Rights

1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

You may or may not have noticed that the amendment is written in two sentences. There is a reason for that.

At the time the amendment was added, states were in charge of citizenship, not the federal government and as such, people were first and foremost, a citizen of their particular state and secondly a citizen of the US. There were several states that were denying their citizens basic human rights on this basis. The first sentence in (dark red) establishes that we are first and foremost citizens of the US and secondarily citizens of our state and since we are primarily citizens of the US, our rights are protected by the constitution. that is, no state can write law that denies a constitutional right.

Clearly the first sentence (written in dark red) states that only persons born or naturalized are citizens but one doesn't have to be a citizen in order to enjoy the protections of the 14th amendment as I will explain.

The second sentence is written in three clauses. There is a reason for this.The first clause (written in blue) is to enhance and punctuate the first sentence. It states clearly that no state law can override the rights protected by the constitution.

Did you notice that the clauses are separated with semicolons instead of commas? Do you recognize the signifigance of semicolons vs commas in legal writings. I didn't when I began my education so maybe I better explain that to you as well since most people haven't seriously considered the language or punctuation used in the Constitution. One must understand the punctuation used in order to grasp what the writers are saying. A semicolon used to indicate a major division in a sentence where a more distinct separation is felt between clauses or items on a list than is indicated by a comma, as between the two clauses of a compound sentence.

The second clause (written in red) states that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. This clause states that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, property without due process, not "no citizen". The first clause points out and states that citizens have certain privledges and immunities attatched to their citizenship where as the second states that NO PERSON shall be deprived of life liberty or property.

This theory was first tested in the case of Yick Wo v Hopkins in 1876. The court clearly stated that "The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution is not confined to the protection of citizens."

There are numerous cases after this one that affirmed this fact. If you need to see them, I can look some of them up for you.

Finally, the third clause (written in purple). "nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws". This is known as the EQUAL PROTECTION CLAUSE. It is why you can't kill, rape, beat, or steal from non citizens. Stated simply, one doesn't have to be a citizen of the US for one's right to live to be protected in the US or be born in the US in order to be considered a person under the constitution.

If you have any objection to the explanation of the 14th amendment I have given, lets hash it out right now so that we don't have to cover this ground again. I would ask that you provide case law that supports any claim of inaccuracy that you make with regard to my explanation.
That last argument brought all of my opinions of you into question.
If I cared about what others thought about me, I'd ride the fence, never taking a definitive position, and use the "if by whiskey" fallacy in all my posts.

Our exchange in this thread has been edifying for me as I've never argued for abortion on demand and abortion in general has always been my least favorite topic of discussion. I chose to argue in support of something that I had never argued in support of, ever, and I'm certainly at a massive disadvantage where preparedness is concerned. As a No0b, I am bound to make mistakes, the important thing is that I learn from them rather than ignore them, or pretend I was correct.

I have been arguing for abortion on demand for less than a week at this point, whereas you have been arguing against it for... a decade or more? You have a whole bag of tricks to rely on, bookmarks, scientific definitions, legal precedents etc. Without the requisite knowledge and material, I'm left with very little to work with and must rely on my strong suits to carry me through an ad lib argument.

What's really sad is that people who have held the abortion on demand position all their lives have no defense of their position beyond emotion appeals. Unless they can mount an intellectual argument in support of abortion, the "pro-lifers" will win the war.

I understand now why they think you're a monster. You use clever rhetoric, with some specific facts and definitions, and appeals to authority in order to pigeon hole them into a paper bag where they find themselves impotent and unable to fight their way out.

Do you recognize the signifigance of semicolons vs commas in legal writings.
No, I did not. I appreciate you explaining that.

If you have any objection to the explanation of the 14th amendment I have given, lets hash it out right now so that we don't have to cover this ground again.
I will accept your explanation as offered. I must admit that the 14th is not an amendment that I have looked at too often as I had always thought the 14th was a bit redundant, being so similar to the 5th.

I don't mind learning something new but due to your level of condescension during our exchange, I can see why others consider you to be such an arrogant and petulant individual. You certainly don't want them to learn anything, you just want them to shut up or become so frustrated they attack you with personal insults. Either way you "win".
If you are in law enforcement, then you know that an intruder must come from the outside. The unborn, however, has never been anywhere except where it is. If fertilization has taken place, not only is it not an intruder, it is the woman's child.

The "intruder" DID come in from the outside, the "intruder" was the RAPIST, and he possibly left ANOTHER "intruder" when he left. Under our system of justice if the "damage" can be undone it is, period, END OF DISCUSSION! Again, if someone breaks into your house, and takes up residency, do you NOT have the right to expel them using whatever means are necessary, including LETHAL FORCE? Of course that entire line of thinking is MOOT since it takes more time for her to actually become impregnated than it does for her to be transported to the hospital and to be treated.

Here is a link to a little table that shows who says what about when pregnancy begins. Tabers is back and forth on a regular basis which tends to reduce their credibility to a great degree.


Oh, so being HONEST enough to verify that nobody knows for certain reduces their credibility? ARE YOU DRUNK, STONED, OR JUST PLAIN STUPID??

I note that you still haven't either. Interesting, isn't it? You could prove me wrong by simply stating that you support embyronic stem cell research, but you didn't. Instead, you do a little shuck and jive and leave the direct question unanswered.

Listen up you disingenuous POS, you blatantly refused to address my point directly, instead going off on some wild tangent and refusing to accept the fact that fertilization takes betwen HOURS and DAYS to happen, which is well outside the parameters for getting a rape victim to the hospital and providing her with the appropriate medical attention that she needs. You then proceeded to try to shoehorn the extremely rare "30 minute" argument, as if it were the norm rather than the exception in order to somehow justify your totally barbaric idea that a rape victim should be FORCED to become impregnated by her attacker based on the 1 in a MILLION chance that her egg may have been fertilized by her attacker, and worse yet throwing in the canard about "the child paying for the sins of the father". And now you have the temerity to feign indignation because I'm not the slightest bit interested in going off on another wild tangent about stem cell research?

you are trying to defend an indefensible postion where no possibility of honest argument exists
This is what's known as Poisoning the well: a logical fallacy where adverse information about a target is pre-emptively presented to an audience, with the intention of discrediting or ridiculing everything that the target person is about to say.

Pregnancy and sex are different things
This is a strawman. Rather than leaving it at that, I will explain why its a strawman because Pale has used these strawmen against every analogy I've used.

First, let me explain what a strawman is: A straw man argument is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position. To "attack a straw man" is to create the illusion of having refuted a proposition by substituting a superficially similar proposition (the "straw man"), and refuting it, without ever having actually refuted the original position.

Sample analogy: P is similar to Q by way of X.

X is the correlative, it is the correlative property between the two objects and the basis of the comparison between P and Q.

The unstated premise in the comparison is: P does not equal Q. (If P = Q, then it cannot be an analogy)

Example: Dogs (P) are similar to Cats (Q) in that both are domesticated animals (X).

Pale denies the correlative and states my unstated premise in order to dismiss the analogy: Dogs (P) and Cats (Q) are different things.

By denying the correlative (X), Pale creates a strawman argument whereby he then claims the analogy is a false one:

Incorrectly classifying an analogy false: Very often people try to refute a correct analogy as a false analogy, often saying "Well, but that's different because", and refer to an existing property that the two things in the analogy indeed do not share. In cases like this, such a refutation is merely a "false charge of fallacy". But as analogies are comparing two different things there are always some properties that A and B do not share, so it is tempting to pull up one such difference to try to disqualify the analogy. For the purposes of the analogy, however, it is important to check if that difference is relevant for the analogy or not.

Had Pale claimed I was comparing apples to oranges, I could point out that there are similarities between the two (such as both being round, fruit, grows on trees etc.) and establishing an analogy based on the similarities makes the analogy a valid one. Denying the similarities, to claim the analogy is a false one, would be fallacious.

... welfare depends upon taking real property from one and giving it to another.
Another strawman by way of denying the correlative. The correlative in my analogy between Welfare and forced (through law) pregnancy dealt with the operational principle of one person being forced (through law) to provide for another.

Welfare is government forcing (through law) one person to provide for another. The means by which that is carried out (real property being taken from one by a middle man and given to another) is not relevant to my correlative comparison.

If this is not an acceptable definition of welfare, then someone please tell me what the word would be to describe: Government forcing (through law) one person to provide for another. If there is a word with that as its definition, I will gladly substitute that new word for welfare in my analogy.

What "force" is the child guilty of?
Strawman: It was never my contention that the child was guilty of force. I was stating that there exists a difference between remaining pregnant by the woman's consent and her remaining pregnant by rule of law (force).

What is the difference between Rape (force) and Consensual sex? The consent of the woman.

What is the difference between consensual pregnancy and a forced (through law) pregnancy? The consent of the woman.

The point I was making is that either a woman's consent matters or it does not.

So the question is: Does it matter if a woman does not want to remain pregnant?

I have made no argument for the banning of abortion?
Pale stated earlier that recognition of an unborn child as a person would necessarily mean that abortion would legally be considered murder and those involved would be prosecuted as such.

Forcing her body to do what it does naturally. Interesting. What force is applied to her body?
If a woman does not consent to being pregnant, and is barred by law from terminating the pregnancy, then she is forced (by law) to continue the pregnancy.

If there is some term, other than force, to describe someone being compelled to take an action, or abstain from an action, without that persons consent, and indeed against that persons will, then please provide me with the term and I'll use it.

Are you arguing that abortion is not killing the child?
Does the right to life extend to a "right" to be provided with everything necessary to continue living, or could a pregnant woman have an operation to sever the umbilical cord?

The child would not be killed or even physically harmed in the procedure, he would only be left to provide for himself or die as a result of his inability to provide for himself.

In a court of law, yes, what they said prior to putting their signature to the declaration and constitution doesn't amount to a hill of beans. They put their signature to certain legal principles and the principles that they legally put their signature to is their public declaration of their position. They said, in effect, "on this day and for hear after, I support this."
I didn't realize that Pale agreed with Top Gun that our founders were all slavery supporting racists.... They did sign the Constitution, which protected slavery.

Any attempt to interpret what they believed rather than take at face value what they said is the source of the destruction of the republic.
Hopefully Pale will agree to disagree on this... I cannot accept that our founders political compromises, necessary to the founding of the nation, denotes a universal support of slavery.
I don't mind learning something new but due to your level of condescension during our exchange, I can see why others consider you to be such an arrogant and petulant individual. You certainly don't want them to learn anything, you just want them to shut up or become so frustrated they attack you with personal insults. Either way you "win".

What I want, as if that made any difference at all, is for people to take just a few minutes (and that is all it takes in the 21st century) to grab on to a few facts and at least have a grasp of the basics before they begin to argue a topic.

Prior to that statement regarding being born I would have bet a pocketfull of the currency of the realm that you were as familiar with the constitution as I am and had an equal grasp of what was being said and what the words mean. Sorry if my disappointment offended you.
The "intruder" DID come in from the outside, the "intruder" was the RAPIST, and he possibly left ANOTHER "intruder" when he left.

Sorry guy, but the child has never been anywhere other than where it is. Sperm, is not a human being.

Under our system of justice if the "damage" can be undone it is, period, END OF DISCUSSION!

Killing a child does not undo rape, it only kills a child.

Of course that entire line of thinking is MOOT since it takes more time for her to actually become impregnated than it does for her to be transported to the hospital and to be treated.

More logical fallacy. This time it is in the form of begging the question. Since sperm can reach the egg in 30 minutes, even if the woman took the pill immediately after the rape the possibility exists that she could be pregnant before the pill even breaks down in her stomach, much less begins making the hormonal changes in her body necessary to prevent implantation.

Listen up you disingenuous POS, you blatantly refused to address my point directly, instead going off on some wild tangent and refusing to accept the fact that fertilization takes betwen HOURS and DAYS to happen, which is well outside the parameters for getting a rape victim to the hospital and providing her with the appropriate medical attention that she needs.

Sorry, but I didn't. I pointed out, and provided credible evidence for the fact that sperm could very well reach the egg before she could even be taken to the hospital.

You then proceeded to try to shoehorn the extremely rare "30 minute" argument, as if it were the norm rather than the exception in order to somehow justify your totally barbaric idea that a rape victim should be FORCED to become impregnated by her attacker based on the 1 in a MILLION chance that her egg may have been fertilized by her attacker, and worse yet throwing in the canard about "the child paying for the sins of the father". And now you have the temerity to feign indignation because I'm not the slightest bit interested in going off on another wild tangent about stem cell research?

Very rare? I didn't see any evidence presented that suggested that any time frame is "very rare", nor did I see any such suggestion while I was getting links for you. In fact, I ddn't see any "average time" at all. I did get the impression from the documentation that I saw that the "days before fertilization" suggestion was out there as sperm have a limited amount of energy resources and fertilization is a highly energetic process. Sperm may live for up to 72 hours but their effective time is measured on a relatively steep decending curve.


When arguments fail, and facts don't support you, turn to impotent name calling.
This is what's known as Poisoning the well: a logical fallacy where adverse information about a target is pre-emptively presented to an audience, with the intention of discrediting or ridiculing everything that the target person is about to say.

Then present an honest argument. If you do, it wll be the first one I have ever heard. It isn't as if every argument in support of abortion had not already been tried by everyone at least a hundred times. Some pretty good scientific and legal minds work endlessly dissiminating arguments for the pro choice side of this argument and to date, none of them that I have seen or heard are honest.

This is a strawman. Rather than leaving it at that, I will explain why its a strawman because Pale has used these strawmen against every analogy I've used.

First, let me explain what a strawman is:

I understand perfectly what a strawman is and is not. The bedrock fact of welfare is that force is used to take real property from one individual and that real property is given to another. Superficial similarities do not make an analogy when deep differences exist.

In your dog/cat for example. The bedrock fact is that dogs and cats are domesticated animals. I am not sure what argument might be analogized by such a bedrock fact but there it is. I don't beleive you could analogize the hunting styles of dogs and cats by analogizing that they are both domesticated animals nor do I believe you could analogize that dogs and cats are foundationally similar (domesticated animals) by analogizing that they each have fur (a superficial characteristic)

Had Pale claimed I was comparing apples to oranges, I could point out that there are similarities between the two (such as both being round, fruit, grows on trees etc.) and establishing an analogy based on the similarities makes the analogy a valid one. Denying the similarities, to claim the analogy is a false one, would be fallacious.

Again, superficial similarities do not an analogy make. I didn't say apples to oranges for a reason.

Does the right to life extend to a "right" to be provided with everything necessary to continue living, or could a pregnant woman have an operation to sever the umbilical cord?

The child would not be killed or even physically harmed in the procedure, he would only be left to provide for himself or die as a result of his inability to provide for himself.

Check the law regarding trespassers. I suppose that is the analogy you are trying to draw this time in simply cutting the cord. If you kill a trespasser or cause his death in ejecting him from your property when he didn't, in fact, represent an imminent threat to you, again, you are guilty of murder. His right to live outweighs your right to have him off your property.

The reason all of your analogies are going to fail is that simply killing someone who does not represent an imminent threat to your life is not a right that we posess. The law and the courts exist to settle clashes of rights between individuals. You may not simply kill someone whom you do not wish to support and call it finished. You may sue them, you may press charges against them. You may take all manner of legal action against them, but you may not kill them. A judge must consider the case and take appropriate action.

As I said, if each child were given his or her day in court and just cause shown why their life should be forfiet, my objections to abortion would be answered. It isn't that unborns simply can't be killed, it is one individual having absolute power of life or death over another who doesn't represent an imminent threat to their life.

I didn't realize that Pale agreed with Top Gun that our founders were all slavery supporting racists.... They did sign the Constitution, which protected slavery.

Actually, it didn't. A miscarriage of justice protected slavery just as a miscarriage of justice protects abortion.

Hopefully Pale will agree to disagree on this... I cannot accept that our founders political compromises, necessary to the founding of the nation, denotes a universal support of slavery.

Which part of the constititon (if applied strictly) do you believe protected slavery?
I understand now why they think you're a monster. You use clever rhetoric, with some specific facts and definitions, and appeals to authority in order to pigeon hole them into a paper bag where they find themselves impotent and unable to fight their way out.

Today approximately 3,700 children will be killed in this country without judicial review, and without legal consequence and 3,698 of them will be killed for reasons that amount to no more than convenience.

Pardon me if I am pitiless in pointing out the lies, misrepresentations, and flawed reasoning that people spew in an effort to justify those 3,700 deaths every single day. If that makes me a monster and those whose delicate feelings I step on poor victims, then I can live with that.

By the way, it isn't an appeal to authority if the one being appealed to is actually an expert on the subject being discussed.
Check the law regarding trespassers.

If cutting the unborn child off of his (insert term for: The state forcing through law, one individual to provide for another individual) is tantamount to murder, then you are making the case his right to life extends to a right to be provided with the necessities of life, provided them by another individual through the power of the state, and this far exceeds his right to not be killed.

I don't know why I bother looking to you for explanations on this stuff, its not like you're going to suddenly say, "Oh, now I understand what you're saying and it is a legitimate question, I can understand why this would concern you but 'X' is my reasoning behind not feeling concerned over this issue."
If cutting the unborn child off of his (insert term for: The state forcing through law, one individual to provide for another individual) is tantamount to murder, then you are making the case his right to life extends to a right to be provided with the necessities of life, provided them by another individual through the power of the state, and this far exceeds his right to not be killed.

The right to property does not trump the property to live. If that means that there is some wiggle room within the constition for welfare, then so be it. The right to property is meaningless unless the right to live and the right to be free are first secured.

I don't know why I bother looking to you for explanations on this stuff, its not like you're going to suddenly say, "Oh, now I understand what you're saying and it is a legitimate question, I can understand why this would concern you but 'X' is my reasoning behind not feeling concerned over this issue."

I understand perfectly what you are saying. The problem is that any argument in support of abortion gives one individual absolute power of life and death over another and that power, the power to deny a right as fundamental as the right to live rests with the government and even then, not entirely with the government as a jury of citizens must agree unanimously that the denial of the right to live is fitting.

Further, your particular argument suggests that the right to property outweighs the right to live. What, exactly would your right to property be worth, or your right to freedom be worth if your right to live isn't first secured? The argument that one person has the right to kill in order to keep a few hundred, or even a few hundred thousand calories to themselves is specious on its face. If charges are filed and in a court of law a judge and jury determine that those calories are just cause to kill a human being, that is one thing (although I doubt that it would ever happen) but to give one individual the power of life or death over another flies directly in the face of not only the ideals that founded this country, but the documents that established it. You are giving one individual the power of a monarch over another and no part of the constitution could be construed to support such an argument.
If cutting the unborn child off of his (insert term for: The state forcing through law, one individual to provide for another individual) is tantamount to murder, then you are making the case his right to life extends to a right to be provided with the necessities of life, provided them by another individual through the power of the state, and this far exceeds his right to not be killed.

Here is an analogy for you. You find yourself in the hold of a ship at sea or an airplane in flight. Or any situation you care to name where simply putting you overboard will result in your death. You have no idea how you got there and in truth, you don't even know where here is. Eventually you are found and brought before the captain. No matter what you may have heard or read about maritime law, or captain's legal options, the captain can not simply toss you overboard and neither can he starve you to death if he will not be making port anytime soon.

You have a right to live and it trumps any right that he may lay claim to because he bought the food on board. When they do make port, perhaps he can turn you over to the authorities, and perhaps he can sue you for monetary damages for the food that you ate while you were aboard the ship, or fuel charges for the airplane, but he didn't have the option of simply saying no to you if it will result in your death as he would become a murderer by any set of laws you care to bring up.