Well-Known Member
If you believe abortion is a crime who do believe is the victim?
As you say palerider a foetus is as human as an actual person.
But also as human as a corpse.
Why has a few brainless cells the right to life?
You are arguments are that confused.
If you believe abortion is a crime who do believe is the victim?
You see , there you go again.
You are calling a foetus a child.
Do you call a child an adult when you need to get all emotive in argument?
This represents the desperation of the 'pro-lifers'
It is hysterical use of language.
I couldn't care less what is written there.
A fotues is not a child.
I believe a woman has the right to make the devastating decision whether to have an abortion up to 3 months of pregnancy. At 3 months the baby inside you has a developed nervous system. It can feel, past that they can hear your voice, and dream! It should be a crime after that point to have an abortion! 3 months is plenty of time to make a decision. Let's say the woman doesn't find out until after 3 months, I've heard plenty of stories of woman not even knowing they were pregnant until birth! There is always adoption! There are plenty of couples who can't have a baby of their own and dream of taking in that baby. We should better educate our children on safe sex by showing them what being a parent really is. The reality show "the baby borrowers" did just that! Really the only way I believe an abortion after 3 months is ok, is if the mother's life is in jeopardy, both may not even make it through birth.
I thought the second trimester was a reasonable guideline, Roe Versus Wade. However, with severe birth defects or the threat to a mother's life / future health, I would extend that. I always place the interest of the mother's already existing life ahead of the infant's yet-to-be potential life.
I am certainly no expert on birth defects, but some are pretty terrible, such as a baby without a head, and similar problems.
Yes, you can adopt babies with Down's Syndrome, but I wonder what happens to that child when you or the adoptive parents become old and die. Can children with Down's Syndrome ever become fully self-supporting? Without you around to support them, who will? Again, I am no expert on the subject.
Nor am I an expert on the partial birth abortion you describe. I assume the doctor usually does what is best for all, lacking specific knowledge of each individual case.