... All that BS about the way the documents were written! All that colon/semicolon, which word could be interpreted in what sentence BS. All that how the unborn child had to be covered and no way was it able to be legally established that the the unborn wasn't covered! Don't remember saying any of that?
I said that they cover everyone, not just the unborn and not just the born.
Justice Blackmun noted that there was no consensus in law when life (i.e. human personhood) begins.
He cited a number of references to "person" in the U.S. Constitution. But he found that: "...in nearly all these instances, the use of the word is such that it has application only postnatally. None indicates, with any assurance, that it has any possible pre-natal application."
He concluded: "In short, the unborn have never been recognized in the law as persons in the whole sense." [/COLOR]
And that was in 1972. At that time, there were no people sitting in prison having been charged for murder and manslaughter for killing an unborn child. At that time, there was no precedent. 35 years and a whole lot of precedent have passed under the bridge since then.
I'd say a direct finding from a Supreme Court Justice qualifies as "legally established and documented". What part of Justice Blackmun's very pointed explaination are you not getting? NOT COVERED!
You are in denial top gun. Blackmun said:
"If the suggestion of personhood is established, the case, of course, collapses, for the fetus’ right to life is then guaranteed specifically by the 14th Amendment.”
In the time since Roe, the suggestion of personhood has been established and a bucket full of precedent has established. You can not be charged and sentenced for manslaughter or murder unless you kill a person. The people who are in jail right now, having been charged, tried and sentenced for killing unborns are there because they killed persons.
Read it! I've posted most of it!
There is a fundamental difference between cut and paste and reading for comprehension.
In a later case that challenged Roe, justice Oconnor noted that Roe was on a collision course with itself as it depended upon medical technology at any particular time it was challenged
That's the whole point![/B] The time of personhood is established at when the fetus is viable. Hence the current allowance for abortion up to that point.
You clearly aren't paying attention. You CAN NOT be charged for murder or manslaughter unless you KILL A PERSON. People are in prison today for killing unborns having been sentenced for both murder and manslaugher. Precedent has been established. Your argument has failed top gun and the best you can do is parrot the decision. You have been completely unable to defend it.
That's just another anti-choice Gestapo apples to oranges argument. You have both. A woman has the right not to be forced to carry a child to term against her will for the plethora of reasons we've discussed. However if another person kills the mother & the fetus or even just the fetus there is allowance to bring charges because the woman was trying to have a child and some other person ended that against her will.
All rights are secondary to the right to live. And the fact remains that you can not be charged for murder or manslaugher unless you have killed a person. Many on the pro choice side went to the mat for law to be written that would punish people who killed an unborn child. They didn't think their actions through. Whether they like it or not, whether you like it or not, precedent has been established for the personhood of the unborn and justice Blackmun, way back in 1972 saw the handwriting on the wall when he said that if personhood is established, Roe falls. Well welcome to the 21'st century where personhood has been firmly established.
Forget about me... The United States Supreme Court is uneducated??? You are truly a desparate man. And saying all this new evidence has come up is poppy cock and you know it. At the time of the decision everyone knew "whatever you want to call it" was living and the outcome of not having an abortion would be delivering a child. I'll post yet again...
That was 1972. A whole lot has changed since then. You may live in a time warp where nothing new is ever learned (a distinct possibility) but the world has moved on.
And yes, people knew that unborns were alive, but a case could be made that they were not human beings. The Roe decision, however, was based on the argument that unborns were not human beings and therefore not persons. If you can argue that unborns aren't human beings, then do it.
I think we've both vented our opinions and I remain very supportive of The United States Supreme Court decision. Women truly need this option. I'll check back on you from time to time to see if Roe has been overturned. It's like I said though... seriously you're just setting yourself up for major disappointment.
Yes, you have vented opinion and completely failed to defend the decision in any way. You have merely parrotted it as if that represented any sort of defense. I have put forward an argument that you have completely failed to argue against beyond parroting the obvious which is no argument at all.
I really didn't expect much more from you though, so you didn't dissappoint.