Sorry, can sugar coat your asinine posts about defaming/slandering the good Dr. Tiller all you wish too...but it doesn't nor will it ever change the FACT that you have called him some seriously heinous names and accused him of being a murderer and continue to slander him more by saying that his practice is/was illegal.
You don't understand my friend. This is what they do on the Lunatic Religious Right.
They make some quick public statement denouncing violence only after some doctor or nurse or clinic worker or patient IS KILLED!

And then as soon as that wind leaves their mouth they start all over vilifying the VICTIM doctor or nurse or clinic worker or patient in their purposeful attempt to stir up and set off the next nutbag in their group.
They are crimminals and murders... they ARE domestic terrorists. They kill people who are in their legal practice of their work... or maybe people just walking by the wrong building at the wrong time... doesn't matter to them.