Well-Known Member
I think you are overchickening it somewhat
When you are ignoring the basics of logic you are dripping wet with dogma.I have made no dogmatic claims. I have supported my argument with credible materials. When might we be seeing some credible material in support of your arguments?
What is amazing is that your logic is full of the faults you are trying to accuse me of. Sorry, it just doesn't work.Nothing huh? Fighting with the dictionary now? Good luck with that.
No. You are the one doing that. That is what makes your arguments so foolish. You called dead zygotes human. Then you quote the constitution with person = human, and then you come up with the foolish notion that the constitution protects dead humans. That argument is absolutely foolhardy.Are you trying to equate frozen embryos to unborns who are alive and growiing?
I made my argument loud and clear. I can't help it if you are so opinionated that you have blinders on.Sorry, I have asked for you to bring forward an example of me playing with definitions and none has been forthcoming. One must logically assume that you just made it up.
It's working fine for me. Here is a little experiment for you.Still fighting with the dictionary huh? How is that working out for you?
What is so amazing about that statement is that you are the one doing all the emotional hand-wringing about Roe vs. Wade. You are obsessed and driven by that, that you try miserably to prove something by pseudo-logic and completely fail. And yet you call me dogmatic. What an absolute irony.Let me know when you can support your argument with something other than your uneducated, unsubstantiated, uncorroborated opinion. Till then, simply admit that your position is the result of your own emotional handwringing.
Well now, you are backpedaling to your original statements without proof. It seems that you are no longer trying to protect the proof of your own logic which you have not proved anyway. You kept hammering on proof, but now you abandon it just to go back to your original dogmatic stance.lagboltz, I will reiterate.
1. Unborns at any stage of development are human beings.
2. Human beings have a right to live.
3. All rights are secondary to the right to live so long as one is not an imminent threat to another's life.
I didn't merely put dents in your arguments, I showed you where all your holes are. You put them in. You shot yourself in the foot.Now by all means, do try to put a dent in any part of that argument.
I not only offered the evidence, I showed where you destroyed your own arguments by giving the same definition of human to what you yourself called dead zygotes. Remarkably inanity. Dawkins raised another point. Since you define humans by their DNA, dead humans are just brimming with DNA. Should zygotes in a freezer and dead humans in a cemetery have freedom of speech? the right to bear arms? Since you have so much trouble with multiple definitions, I should tell you that when I say "bear arms" I mean weapons, not appendages that have five fingers.So far, you have not. You have attempted to drag the conversation in 20 dfferent directions, but to date, you have yet to offer up even a shred of evidence that contradicts any part of my argument.
It looks like you are saying they are not on the same level. You called them both humans in your first statement. Now you are implying that one form of human has some distinction from the other? That was exactly your argument against sentience, and now your own argument comes back to haunt you. Your argument is full of holes, not just dents.Are you trying to equate frozen embryos to unborns who are alive and growiing?
Well now, you are backpedaling to your original statements without proof. It seems that you are no longer trying to protect the proof of your own logic which you have not proved anyway. You kept hammering on proof, but now you abandon it just to go back to your original dogmatic stance.
palerider;83119]As I said, I can't explain why it has taken so long for the legal eagles to see the key to overturning roe. It has been there since day one.
Thank you. I take that as a confession that you can't answer or refute the arguments that I gave.The rest of your post is nothing more than so much pap and deserves no answer at all.
You gave your three "points" again, but your "proof" of those points was inane idiocy full of contradictions.If you believe you can refute any one of the three points my argument is based on, by all means do it. Rather than create fantasys where you defeat the argument, actually defeat the argument. If you can, now is the time.
Now your fall-back position simply reverts to pulling back from your "proof" and posting your original dogma again, and calling counter-arguments blatant lies and fantasy, etc. It is very clear to me that you understand that you can't refute my arguments, but I certainly don't expect you to admit it in this forum. It would be to your benefit to just go away to prevent further embarrassing your position.By the way, I grow weary of your blatant lie that I have somehow switched definitions. I asked you repeatedly to bring forward an example as evidence and by now, it is obvious that you can't. Either show where I switched definiitions or admit that you are a bald faced liar.
By the way, your claim that you offered any evidence at all is also a bald faced lie. What you have offered is your uneducated, unsupported, uncorroborated opinion. Nothing more.
Thank you. I take that as a confession that you can't answer or refute the arguments that I gave.
You called a frozen zygote both dead and human and therefore protected by the constitution. You never refuted that. Never.
You gave your three "points" again, but your "proof" of those points was inane idiocy full of contradictions.
]Now your fall-back position simply reverts to pulling back from your "proof" and posting your original dogma again, and calling counter-arguments blatant lies and fantasy, etc. It is very clear to me that you understand that you can't refute my arguments, but I certainly don't expect you to admit it in this forum. It would be to your benefit to just go away to prevent further embarrassing your position.
]Now it's your turn to explain how you can call a frozen zygote dead, but human, and expect that Black's dictionary shows that dead human zygotes have the same definition as a person in the constitution. Quit avoiding that question. Now if you want to go ahead and call that a blatant lie, I will go back and re-post your statement, and show just who the blatant liar is.
Well I'll be glad to tell you some of the reasons.
First it's a very, VERY thin slice of people general population wise that believe that a conception should have full personhood. They just see a clear difference between that super early stage of a couple of cells and even a fetus let alone a child.
So in this way your position defeats itself from a practical standpoint. If abortion would ever be made illegal than to be consistent all birth control methods that contaminate the womb and do not allow a fertilized egg (call it what you want) to implant hence aborting it would have to be made illegal. That's a complete nonstarter here in America my friend.
Then regardless of the reasons used in the Roe decision if the High Court would ever take the matter back up not only are they fighting their own precedent but also many different arguments could come into play from a Constitutional standpoint. What did the framers mean according to what they knew and believed at the time. The rule is what THEY knew and meant THEN not what we may or may not know now.
The Constitution in dealing with other rights clearly says... "All people born" as the standard. Add to that at the time of the Constitution that was the common belief... life started at birth. In fact even today in the Jewish faith their belief is life starts at "crowning" during child birth. /quote]
By the time the founders established this country the essentials of developmental biology were well known. Check your medical history. The founders knew that pregnant women were carrying human beings inside their bodies and there were some among the founders who were scientists. They had sufficient knowledge to have written all men are "born" equal rather than all men are "created" equal if that were their intention.
But this is the real thing I don't understand from rabid Anti-Choice people. Do you not understand that all it would take is a simple majority vote of the people and the Constitution is amended with an absolute right to allow the current conditions under Roe... or even more?
Again, logical fallacy. Appeal to popularity does not alter the facts.
And to answer your South Dakota ruling question. Those rulings are fully capable of being overturned. These are LOWER court rulings. If they aren't overturned at some lower level The Supreme Court can act without even opening Roe back up. They can easily just say it violates their previous ruling.
Of course, but they are not being overturned because there are no grounds. The evidence is such that it is indisputable. Even the 9th circus isn't touching them.
You're endeavoring into a big waste of your time and energy my friend, that could be much better spent helping all the children that are unwanted & born and in desperate need of both financial support and homes.
Yeah, I am sure that slavers said the same after Dred Scott.
I want to know why nobody is campaigning for a corpse's right to life.[/qute]
Because there really aren't that many abject idiots out there and those that are, thankfully, aren't taken seriously enough for any of their crackpot ideas to be pursued. But by all means, do give it a shot if you like.
palerider;83367]This should be good. My bet is that it will be a list of logical fallacies, misrepresentations, lies and abject ignorance.
Here we go. Logical fallacy right off the bat. What people believe is irrelavent to the facts. If everyone believed that the earth was flat, it wouldn't matter a whit. The earth would go right on being round. The fact that there is a great deal of ignorance out there does not change the fact that unborns are in fact, living human beings.
Again, completely irrelavent to the fact that unborns are living human beings.
The court's own precedent has lost, and been overturned over 200 times. Earlier courts are not infallable. As to the Constitution, we have been through this already and it was clear that you neither knew what the Constitution said, nor understood what the words mean. The only reference to born deals with citizenship and one's right to live is not dependent on citizenship.
By the time the founders established this country the essentials of developmental biology were well known. Check your medical history. The founders knew that pregnant women were carrying human beings inside their bodies and there were some among the founders who were scientists. They had sufficient knowledge to have written all men are "born" equal rather than all men are "created" equal if that were their intention.
Of course, but they are not being overturned because there are no grounds. The evidence is such that it is indisputable. Even the 9th circus isn't touching them.
Up to bat... STRIKE ONE...you're out!Wrong... we live in a land of laws and those laws are decided by the people who then live under those laws. There are many things that are objected to by various groups, even largely objected to. But in America the majority gets to choose what laws they want and how they want to enforce those laws. They can do this through elections of their representatives and/or through Constitutional Amendments which of course has been done the past.
I understand this is objectionable to the dictatorship known as the Palerider States of America.However... it is still the case.
And to your earth is flat or round arguement... if the voting majority of Americans wanted it to be legal to... I'll just pick something off the top of my head... say, commit suicide... then suicide could be made 100% legal.
Again I think you are talking a particular religious philosophy (I know I know you'll play the it's not a religious argument game). However many (vastly most) believe that when it comes to personhood a conception has the "possibility" to become a born person but also know there are multiple very natural things that depending on whether they happen or don't happen to transpire dictate if a "person" will be born. That being the case we get involved into the woman's rights.
But regardless I am taking the REALITY of the situation position. We could call conception a cue ball or Frank Sinatra and it would make no difference. Americans see the need for a medical procedure. Woman cannot be forced to carry a child it is not a naturally possible thing to do... and that is why it will continue to stay in effect.