So you are even more intellectually pathetic than I thought. Your only defense of abortion is the fact that a panel of judges decided that it was to be legal. If a similar panel reverses the decision, where does that leave you? You can't make a rational defense in support of abortion now, how do you believe you will make a rational defense when roe is reversed?
Sticks & stones pale... you have nothing.

The fact is I have many times now stated several reasons why abortion should and will always remain legal. The court argument is only my confirmation that my opinion has been upheld.
Translation: topgun can't show any credible information that supports his position and confuses self defense and end of life issues with issues involving perfectly healthy individuals. In fact, here is a link to a discussion in which a case is discussed where the courts forced a hospital to provide life support to a child born with anencephaly who had no possible hope for recovery. The discussion begins on page 13. As to the rest who are justifiably terminated, see the 14th amendment and that little tidbit about due process.
Once again there are conflicting rights here. Furthermore we all know quite well "self defense" is not the only situation were killing perfectly healthy individuals (and these would be fully self sustaining walking talking individuals) is justified under the law.
In addition due process doesn't apply in several situations. For instance collateral damage when there is a pre-strike estimate that a certain number of innocent will be killed. For instance in the case of a family taking someone off of life support although there is always some chance of a miracle or new procedure down the road that might save their life... I could go on.
In addition I'm still waiting for you to tell us were else in law is it mandated that one person be forced to offer up their body as the personal life support for another, as this could come into play in a multitude of ways?
Hint: Does not exist!

Might as well go back out on the sidewalk and scream at some women... you got nothing here.