This is addressed to the Pale Chip,
I disagree with you and all the learned verbiage doesn't change the simple fact that YOU are men and YOU will never be victims of the coercion you wish to use against women.
You are free to disagree ... and I am free to rebut your disagreeing arguments with sound hard facts.
Your demeaning belittlement with "learned verbiage" simply means that you can find no words of your own to refute the clear and concise scientific presentation I've made from the opening post and throughout.
You are in error, once again, with your assumption that I am making women victims of coercion.
I realize how important it is to you and your misanthropy to conjure up with fantasy some female co-victims to polarize with us "evil men".
But the fact remains that when it comes to being pro-abortionist, it is indeed men who control women to commit murderous abortion which thereby damages a woman for life. Indeed, Top Gun, Dawkinsrocks, Lagboltz, Hobo1, all are men who are arguing the pro-abortionist perspective, arguing for control of women's uteruses once a newly conceived person is present, and it is just Palerider and me arguing against their advocation of the diabolical control of women ...
... And, Mare, keep in mind that you were once physiologically male yourself, and you are also arguing the pro-abortion position to diabolically control women.
You would do well to lose your "poor us" victim mentality. It's dumbing you down.
You may quote science, religion, tradition, or your granny's biscuit recipe
Irrelevant, inapplicable and erroneous in your guilt-by-association assumption.
No one rationally quotes, religion, tradition or recipes to determine when a person begins to live.
The answer to your implied multiple-choice question is simply not all of the above as you would choose.
People rationally quote only science, the valid reference in this matter, to determine when a person begins to live.
Thus the answer to your implied multiple-choice question is A, science.
That is the only right answer.
and none of it will change the ugly fact that no one wants the babies you are trying to make OTHER people birth and care for.
Erroneous and inapplicable.
You have no idea who would not want to adopt the babies born to those who do not want them. You are thus in error when you say that no one wants those babies. In fact, many infertile couples would give the world to raise one of these children.
A truly ugly fact in this matter is the fact that you completely ignore your murderous pro-abortion position, saying as you in effect do, that it would be better to murder these people pre-natally than to allow them the opportunity to enjoy living in the home of truly loving adopted parents.
And another truly ugly fact in this matter is the fact that you advocate murderous abortion as birth control.
And another truly ugly fact in this matter is the fact that you advocate murderous abortion as population management.
You ignore the foundational overriding right-to-life truth that makes murderous abortion wrong, simply to meet your social planning objective.
That's meniacally ugly, Mare.
Again, the only person coercing women is the pro-abortionist.
People who don't want to raise and care for children or adopt them out simply need to prevent co-creating newly conceived people. That way they don't have to murderously abort them, murderous abortion being the ugliest fact of this matter.
Do I recognize the saddness of this situation? Of course,
Whether you recognize the sadness of murderous abortion is a matter of rational conjecture.
That you obviously think it's sadder for a child to have less than a perfect world of parenting than to
murder that person to prevent that person from enduring less than a perfect world of parenting,
that's what's truly sad, Mare, and the fact of your position in the matter renders your statement that you find murderous abortion sad to be suspect.
and to that end I've never had an abortion.
Part of your statement here is a laughable lie.
Your implication is that you, as a non-sexually functing surgically modified transsexual, have never had an abortion, though you "could have had if you had gotten pregnant".
The fact of the matter is that you, while you were physiologically a male, could never have gotten pregnant.
The fact of the matter is that since your surgery to make you physiologically female resulted in damage that prevents you from ever becomming pregnant, as you've previously admitted, so to state that you've "never had an abortion" as if you could have and simply would never choose it, is dishonest based on your lack of full disclosure that you could never have an abortion because you could never become pregnant.
But ... if you are stating your position as a man who has previously co-created as a man with a woman a newly conceived person, then your statement would hold merit if you declined to commit murderous abortion with her.
You need to be clear about what you mean, Mare, if you wish to be believed instead of laughed at.
I don't intend to try to convince you, nor should you try to convince me--
You can't convince me of anything. The facts and truth alone convince me ... and the've convinced me that I have accurately presented them.
I have no illusions that I can convince a utilitarian moral relativist of the intrinsic value of an ontological honest foundation that respects the truth with which to epistemologically gather accurate facts.
I discuss the matter, and I debate your erroneous presentation, to thereby educate the many people who read this thread and are not posting in it.
we disagree and there it will remain till the culture we live in makes a committment to caring for all the mother's and babies (in which case I'll support the new way)
Yes, we disagree.
I am against murdering people because they live in a less than ideal environment.
You advocate murderous abortion to prevent people from living in a less than ideal environment.
Oh, we disagree -- and
do we.
(in which case I'll support the new way)
Translation: "I, Mare, am threatening everyone with murderous abortion until you make everyone's environment a perfect place to live."
Wow -- really rational, Mare.
I doubt anyone will cave to your terrorist blackmail ransom.
or till you guys get reincarnated as women and learn what the world is really like from our position.
Irrelevant hyperbole.
And your continued co-victimization with women who
can by nature become pregnant ... is rather amusing ... and sad.
Have a nice day.
Translation: "F*** off.

That's what you're really saying, Mare, and I know it.
It is, of course, irrelevant.
And if you two could get together to write a response I bet it will be a doozy. With Pale's overbearing, self-important rhetoric propped up with Chip's Pop Psychological jargon--whew! You guys might be formidable...
Erroneous and topically relevant ad hominem.
The fact that you resort to slander via attempted character assassination sans impossible-to-obtain rational proof, without posting any relevant topic matter, only means that the facts of truth which we present have obviously reduced you to a state of psychological surrender, and unjustified character bashing is the only thing you have left before complete capitulation.
but still not convincing.
Translation: "I, Mare, am done -- I just can't handle any more truth."