Again. DNA is an organic chemical. Not a characteristic. I know that is crucial to your argument, but there is no possible way you can justify that it is a "characteristic". Deoxyribonucleic acid is a template for characteristics, but it is not the characteristics themselves.[/qote]
I wish that this board had a crayon function so that perhaps I could draw you a picture if you honestly don't grasp what is being said. If you are being deliberately obtuse so that you don't have to face the hard truth that your argument has failed, then you are several orders of magnitude worse than simply ignorant.
Do I really need to specify that the adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine be arranged in a particular set of sequences that make a human being?
Again, DNA is what makes a human being a human being. It is the absolute lowest common denominator in our species. You have it, you are one of us. You don't and you are something else. Any secondary, derivitave characteristic will not be a common denominator as it is not present in us all to equal measure and since none of us is more human than any other of us, it stands to reason that secondary characteristics are not what make us what we are.
You are avoiding the point. One of my main thrusts is to show your arguments are based on fallacies by your switching definitions.
Sorry, but now you are just being dishonest. I never "switched" definitions.
You claim to be a physist so lets use an example that you can relate to. (I am not a physicist so I don't claim to have any real understanding ofthe subject I am speaking to so don't believe that you can prove support your positon on abortion by nitpicking my small understaning of physics) Suppose you are setting out to prove that the wave particle relationship is not in reality a duality, but that the wave and the particle are two separate things. You can't prove that they are two separate things by using only a definition of one. In order to prove that the wave is not a property of the particle, but merely an effect caused by the particle's motion through space you must first prove certain things about particles and then proceed to prove certain things about waves. Proof of one aspect of the wave particle relationship will not suffice for you to prove that particles and waves are not one in the same.
The fact that in going about your proof you must first address particles and then address waves does not mean that you have switched definitions or switched topics. It simply means that you must prove one thing before you can reasonably apply the first proof to the second question.
I had to first prove that unborns are human beings before I could go about proving that the fact that all human beings have rights could reasonably be applied to unborns. If you don't understand that, then I have serious doubts as to whether you are a scientist or a mathematician.
We don't need to get into that crap. I am a physicist and mathematician. I have had made proofs in many topics that were published in seven books and countless peer-reviewed journals and technical conferences. I suggest we both end posting this kind of crap right now.
Then one must question why you fail to understand that I needed to prove that unborns are human beings before I could logically say that the fact that human beings have a right to live applies to unborns as well. It also begs the question as to why you believe that providing a definition of sentience automatically implies that sentience is what makes a human being a human being without first proving that sentience is what makes a human being a human being.
You were NOT telling me the WHOLE TRUTH when you said that Black's dictionary referred to the following:
I since found out that Black's Law Dictionary, which you continually refer to, defines "person" as:
1. A human being.
2. An entity (such as a corporation) that is recognized by law as having the rights and duties of a human being.
Your own statement proves you wrong. Certain corporations are recognized as having the rights (in business) and duties of a human being but not actually recognized as human beings. Those same corporations, for example can not be charged for murder because murder is defined as one human being killing another human being with intent. The corporation is not recognized as a human being. That being said, since the topic here is human beings, corporations are irrelavent to the discussion.
I am arguing that you are toying in that area of corporations, by trying to relate a biological property of DNA to the legal property of "person". Of course it includes "human" as one part of the definition but the legal definition of person is muddied and tempered by including corporations in the definition.
Are you really unable to grasp the difference between an actual human being and a type of corporation that may be treated like a human being. Do you really see those two things as one in the same? Really? Is that how you see it?
Mature is the wrong word for my point.
Sentience is the wrong word as well untill such time as you prove that sentience is what makes a human being a human being. It is painfully obvious by now that you are not going to be able to prove your claim and is becoming painful to watch you squirm in that inability.
Yes, they are initially referring to the DNA of a zygote.
I am sure that you wish that were what they were saying, but alas, they aren't. They are stating that we are human beings from the time we are concieved. The authors have a firm enough grasp of the language to say what they mean. If they were only talking about DNA, then they would say so. The one instance where the doctor states that a zygote is a unicellular human being is about as plain spoken as one can get. How is it that you fail to understand what is being said.
Your summary does not represent my arguments. This is my argument
1. Show Palerider's arguments are unfounded.
2. Give an explanation of what interpretation might be left.
At this point, you have proved nothing. Your arguments do not constitute any sort of proof. You have, at this time, not provided a single shred of credible evidence that either supports your claims or refutes my argument. Your lips are moving but nothing is coming out.
I will certainly accept that unborns in the second and third trimester are unborn humans. I have never denied that, and that has never been a part of my argument.
Clear and credible evidence has been provided that states explicitly that unborns at any stage of development, including the single cell zygote stage are human beings and to date, you have provided no credible evidence that challenges that statement. Nor will you be able to.
Upon what basis do you discount hard science that states that we are human beings from conception? Lets see the evidence that led you to believe this? Or feel free to be truthful and simply admit that it is an article of faith for you.
The biological definitions of humans that you cited did not qualify how a cellular biologist defines human.
Cellular biologists are not concerned with the entity and therefore have no interest in defining the entity. Neither do podiatrists, or dermatologists, or opthamoligists.
It is interesting to note that you mention cellular biologists. The field of biologial science that stands to lose a great deal of money shoud the law bring an end to human experimentation on unborns. Even they aren't coming out in force denying that unborns are human beings because no credible scientist would make such a suggestion for fear of being laughed out of his field.
The legal definition #1 of humans by Black's is Person = Human. Did he define human? Without a definition of human, his definition of person is incomplete and ambiguous when it comes to DNA being human.
There are several informal definitions. You have not given evidence that the biological definition is the same as the legal definition. [/qote]
Human is not a legal term. Human is a scientific term and science says that we are human beings from the time we are concieved. And who ever said that DNA is human? You are really decending into a morass of dishonesty here and frankly, if that is the best you can do, I am not even interested in tearing your arguments into easily digestable pieces for you.
As I said, I am showing that your arguments are unfounded because you are making a very bad logical fallacy in confusing definitions. "Human" is a common word. The informal term "human" refers to a set of many definitions:
You are not showing anything except that you can provide nothing credible with which to dispute a single point that I have made. In the absence of any credible materials to refute the materials that have already been provided, once again, your lips are moving, but nothing is coming out.
If you have abandoned all pretense of honest discussion, simply say so now and we can end this here. I have little interest in talking to intellectually dishonest people.