9-11 Conspiricy Question

The failure to even censure let alone punish anyone involved in the 'security failure' should be enough to make everyone suspicious.
Who do you think should be punished? For what? And what should thier punishment be?
The fact that 9/11 suited Bush's plans massively should be enough to make everyone suspicious.
Which plans? and how?
The fact that there have been many many American witnesses that contradict the official version should be enough to make everyone suspicious.
How about the hundreds of witnesses around the Pentagon who suspiciously saw the exact thing, which was a silver liveried 757 crash into the west side of the Pentagon at 500mph?
The fact that the same ATC guy oversaw 3 planes on 2 different occasions crashing after terrorist hijacking should be enough to make everyone suspicious.
You obviously know squat about ATC, nor about the nature of ATC on the north eastern seaboard of the US, and the MASSIVE amounts of traffic they deal with.
I mean, what do you actually have to do to get sacked at ATC in the US?
Well going on strike is one way to do it.
The fact that the FBI miraculously 'found' so much evidence should be enough to make everyone suspicious.
I wonder if you would be complaining if they didnt find enough.
The fact that the Bin Laden family were spirited to safety by plane after the no flight restriction was imposed should be enough to make everyone suspicious.
I originally thought this was outrageous. Considering when the events happened I was on a fly in hunting trip and was supposed to be picked up on the 11th. My pickup plane could not arrive until the 13th, and I had no way of knowing what the heck was going on. It resulted in me dealing with potentially spoiled meat and being stranded for 72hours in the woods.
Either way, getting the Bin Ladens out of the country was probably best for thier own personal reason, because I think many American who dont themselves wish harm onto the Bid Laden family, know a few people who do. The chances and opportunity for harm to come to otherwise innocent members of that massive family was quite great.
I could go on for hours with these questions.
I know, and despite all of them being answered, I dont think you would stop believing what you percieve in your mind. No amount of evidence would convince you otherwise. Classic conditions of someone with an utterly closed mind and only believing what they want to believe.
But once you realise what a nasty piece of work the US Government is and then look at the suspicious circumstances of 9/11 you cannot help but be concerned about them.
What exactly are you referring to here?
Bush gained massive for support for attacking Iraq by morphing Al Qaeda and Saddam after 9/11

Fired for what?? How about leeting the US get 'attacked' and doing nothing about it?

The 'evidence' 'found' by the FBI was so obviously planted by them Stevie Wonder could see it.

The US assassinates people, it smears them, it intimidates, tortures, lies and steals.
If you don't understand that you are spectaculalrly politically naive.

In the dossier for WMD the US removed 8,000 pages because tey named US companies that supplied the materials that they were claiming to be WMD.

They lied about WMD to get people like you in favour or raining down thousands of tons of bombs on innocent people.

And because of your gullibility they get away with it.

If war came to the US maybe you would think differently but as your government always takes the fight to smaller countries thousands of miles away you do not see or suffer the real horror of war.

And you are too insesnitive to imagine what it is like having your family burned to death so that the aggressor can steal your oil.
Dawkins, I have answered numerous questions from you about 9-11, but when I ask questions myself you have zero questions. Go back and answer what was asked of you before you continue on this path.
I must add, that it bugs me you are forcing me into a situation where I need to defend GWB. I despise the man, but he is not nearly as smart as you give him credit for in terms of conspiring to do this.
His puppet masters are though, Cheyney, Rumsfeld, Wolwitz etc

You still haven't answerd the many points I raise.

Like the fact that the fuel does not burn hot enough to melt industrial steel.

That fact alone discredits the official account.

And you know that the Bush administrtaion lied about WMD to justify killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civvilians and thousands of US and coalloition soldiers.

Why you think them lying about 9/11 is so preposterous I don't know.

They are a bunch of corrupt war mongers.

I see Wolwitz ended his career at the world bank covered in glory.

Rumsfeld was forced to resign.

I am not forcing you to defend Bush.

Your blind faith in the good of the US is.
You still haven't answerd the many points I raise.
Yes I have.
Like the fact that the fuel does not burn hot enough to melt industrial steel.
Yes I have and involved the fact the steel is not needed to be melted to loose its structural strength, to cause a catastrophic failure in this case. When a 200,000 pound or 1000 kilo projectile hits a building at 500mph, wtf do you want to happen?
The fact of the matter is that every skyscraper in the world cannot survive a similar attack. You DONT NEED STEEL TO MELT, FOR IT TO FAIL STRUCTURALLY!
That fact alone discredits the official account.
Bogus! Your assertion is nothing but a red herring. The actual atomic properties ensures the official story.
And you know that the Bush administrtaion lied about WMD to justify killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civvilians and thousands of US and coalloition soldiers.
Another subject.
Start another thread on the issue and we can talk about this.
You are just wrong about the airline fuel and your pseudo-scientific response is worthless

The corruption and warmongering of your leaders is material to this.

If they lie to justify one attrocity why not two?
You are just wrong about the airline fuel and your pseudo-scientific response is worthless
Dawkins, When you set aside actual scientific evidence, there is not much I can help you with in understanding how steel responds to having a 200,000 pound(100ton) aircraft crashing into a steel structure at 500mph. The fact of the matter is that steel does not need to "melt" to reduce its stregth enough to collapse as you think is necessary.
The corruption and warmongering of your leaders is material to this.

If they lie to justify one attrocity why not two?
Again, you are making me defend the Bush administration and I dont enjoy it. Give the issue a rest.
You haven't suggested any scientific evidence to suggest that airline fuel can melt structural steel. And you won't be able to because it can't. A few pseudo scientific words on the subject is the kind of 'expert witness' that has sent many an innocent (black) person to the electric chair.

Also, the towers were designed to withstand impact of an airliner.

It is part of the requirement for buildings of that height.

And if you take your argument about the impact of the airliners you are left with the problem of explaining why so little damage was done at the pentagon.

You can't have it both ways.

And yet the steel melted, the 98 floors offered no resistance to the fall speed and the remaining steel was whisked away before it could be analysed. Why?

The only thing stopping a full inquiry is that in this case the perps have control of the investiators and the courts.

I doubt many crimes would be investigated if the perps had that power.

I say again

They lied about WMD, why not about 9/11?

Why do you trust the lying bastards on an anything?
Doesn't it bother the supporters of the "official" story, that not just one or even two but THREE steel framed buildings "collapsed" on 9/11/2001 and the manner of the "collapse" was of such a character that tens of thousands of welds and connections within these buildings would have to fail right on "Q" to achieve the result that we observe.

Not to mention the fact that as a strictly gravity powered event, there isn't enough energy available to pulverize tons of material and break-up steel structure to bring down the buildings in the manner that was documented on video. There is something VERY wrong with this picture!

That's the url of an article about information retrieved off of disc drives from large computers in the Twin Towers. The information suggests that some of the people had foreknowledge of the destruction to come and used it to cover their tracks when they made off with a large amount of money.

9/11 Commision: We know they're lyin', their lips are moving.
>>4 Planes Hijacked...Some think not realy and they where Military Planes flown by Remote,
Calculate the odds of a successful airliner hijacking, given that there may be on board the aircraft a street-fighter/kung-fu student/pro-athelete or? and said hijacking would end in failure for the "radical Arabs"....

>>>> 2 Buildings Rigded with Bombs all over the place
have you ever worked in an office? The memo goes round saying that on some specified day, workers will be in to upgrade the internet wiring, or fix the plumbing, or? and tradesmen show up with big tool boxes and proceed to screen off areas and get their work done, what are they doing? and are the office minions in a posistion to judge?

>>>>All the people who helped Clean up at the sites
People who where first responders expressed shock at the "collapse" of the twin towers and WTC7 + the fact that EVERYTHING was busted up in small bits, you don't find a desk, a chair, a fax machine, what? only stuff busted up in very small bits.

>>>>All the people who investigated and found no bombs, and found the human body parts at the sceens
Yea, all of the bombs had already done their job, and so all that remained was the rubble from the destroyed building. How did all that pulverized material happen?

>>>All the family members of those on the planes that you say where not full of people...all there freinds.
I can't explain ALL of the facits of this puzzle, and no prosecuter can explain ALL of the bits of a given criminal case before it goes to trial, as it stands, there is sufficent evidence to launch a prosecution.

>>>All the People who saw the planes hit.
Can you supply me with a pointer to ANY eye-witness testamony that states they saw an airliner crash into either one of the WTC Towers?

>>>>The Piolets flying trying to intercept, but with no idea where to go
Now THAT is bogus! our modern military has the ability to deliver INFORMATION to interceptors, the GPS co-ordinates of the aircraft to be intercepted + the course and speed of said aircraft and navagational computers set a course to intercept.
The fact that they give such lame excuse on this subject is VERY suspicious!

>>>the Air traffic Controlers
Fact, Air Traffic Controllers made an audio recording of their impressions of what happened that day, and the tape was destroyed and NOBODY was prosecuted for obstuction of JUSTICE! what a CROCK!

>>>>Bin laden as his people who have taken credit for the attacks
What "Bin Laden" confession are you refering to?
there are several different aleged "Bin Laden" communications that contridict one-another.

Lets face it, 9/11/2001 was a FALSE FLAG OPERATION!
At least I know not to waste my time at this website. It's full of conspiracy nuts. Why bother.
This is just a propaganda tool.
If it wasn't you'd ban the whacko contingent.
My answer is, I have no idea how many people would be required to pull-off such a FALSE FLAG OPERATION.
HOWEVER, what we do have are facts about the events of the day that are VERY suspicous and as such need answers before we can have closure on this subject.

My question is WHY did one sixth of a steel framed skyscraper (after having been damaged by an aircraft crash) "collapse" down onto the remaining undamaged five-sixths of the building as cause TOTAL DESTRUCTION?
What is the largest single bit of anything found at the site?
A complete desk, chair, copy machine, fax machine, telephone? ... or?
Not only did the building get destroyed, but ALL of the stuff in the building was very thoroughly busted up into small bits. This sort of thing takes energy, was there enough energy available from the Kinetic energy of the top one sixth of the building to cause such destruction? and people will be quick to add, OH BUT THERE WAS THIS HUGE HOT FIRE, The fire was an enabling event, and did not contribute energy to the destruction of the lower five sixth of the building. Remember, the lower five sixth of the building was NOT damaged by an aircraft crash, and did not have fires.
ALSO, to acomplish a "collapse" such as was observed, not just once but THREE times in the same day, tens of thousands of welds would have to fail right on "Q" !

I for one... do NOT buy it at all (that is the "official" 9/11 pack of lame excuses)

Your tax dollars at work, a Defense Department that FAILS to defend even its own HQ!

I rest my case....
Oh, I missed this one the first go around...

Looks pretty typical--a total non-engineer asking engineering questions with completely wrong assumptions. I suppose I can look up the answers to the material's tensile strength at various temperatures to make the point. I'm going to assume that the trusses were simple A-36. Incidentally, folks, most normal carbon steels for construction purposes tend to melt around 2,600 degrees F, which means that they turn to liquid. There's not a lot of structural strength in liquids.

So... what's the maximum theoretical adiabatic flame temperature for a stoichiometric mixture of jet fuel and air? Well... doesn't matter because of dissociation and whatnot so let's settle for the maximum achievable flame temperature--about 2,800 degrees F.

Oo... too hot!

In any case, the weight of the collapsing portion of the building didn't have to take out anything but the first set of trussed flooring below. How far did the mass have to fall and how much force did the mass accelerating due to gravity accumulate through that distance? Plenty. Each floor wouldn't be designed to handle that magnitude of force. It wasn't the strength of the vertical columns that failed you know--it was the junction of the flooring with the verticals. Each trussed floor was full of concrete, by the way--standard construction for that kind of building.

Sorry, those buildings went down for no reason other than the planes and their fuel. It's actually a wonder that they stayed up as long as they did.