9-11 Conspiricy Question

The "official" 9/11 report is so full of holes!

But still far fewer and smaller holes than your theory

"Never attribute to evil intentions that which can readily be explained by ignorance, stupidity, or ineptitude."

BTW, any question you ever think to ask.... has already been asked and answered a thousand times. Those answers, and every conceivable question, is available on the internet, for free, all you have to do is read it.
RE: ignorance, stupidity, or ineptitude.

Given that the events of 9/11/2001 got a lot of people killed...
If Bush is truly the COMMANDER IN CHIEF
Then why hasn't he been busted for at the very least gross incompetence?
whatever happened to "THE BUCK STOPS HERE"?

Why is this clown still president if he is that incompetent?
Why is this clown still president if he is that incompetent?

I'm sure you would be much happier with President Dick Cheney....

Both Bush & Cheney
work NOT for the AMERICAN public and the REPUBLIC,
They both have very clearly violated their oath of office.

The Military Industrial Complex (and I would add CONGRESS )
is alive and well and running AMERICA!
For the benefit of NOT the rank & file voters in this countrry but GREED INC.

smell the burnt Reichstag!
Just Bush...

He was pretending to read to children when it happened but notice his book is upside down:


Bush had a very special book he was "reading" from:


He pulled off 9/11 by remote control... and this guy told him whether or not he was hitting his targets:


Now so that I can cash in on 9/11, buy my DVD and complete Book set on the topic.

I thought the book was my pet goat? that book has a differnt title

but yes i agree it was bush, he is so brilliant that he alone without the help of anyone even his own brain planned 911 and why did he do it

to try and kill some liberals and blame it on Iraq so he can go get oil and revenge his fathers honor

OK, to address this bit, I'd first like to start by saying that your questions are very much like say if the city police find a body in a dumpster and they go to a judge with a request for search warrants (etc...) and the judge demands more info like how many people where involved in this crime (etc... ad nausum .... )

What I am saying about this is that given what we have, the FACT that 3 steel framed skyscrapers didn't just fall down, but where pulverized (what is the largest single piece of anything found at the site?) The FACT that the Worlds Greatest Military power FAILED to defend even its own HQ(!) and so many AMERICAS don't have a problem with the fact that at the time "AMERICA is under attack" the Commander in Chief chose to sit in a photo-op rather than excuse himself and go do his JOB.
Talk about smoking gun!?!?!?!?! We have evidence 'nuff to start an investigation, but we have hirelings like Mz. Pelosi who are blind to the facts here and demonstrates such lack of competence that its a wonder to me why she isn't istatutionalized in the mental ward.

Truly I say unto U
The Emperor is NAKED!
....................................... its a Republic .... if U can keep it!


9-11 Conspiricy Question


1 question

4 Planes Hijacked...Some think not realy and they where Military Planes flown by Remote,

2 Buildings Rigded with Bombs all over the place

All the people who helped Clean up at the sites

All the people who investigated and found no bombs, and found the human body parts at the sceens

All the family members of those on the planes that you say where not full of people...all there freinds.

All the People who saw the planes hit.

The Piolets flying trying to intercept, but with no idea where to go

the Air traffic Controlers

Bin laden as his people who have taken credit for the attacks

How many people do you think where in on this super conspircy. Give me a ball park of how many you think knew and helped plan, and helped exicute this great attack...
RE: ignorance, stupidity, or ineptitude.

Given that the events of 9/11/2001 got a lot of people killed...
If Bush is truly the COMMANDER IN CHIEF
Then why hasn't he been busted for at the very least gross incompetence?
whatever happened to "THE BUCK STOPS HERE"?

Why is this clown still president if he is that incompetent?

For the same exact reason that President Roosevelt was still CiC after Pearl Harbor, we don't hold people responsible for things that they didn't have anything to do with. Also your entire "incompetent" jag is totally unsupported by any evidence, making it a "non sequitur".
The US lied about the attacks on their ships to get into the Vietnam war.

It knew prior to Pearl Harbour that the attack was coming but chose to not stop it to selll WW2 to the US public.

And it let the attacks on 9/11 happen (best interpretation) or made them happen (most likely explanation) to get into another gulf war.

If 9/11 had really happened the way Bush claims there would not be the hundreds of serious holes in the story that there are.
The following is for anyone actually interested in understanding some of the events that day. Believers will write off anything I, or anyone else, has to say or provide as evidence but I'm hoping to reach the fence sitters - who still seems open to reason and wiling to look at facts that contradict perceptions.

This Flight 77 Animation was constructed with the evidence collected at the scene, including video, and the eyewitness reports who saw the plane:

To believe this is not how things transpired requires you to ignore significant evidence that contradicts the CT:

136 people saw the plane approach the Pentagon, and

104 directly saw the plane hit the Pentagon.

6 were nearly hit by the plane in front of the Pentagon. Several others were within 100-200 feet of the impact.

26 mentioned that it was an American Airlines jet.

39 others mentioned that it was a large jet/commercial airliner.

2 described a smaller corporate jet. 1 described a "commuter plane" but didn't mention the size.

7 said it was a Boeing 757.

8 witnesses were pilots. One witness was an Air Traffic Controller and Pentagon tower Chief.

2 witnesses were firefighters working on their truck at the Pentagon heliport.

4 made radio calls to inform emergency services that a plane had hit the Pentagon.

10 said the plane's flaps and landing gear were not deployed (1 thought landing gear struck a light pole).

16 mentioned seeing the plane hit light poles/trees, or were next to to the poles when it happened. Another 8 mentioned the light poles being knocked down: it's unknown if they saw them hit.

42 mentioned seeing aircraft debris. 4 mentioned seeing airline seats. 3 mentioned engine parts.

2 mentioned bodies still strapped into seats.

15 mentioned smelling or contacting aviation/jet fuel.

3 had vehicles damaged by light poles or aircraft debris. Several saw other occupied vehicles damaged.

3 took photographs of the aftermath.

Many mentioned false alarm warnings of other incoming planes after the crash. One said "3-4 warnings."

And of course,

0 saw a military aircraft or missile strike the Pentagon.

0 saw a plane narrowly miss the Pentagon and fly away.

0 Conspiracy Theorists know what they are talking about.
You need to stop trying to diss those who know that 9/11 was an inside job as conspiracy theorists.

There is nothing wrong with conspiracy theorising.

Many crimes on the statute book begin with 'conspiracy to...rob, kill etc etc'.

The investigation of these crimes begins with a conspiracy theory before one is proven.

And those stats about nobody seeing missiles etc are just fantasy.

The US Government did it to garner support for a war they knew was illegal.

They do this stuff a lot.

You just can't accept that your beloved Bush would do such a thing.

When you get over that you will see the truth
The US lied about the attacks on their ships to get into the Vietnam war.

I take it you're talking about the Gulf of Tonkin incident? Well, for starters, we had been in Vietnam for 6 years before the Gulf of Tonkin incident, and no, the Navy did not lie about being attacked, as the bullet holes in the ships were ample proof of the attack.

It knew prior to Pearl Harbour that the attack was coming but chose to not stop it to selll WW2 to the US public.

I'm sorry, but you're wrong again. We knew the Japanese were up to something, but we had no idea where or when they were going to strike until it was too late.

And it let the attacks on 9/11 happen (best interpretation) or made them happen (most likely explanation) to get into another gulf war.

Wrong again. as has been amply addressed.

If 9/11 had really happened the way Bush claims there would not be the hundreds of serious holes in the story that there are.

There are no "holes" in the "story" as you put it. You simply choose to believe in something that doesn't exist, just like a child believes in the Tooth Fairy, and for what reason I cannot fathom. It's very simple, either a) you are delusional, or b) you're disingenuous, and choose to posit this nonsense for political purposes, so which is it?
Of course, I'm sorry.

The planes vapourised the towers but made a small hole in the pentagon.

That is perfectly consistent.

To someone who is blind, deaf, dumb and lobotomised.
Of course, I'm sorry.

The planes vapourised the towers but made a small hole in the pentagon.

That is perfectly consistent.

To someone who is blind, deaf, dumb and lobotomised.

The planes didn't vaporise the towers, the South Tower stood for nearly an hour after it was hit, and the North Tower for nearly 2 hours. The "small hole" in the Pentagon was 100 feet wide and nearly 30 feet high, now if you consider that to be a "small hole", then you really do need to work on your perspective about what "big" and "small" are.

What I would like to know is why they let the severely mentally challenged like you even operate a computer, and when they're coming through to give you your next dose of Thorazine? From my earlier questions, I have concluded that you are in fact delusional.
Oh so they generated enough energy to vapourise the towers but only enough to make small hole at the pentagon.

I wonder why the pentagon didn't vapourise.

Or even fall down.

I mean, the force was so great at ground zero that WTC 7 vapourised too and that wasn't even hit by a plane.

But only a small hole in the pentagon with no wreckage.

I am trying really hard to make sense of that but I can't.

Because it is ridiculous and you have not explained away the incongruity.

So you might want to keep the powder dry on your triumphalist insults until you have triumphed with argument.

(I won't hold my breath)