Indisputable Facts 9/11: Quite disturbing information

How is it that in an alleged "progressive collapse" the event as recorded would have required ALL of the structure under the falling upper mass to fail at exactly the same time and to fail totally & completely. Just exactly how is that done? also in addition, how is it that the South Tower strike by an alleged commerical airliner was seen on video to have had the "aircraft" penetrate the building completely and without slowing down at all or for that matter suffering deformation of the "aircraft" by what magic is this sort of thing achieved?

painfully easily given the building design.
How is it that in an alleged "progressive collapse" the event as recorded would have required ALL of the structure under the falling upper mass to fail at exactly the same time and to fail totally & completely. Just exactly how is that done? also in addition, how is it that the South Tower strike by an alleged commerical airliner was seen on video to have had the "aircraft" penetrate the building completely and without slowing down at all or for that matter suffering deformation of the "aircraft" by what magic is this sort of thing achieved?
The Magic of Phisics and understanding them...try it.
Given that Video can be examined frame by frame, The demise of WTC7 as reported in the mainstream media & also reported in the NIST "report" is in violation of the laws of physics. Think about it, the structure descends uniformly at free fall acceleration for 2.25 sec, keeping its shape as it falls.
Just exactly how is that done by way of chaotic fires? and the "progressive collapse" bit is bogus! because it was NOT "progressive" it was the simultaneous failure of ALL of the structure below the falling mass. WAKE UP PEOPLE!

its been explained 100000000 times to you just believe what you want to believe...a massive pointless conspiracy with tens of thousands in on the job...By the way , we bugged your house.
"By the way , we bugged your house." Very funny ..... ( or something .... )
You say a massive pointless conspiracy, ... oh well, believe what you will,
the fact is that the war profiteers & the control freaks are getting a LOT
of mileage out of this false flag attack.
RE: "its been explained 100000000 times to you people"
If that were true, its is only a repetition of bits that violate the laws of physics.
The "NEWS" is really PROPAGANDA.
Don't tell me what the "experts" say, what do YOU see when you look at the
video of WTC7 "collapsing" or for that matter the alleged "FLT175" crash.
open your eyes people!
and as for the experts, there are experts on both sides of this argument.
military officers, PHD types, & people with decades of experience with applied physics.
How is it that the supporters of the official fairy tale
get to dismiss LOGIC & REASON without having to cite
real science & real physics?
Exactly........ Many people do not think ANY PLANES were involved and with the lack of plane wreckage ANYWHERE,it makes one wonder!!

They are saying the planes were projections...... Hey they could have been!!

Nothing about 9/11 adds up!!