
Please note:
Governments Govern by the Consent of those Governed,
Silence = Consent

So if the current administration doesn't have your CONSENT


Remember, your Senators and Congresspeople can NOT possibly represent you unless they know what you think!

Have a nice day :)
They hate us for a number of reasons.

(1) They resent the West for its freedoms, and since 1972, the U.S. has come to represent the West.

(2) They hate the U.S. because it is the most powerful country in the world and isn't a theocratic dictatorship under Sharia law.

(3) They hate the U.S. because we support Israel politically, financially, and militarily.

Shall I continue...

Secular nationalism was a more powerful force early on in the Middle East with the religious overtones we see now developing later. Most Americans had no idea what a Muslim was until the Iranian revolution in 79. Islam was seen as something more akin to Hinduism than related to its Abrahamic cousins.

On the eve of WWI, the US had a benign relationship with the Middle East, as we had never exhibited any imperial ambitions in the region at that time. We had the good will of Arabs because of our philanthropic activities in the region. The US had no interest in the geopolitical orientation of any countries in the region until after WWII. I wonder why?
You say in just 8 months..... How about something that has been brewing since before 1963? Remember Eisenhower warned AMERICA about the Military Industrial Complex and also there are Texas Oil Men who have designs on power, but they are crazy.... Really you could say that bits of the Demise of AMERICA have been working on it since 1913. oh well,
Just my $0.02 worth here but if WE_THE_PEOPLE want to have AMERICA with a CONSTITUTION just like the founders intended, I think we have a LOT of work to do. You know about the Patriot act and also the Military Comissions act, both UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Has Congress made any move to correct this?
Have you contacted your representitives and DEMANDED that they work for the PEOPLE if this nation and not greed inc. (?) .... or?

I can't tell exactly what happened or how, but I trust my own eyes and the WTC7 "collapse" was CONTROLED DEMOLITION! + I don't know about everybody else here but I consider it unacceptable that the worlds greatest military power FAILED to defend even its own HQ. More than half an hour elapsed between the second hit to the WTC and the hit to the PENTAGON.
Just exactly what was Richard Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld doing for that half an hour? WE_THE_PEOPLE pay big bux in taxes to support a DEFENSE DEPARTMENT and did we get our moneys worth?
The Bush regime has taken every oportunity to steal from the AMERICAN taxpayer!

Call your Congresspeople and KEVTCH A LOT!

The truth is gradually beginning to come out, the pressure of the facts is building up. Reputable scientists are stating that the "official" story cannot be true and one of the 9/11 Commission folks has admitted that their report was mostly a "hoax".

John Farmer, who was senior counsel to the 911 Commission says in "The Ground Truth: The Story Behind American's Defense on 911," that "at some level of the government, at some point in time, there was an agreement not to tell the truth about what happened." He states that the official version is almost entirely untrue, based on false testimony (obtained by torture) and false documents. Gordon Duff, writing for the Winston-Salem News says, "Does Farmer have cooperation and agreement from other members of the Commission? Yes. Did they say Bush ordered 9/11? No. Do they say that the 9/11 Commission was lied to by the FBI, CIA, White House and NORAD? Yes. Is there full documentary proof of this? Yes."



If you ask me it was a setup. I will defend that until I die for more than one reason. The biggest reason is because Bin Ladens parents were on a plane on there way back from the U.S. That is automatically fishy to me because I can't believe all of them would have gone through with this. Our security is that bad? Then the other thing is the 20 dollar bill. You know that should give it away right there seeings how the $20 bill has been the same for quite sometime...
I have this idea, and maybe if enough people actually do something, just maybe we can get CONGRESS working for WE THE PEOPLE again. Its like this, your congresspeople get to see the voter rolls and know how many registered Democrats & Republicans live in their district, how about ALL of the voters going and re-registering as anything but Democrats or Republicans? Would that send a message ... or what?

A! arrest the emperor for INDECENT EXPOSURE!
The government is engaging in a lot of damage-control so that would explain the list of links on page one.

Here are some links that support the inside job point of view.

I've never seen a satisfactory explanation for the anomalies at the Pentagon crash site. Here's a list of evidence I made that addresses that and some other points.

Look at this picture of the nose of the plane that hit the Pentagon.

It's too pointed to be the nose of a 757.
http://www.caverca.com/Images/Boeing 757 TACV 01.jpg

The photo of the nose of the plane that hit the Pentagon was taken with a fish-eye lens which causes some distortion but the rest of the objects in the picture are not distorted to the same degree as the nose of a 757 would have to be to have that shape. The shadow line is visible under the nose and it's consistent with the shadow of the Pentagon.

The picture is consistent with these analyses.

Also, we know that the Pentagon is about 75 feet high and that a 757 is about 150 feet long. If we look at the section of the Pentagon where the plane hit in the picture at the top of this page...

...and compare it with the space behind the box where the aircraft is, we can see that a 757 couldn't fit in that space without the nose protruding out front. The plane in the space behind the box is much too short to be a 757.

A 757 would look like this.

This analysis makes it pretty clear that a 757 wouldn't fit behind the box.

Also, if you look at the fourth picture from the top on this page, you'll see the hole made by the craft.

There would have been some damage from the wings of a 757. Look at the damage caused by the 767 on the side of the tower.

There's quite a difference.

These three articles are important.
In all my years of direct and indirect participation, I never witnessed nor even heard of an aircraft loss, where the wreckage was accessible, that prevented investigators from finding enough hard evidence to positively identify the make, model, and specific registration number of the aircraft — and in most cases the precise cause of the accident. This is because every military and civilian passenger-carrying aircraft have many parts that are identified for safety of flight. That is, if any of the parts were to fail at any time during a flight, the failure would likely result in the catastrophic loss of aircraft and passengers. Consequently, these parts are individually controlled by a distinctive serial number and tracked by a records section of the maintenance operation and by another section called plans and scheduling.

There are some good documentaries in this link.

Be sure to watch "9/11 Mysteries" and "Painful Deceptions". This stuff below is good too. The first two deal with the "Thermite" issue.

I think that those people who put forth the no-plane theory, etc are governnment disinfo agents trying to cause disruption in the 9/11 truth movement. If there are some wacko theories out there that make the official version look logical by comparison, fewer people will join the truth movement.

This article deals with that subject.
The best way to harm a cause is to defend it using wrong arguments.
This is why, every time there is a government conspiracy, you have a load of kooks making ridiculous claims to discredit critics by association.
Concerning 911, you have pod people, holograms, WTC nuclear devices, and directed energy weapons from space.

So does this video.
(7:22 and 9:32 time marks)

They pulled off the 9/11 attack so they would have a pretext to invade the Middle East to get control of the oil there. This is an old story.


Here's some stuff about the history of US and British meddling in the Middle East.
http://www.war-times.org/pdf/Oil leaflet.pdf

These two are important.

Here's some more stuff.
How nice...

Netherlands: Airport guards cheered 9/11

Members of one of the Dutch security companies at Schiphol Airport, Group4Securicor (G4S), are speaking out after the attempted terrorist attack on the US bound plane, for which their company was responsible.

Guards and former guards say that after the September 11 attacks, the only thing that was done was to add more workers, who knew nothing. G4S refused to comment on these accusations.

"I saw what happened among the guards during the September 11th attack. In the guard area of the 'security members' a loud cheer rose from Muslim colleagues. Several former colleagues witnessed it. There was a standing ovation. Together with other colleagues I've lodged a complaint about it by the military police."

People from Arabian countries have good reasons to be angry at the US government as do people from other countries which have US puppet governments. Here's some info on that.

Both Moslems and non-Moslems from any country that has a US puppent government will cheer a terrorist attack on the US. This is why so many people believe that Moslems really did hijack the planes and the US governent looked the other way and let it happen so they could take advantage of the situation and use it as a pretext to get control over oil in the Middle East. Lots of people cheered after 9/11. Newspapers selectively chose pictures of Moslems cheering to make Americans think they were really behind it.

The idea that Moslems really did it sounds plausible because a lot of them really would have done it if it had been possible and a lot of Moslems probably still think their fellow Moslems did it and therefore feel proud. The evidence shows that the US government planned and carried out the 9/11 attacks though.

People from Arabian countries have good reasons to be angry at the US government as do people from other countries which have US puppet governments. Here's some info on that.

Both Moslems and non-Moslems from any country that has a US puppent government will cheer a terrorist attack on the US. This is why so many people believe that Moslems really did hijack the planes and the US governent looked the other way and let it happen so they could take advantage of the situation and use it as a pretext to get control over oil in the Middle East. Lots of people cheered after 9/11. Newspapers selectively chose pictures of Moslems cheering to make Americans think they were really behind it.

The idea that Moslems really did it sounds plausible because a lot of them really would have done it if it had been possible and a lot of Moslems probably still think their fellow Moslems did it and therefore feel proud. The evidence shows that the US government planned and carried out the 9/11 attacks though.

Are you Ward Churchill?
