

Educational Credits: M.B.S., C.S., D.D.
Master of Back-Stabbing, Cork-Screwing and Dirty-Dealing
"Only cheat the cheaters, boy - you can't cheat an honest man!"
I guess we Boomers were just better-educated.....about recognizing a loud-mouth con-man / asshole, when we see one.
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After the dust of WW3 settles, China will likely rule over the US and Taiwan, but not over Israel, since the Bible predicts Israel will endure until Jesus returns.
The Bible says that Jesus said he'd be returning soon, and then he didn't. Could Biblical predictions be Ancient Fake News?
After the dust of WW3 settles, China will likely rule over the US and Taiwan, but not over Israel, since the Bible predicts Israel will endure until Jesus returns.
The Bible SUCKS at predictions. Jesus said he would return SOON, and that was 2000 years ago. Paul also believed that Jesus was coming soon for 20 years, until he dropped dead. The claim that Jesus was the Messiah is totally BOGUS: the actual Messiah was supposed to be a general and a religious leader that would restore King David's realm, but Jesus was clearly not a military leader, and he attracted a small percentage of Jews to his cause. And of course, nowhere in the Old Testament does it state that the Messiah was supposed to be the actual "son of God".
Don't try to rush Him. He will still return to the Mount of Olives just like He said.
How would I try to push Jesus? He is nowhere to be found. It is supposed to be a rea miracle that Jesus died and then came back from the dead. But he did not do what most people fear about death, which is STAYING DEAD.
But presently he might as well be dead.