why is lying Biden so unpopular ?

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

could be his connection to china ,hunter, the queer community the Ukraine his mumbling and shitty expensive projects his loving of illegals and hate for America, he has not been a real American for decades but a politician who sucks up to radicals

could be his connection to china ,hunter, the queer community the Ukraine his mumbling and shitty expensive projects his loving of illegals and hate for America, he has not been a real American for decades but a politician who sucks up to radicals

could be his connection to china ,hunter, the queer community the Ukraine his mumbling and shitty expensive projects his loving of illegals and hate for America, he has not been a real American for decades but a politician who sucks up to radicals
Is trump being charged with all these serious crimes but nut cases can't see he is traitorous criminal and dictator?
Trump doesn't suck up to radicals but he sucks on the gullible redneck republicans and the tit of those idiot donors who give him money.
Do you know by law he us only obliged to spend ten percent if his donations received on his campaign?
Furthermore he is not obliged to refund any of it if he pulls out.
How much has he collected so far? It's rumoured it is over 3o million. A lovely little recompense for his devotion to being a prick. Maybe he'll pay his lawyers.
I'd hate to see his big jet go without public money support.

Is trump being charged with all these serious crimes but nut cases can't see he is traitorous criminal and dictator?
Democrats see opposition to the Democrat party and leftist Democrat policies as high treason. No wonder they are jailing American patriots left and right on every hand.
Trump doesn't suck up to radicals but he sucks on the gullible redneck republicans and the tit of those idiot donors who give him money.
Democrats despise Republicans who take donations from conservatives, but leftist Democrats consider it an honor and privilege to suck both left tits of wicked barbarian savages like George Soros.
Democrats see opposition to the Democrat party and leftist Democrat policies as high treason. No wonder they are jailing American patriots left and right on every hand.
I've yet to see a patriotic republican there's certainly an array of scumbags paedophiles and traitors though.
Democrats despise Republicans who take donations from conservatives, but leftist Democrats consider it an honor and privilege to suck both left tits of wicked barbarian savages like George Soros.
Fairly vivid description of soros although it is based in his politics.

Democrats get donations from legitimate sources unlike republicans who get massive tax cuts then give the taxpayers money back to Trump to find the campaign. Your money also us used to pay off his porn star accounts. Not a cent spent on infrastructure or churches.
You're brain dead.