Why Biden sucks in the polls

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
My my Joe got a 31 percent approval rating recently.
Why .

The economy is not sweet like little he claims.
Not only have wages not been growing but inflation destroyed any benefit of wage growth.
Jobs a lot of the jobs Joe claims he created were recovery from COVID .
He didn't create new jobs or better paying jobs

Next his spending .
Talk about a crack whore with America Express card. And we still have a year to go.

Plus we now have billions more going to care for his massive failed border policy.
Which is draining the budgets of city's expecilly demo cluster cluck city's.
They are having to lay people off cut budgets and the illegals keep coming by the millons.
And people's are starting to see the effects on their community increased crime decreased assistance for American .It's become a major issue with a lot of democrats .
The story line that they are political refugees fleeing oppression and mostly family's and women and children was a load of bull a majority are single men from all over the world . And they are not vaxed and COVID is on the rise.

Next his love for perverts I fully understand trying to be fair and but he seems to have over done it and hired some real winners that are very poor examples of humans and some put in charge of things. I and many others would not trust them doing.
Expecilly when kids are involved
Next for some reason progressive democrat Muslim black and young Democrats one support supporting the Ukraine but Not Israel .
Next His son Hunter 68 percent of democrats think he was involved with the man baby's business. They have both been caught lies about it and have several different stories.

Joe's constant lie about him self and his gaffs both gaff and lies and mumbling are a common event. Along with his age and seeing him fall so much are making people concerned . It's pretty well obvious except for the really stupid and ass kissers .Something is wrong. He's mind is not near as sharp as it was .

A lot of his other policy's have come under fire for m both sides.
My my Joe got a 31 percent approval rating recently.
Why .

The economy is not sweet like little he claims.
Not only have wages not been growing but inflation destroyed any benefit of wage growth.
Jobs a lot of the jobs Joe claims he created were recovery from COVID .
He didn't create new jobs or better paying jobs

Next his spending .
Talk about a crack whore with America Express card. And we still have a year to go.

Plus we now have billions more going to care for his massive failed border policy.
Which is draining the budgets of city's expecilly demo cluster cluck city's.
They are having to lay people off cut budgets and the illegals keep coming by the millons.
And people's are starting to see the effects on their community increased crime decreased assistance for American .It's become a major issue with a lot of democrats .
The story line that they are political refugees fleeing oppression and mostly family's and women and children was a load of bull a majority are single men from all over the world . And they are not vaxed and COVID is on the rise.

Next his love for perverts I fully understand trying to be fair and but he seems to have over done it and hired some real winners that are very poor examples of humans and some put in charge of things. I and many others would not trust them doing.
Expecilly when kids are involved
Next for some reason progressive democrat Muslim black and young Democrats one support supporting the Ukraine but Not Israel .
Next His son Hunter 68 percent of democrats think he was involved with the man baby's business. They have both been caught lies about it and have several different stories.

Joe's constant lie about him self and his gaffs both gaff and lies and mumbling are a common event. Along with his age and seeing him fall so much are making people concerned . It's pretty well obvious except for the really stupid and ass kissers .Something is wrong. He's mind is not near as sharp as it was .

A lot of his other policy's have come under fire for m both sides.
Biden's campaign chairman is now worried the Democrats may be blamed for the border crisis. You cannot make this stuff up. Go figger.
There's no border crisis, it's all going exactly how they want it and only racists object. We need all the unskilled young men and unwed mothers we can get. If some of them can speak English, so much the better. They can do coding on Wall Street. They can take language lessons in prison.