The useless war against drugs in Mexico

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And of course there are no Americans exploited, mistreated, kidnapped, robbed, murdered in Mexico. Mexico admits to 1,000 kidnaps a year, but will not take a report of kidnapping by an American family who claim to have been kidnapped, just want a list of the minor items (but not the new truck and new travel trailer), stolen at the time of the kidnapping. It would seem then, that the numbers and statistics are being manipulated to keep Americans from realizing how primitive and dangerous Mexico is.
Just curious, are you an illegal, living in the U.S.?
Nuestro balance comercial ( además de su cuota debida a su consumo de drogas) con los Estados Unidos de Amnesia



If that's really how it is, why doesn't Mexico secure the border? Why do we have to do it against the wishes of the Mexican government?
Nah I want your tax cuts to pay for putting the military on the border. I don't think the 1% in this country deserve to enjoy their own money while we have narco cartels along our borders who want to destroy this country more then Al Qieda. Your delusional because you have made comments about our budget not including money for defense. Denial is a river in Egypt. by the way as much as you like to call people communist and a socialist who disagree with you. You guys on the right have been making it about race ever since Obama came into office. Quit calling people names that disagree with you and people like my self will stop on our end. As far as SS, medicare and medicaid goes I bet your one of those individuals who suck off on that tit and take more out of it then put back in it. By the way sticks and stones BRAH!

Actually, you won't quit as I said before. It is the very division that you create that makes it possible for your kind to force their agenda on the poeple. We find that agenda present in the schools, the church's, as well as the government.

Next, it would not increase the budget to use the military to enforce immigration laws on the border thus your "tax cut" argument is meaningless.

Then too, Obama, and his supporters, were using race as a tool long before he became President. In fact, it was a factor in his political career in Chicago, and one of the reasons he attended Wrights church. Then there was his speech in which he declared that people would not vote for him simply because he "did not look like" former Presidents. It then became one of "historical importance" for many, and a means by which others could prove to the rest of the world that America had become a "post racial" country, and not about his qualification, or experince. And, the race issue is still used by many, and evidently you, when one opposes his socialist agenda which will destroy the US, and make us little better then any other country, and a member of the "global society" rather then a "light on the hill".

If you had read any of my other posts you would know that I have a deep disagreement with the disparity of wealth in this country, as well as in the world as a whole. It is deeply troubling that 2% of the people in the US control 28% of the wealth, and globally 2% of the people control 40% of the wealth. The prophets of old warned of what would happen when the Israelites decided to leave their relationship with God, and appoint a king to rule over them. This is as relevant today as it was then.

The fact that you are a Progressive/Socialist should not be a point of shame to you if you truely believe in that agenda. Perhaps there is something in your subconscious that tells you it is wrong?[/QUOTE]

That all you con's can do is just name call. I disagree with you "Oh oh, you a communist" No I just don't agree with you...."oh oh your a socialist" NO I just don't agree with you...."You hate America that's it"...NO I just don't agree with you...."I'm a patriot and your not and you hate America and your a communist and your a socialist and you eat babies and worship BO like a god and your a communist and a socialist" So please continue to rant and rave and you might want to take Mark Twain's advice "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt" That pretty much applies to Con's as yourself and oh by the way I don't buy into any facts and figures provided by Lib's or Con's so sorry to burst your bubble but try and pick a neutral website for you info next time if you can. :D

That's why more than 10 million mexicans have to leave our country and bother another people in their own place
While we Mexicans bear all the load of death and destruction….


....there are others that are having fun!
Another shame in Mexico:

If alive they
couldn’t take care of them....


Now that they are deceased,
they wouldn´t be more careless,

The truck that was carrying the immigrants' 72 corpses had crashed, hurting a woman
By the way, the woman that was hurt , lose her left leg.

and besides that, the truck that was carrying not the 72 deceased, but only 54, had no cooling instalations, so the corpses were rotten

Of course that there was no police keeping the safety of the truck
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