Marijuana U.S.A.

"Consistent with prior studies, researchers reported that legalization “was not associated with adolescents’ likelihood or frequency of cannabis use.” Adult-use marijuana laws were also associated with modest decreases in teens’ use of alcohol and e-cigarettes."
"And, everyone was worried, man!!".....weed-3[1].gif

"The state-licensed cannabis industry added over 23,000 new jobs in 2023 and now employs over 440,000 full-time workers, according to data compiled by Vangst and Whitney Economics.

Job growth increased more than five percent between 2022 and 2023, while retail cannabis sales grew
over ten percent to $28.8 Billion, authors reported. Year-over-year growth was especially strong in Michigan and more nascent adult-use markets such as Missouri, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Rhode Island."
"It’s been over a decade since Colorado and Washington became the first two states to legalize marijuana for adults. With the benefit of hindsight, it’s fair to ask: Has this policy been successful?

Absolutely. A policy of legalization, regulation, and
education is preferable to a policy of criminalization, stigmatization, and incarceration.

Let’s be clear. Legalization didn’t create or normalize the
marijuana market in the United States. The market was already here."
April 19, 2024
For the first time in nearly a century, over 50 percent of Americans reside in a jurisdiction where marijuana is state-legal!
"North Dakota voters could see a “consumer-friendly, yet highly regulated” recreational cannabis legalization proposal on their November ballots.

Only limited business opportunities would be available if the ballot initiative campaign that submitted initial paperwork to the secretary of state on Tuesday is successful, according to the North Dakota Monitor.

If the petition is approved for circulation, organizers would need to collect 16,000 valid signatures by July 8 to qualify for the ballot.

State voters
rejected adult-use legalization in 2022 by a margin of 55%-45%."

A newly shared agenda from the Congressional Progressive Caucus suggests that a House and Senate majority is enough for Democratic leaders to legalize cannabis, among other progressive aims.

In contrast, the Republican Policy Committee recently shared its agenda in a memo claiming an anti-cannabis reform position, calling cannabis a gateway drug causing “violence, depression and suicide.”

Marijuana is a dangerous, addictive drug with no mechanism to control rouge producers from increasing potency and causing more harm,” the new GOP policy guide reads. “Rather than labeling marijuana as a recreational drug, it should be labeled for what it is—a gateway drug that increases schizophrenia and impairs cognitive ability.”

"Neither the use of whole-plant cannabis or cannabis-based medicines are associated with significant cognitive changes in people with HIV, according to the results of a meta-analysis published in the journal Current HIV/AIDS Reports.

Researchers affiliated with the University of California at San Diego reviewed data from 34 clinical studies. They reported, “Overall, the number of reported
adverse effects were largely outnumbered by beneficial or null findings, providing insufficient support for the detrimental impact of CU [cannabis use] on cognition in PWH [people with HIV].

They concluded, “These results suggest that cannabis and cannabis-based medications can be prescribed to PWH while posing little threat to cognitive function.”
