Do you still vote "lesser of two evils"?

I hear a lot of people talking about how they will vote for the "lesser of two evils." Don't you get tired of that being the choice? I do.
If I don't like any of the candidates, I won't vote. Sure some people will say one vote can make a difference. But does it? Even if it does, I never would vote for the lesser of two evils. Should any of them win the election and they screw up, at least my conscience will be clear.
If I don't like any of the candidates, I won't vote. Sure some people will say one vote can make a difference. But does it? Even if it does, I never would vote for the lesser of two evils. Should any of them win the election and they screw up, at least my conscience will be clear.

Just imagine voting for someone because s/he didn't seem as bad as the other guy, only to find out they are worse. Kind of like how Hillary has people believing she's a moderate when she's really further left than Bernie. Yeah, I don't like her, but that's just an example. Before anyone freaks, I'm sure there are Republicans that could be compared the same way.
I can understand the philosophy because I adopted it myself. The problem is that political compromises, often come with a compromise of character as well.

If I spend more time picking my favorite doughnut from a bakery than I versus picking a presidential candidate to vote for, that's a problem.
I hear a lot of people talking about how they will vote for the "lesser of two evils." Don't you get tired of that being the choice? I do.

I don't want to vote for someone because they aren't quite as bad as the other guy. I want someone I can be proud of voting for. I don't see it happening any time soon though, and I think it will only get worse as the younger "everyone gets a trophy" generations filter in.
Since it looks like it's going to be Clinton vs. Trump, I'm sure I'll be voting for the lesser of two evils once again. Either that, or I'll vote for a third party candidate who has no chance of winning. Come to think of it, only the Democrat's nominee has a snowball's chance of winning California anyway, so there really is no real choice.
Since it looks like it's going to be Clinton vs. Trump, I'm sure I'll be voting for the lesser of two evils once again. Either that, or I'll vote for a third party candidate who has no chance of winning. Come to think of it, only the Democrat's nominee has a snowball's chance of winning California anyway, so there really is no real choice.

You can still vote against someone, if not for someone, but yeah. We really don't have choices. They don't put up real candidates that we can feel good about voting for. I will probably write in. I would never, ever, vote for Hillary.
I am also tired of hearing the "lesser of two evils" line. However, I feel that a great deal of people that say it actually mean it. The fact of the matter is that we need to develop better candidates and both parties need to reward and elevate those that truly want to serve the public instead of serving themselves. Honestly, that's a tall order though. I would love to see a third party actually emerge that could possibly compete with the Democrats or Republicans, but independents and third parties always just seem to draw from the voter base of one of the two main parties, causing them to lose ultimately.
I am also tired of hearing the "lesser of two evils" line. However, I feel that a great deal of people that say it actually mean it. The fact of the matter is that we need to develop better candidates and both parties need to reward and elevate those that truly want to serve the public instead of serving themselves. Honestly, that's a tall order though. I would love to see a third party actually emerge that could possibly compete with the Democrats or Republicans, but independents and third parties always just seem to draw from the voter base of one of the two main parties, causing them to lose ultimately.
Welcome Miss Lisa (I realize it's just possible you are Mrs it's just how we talk down here)
It's literally impossible to avoid the lesser thing. Other places have lots of parties but they have to allign several to get a negotiated majority. No bloc comes out happy. Here all that occurs within the context of a single party and no wing gets everything it wants.

Sad to say but lesser of two evils was what they're going for.
I'm so tired of voting for the lesser of the evils I think I'll write in Voldemort.

Bozo the clown would be better than some of the candidates we've seen of late. I know it's wishful thinking, but for once, I'd like to see a fresh candidate, a real person, a statesman.. someone that really feels called to protect the Constitution and the interests of the people. I know, I know, but it would be nice to have a real candidate to vote for.

I'd love to see a viable third party emerge and shake things up, and knock all these "two sides of one coin" candidates on their butts.
Bozo the clown would be better than some of the candidates we've seen of late. I know it's wishful thinking, but for once, I'd like to see a fresh candidate, a real person, a statesman.. someone that really feels called to protect the Constitution and the interests of the people. I know, I know, but it would be nice to have a real candidate to vote for.

I'd love to see a viable third party emerge and shake things up, and knock all these "two sides of one coin" candidates on their butts.
You're in luck. Got one running who is quite obviously not a party guy, has no connection to the DC con game and doesn't mind reminding people of this.
You're in luck. Got one running who is quite obviously not a party guy, has no connection to the DC con game and doesn't mind reminding people of this.

Has no connection to the DC con game? Has never supported a candidate for personal reasons, hoping to get something in return? One who has real solutions to real problems and doesn't just speak in bumper sticker slogans? Really? Who might this wonderful person be?
Has no connection to the DC con game? Has never supported a candidate for personal reasons, hoping to get something in return? One who has real solutions to real problems and doesn't just speak in bumper sticker slogans? Really? Who might this wonderful person be?
Real estate guys have little use for DC.
Socialists have no real solutions.
The other one might as well have a brand burned into her forehead.