Do you still vote "lesser of two evils"?

You become part of the problem when you choose not to vote. If everybody that chose not to vote actually voted the outcomes of elections would be very different. Unless you have a ballot that does not allow you to write in names you have no excuse for not voting. Taking the heard mentality of the lesser of two evils doesn't help even if you do vote.

I used to think that way as well. I did the write in thing. Do you think that actually accomplishes anything when the person you write in doesn't stand a chance? It doesn't. It's just one more worthless vote to count.
I used to think that way as well. I did the write in thing. Do you think that actually accomplishes anything when the person you write in doesn't stand a chance? It doesn't. It's just one more worthless vote to count.

I think if people that normally abstain from voting over not liking the two main candidates actually looked at a ballot and realized there are other parties on there things would be different. In polls of people that don't vote large amounts of them seem to support ideals of some of the main third party options. If they voted instead of just throwing in the towel over the republican and democrat choices these folks actually would have a chance. The write ins wont but the third party candidates might get pushed over the top and become relevant.
I think if people that normally abstain from voting over not liking the two main candidates actually looked at a ballot and realized there are other parties on there things would be different. In polls of people that don't vote large amounts of them seem to support ideals of some of the main third party options. If they voted instead of just throwing in the towel over the republican and democrat choices these folks actually would have a chance. The write ins wont but the third party candidates might get pushed over the top and become relevant.

Not as long as you have the Limbaugh types telling the sheep that to vote third party is a wasted vote. Principles don't matter to that crowd.
Not as long as you have the Limbaugh types telling the sheep that to vote third party is a wasted vote. Principles don't matter to that crowd.
I'm not sure it is a good idea for people that let a political shock jock shape their views to vote. :p
Actually they should vote, I just wish they knew they were being suckered by this guy so that he can get advertising revenue. Entertainment news, political commentary, opinion news, all serves one person. Shock and anger people into listening or play into stupid peoples beliefs to get them listening. The more people listen to him the more advertising can be sold. So yeah, your sheep comment is accurate.
But this isn't about religion, it is about politics. One might feel "called" to attend a certain meeting, however, that does not make it a lifelong career.
And that's one example. Law medicine teaching are thought to be callings as well. You do these things because you feel that's what you are supposed to do.
There is a greater purpose involved.
And that's one example. Law medicine teaching are thought to be callings as well. You do these things because you feel that's what you are supposed to do.
There is a greater purpose involved.

Or it could be patriotism. You still haven't shown where it is religious.
And in a follow up I point out other callings as you fixated on religion. It's a conversation. Back and forth.

Sorry if the truth offended you, however, when you say I was calling it "religious" that was a response to your stating that priests were "called". Nothing unusual about your lack of comprehension, or memory, though.
Read George Washingtons Farewell Address, or just do a search on "pretended patriotism". He explained it quite well way back then. Of course, most opf what the Founders warned against, and tried to protect the country from, has been ignored.

I quit "holding my nose" over 30 years ago, and have voted principle ever since. Feels good to be able to say "I didn't vote for that asshole".

What happens when everyone in the running is an asshole? Do you end up just staying home? In the general election, you sometimes only have the choice of two assholes. This is where the "lesser of two evils" idea comes into play. I think this paradigm of thinking impressed upon me by my parents lead me to vote incorrectly at least twice in my life.
And the 'asshole' argument is pretty much what we have to deal with here in the UK. We don't have the two party politics as you know, but across all the parties here, Labour, lib dems, conservative, SNP, Greens (the list goes on) we don't have one leader who's worth voting for.

Well, we do, and that's UKIP's Nigel Farage and thousands did vote for UKIP in the last election, but the system is set up to favour the 'big 3' of Labour, lib dems and conservatives anyway so they still didn't get a seat. You do tend to wonder if your vote actually does count.
What happens when everyone in the running is an asshole? Do you end up just staying home? In the general election, you sometimes only have the choice of two assholes. This is where the "lesser of two evils" idea comes into play. I think this paradigm of thinking impressed upon me by my parents lead me to vote incorrectly at least twice in my life.

I vote independent. Perhaps the two party system does present only assholes, yet if you look around you can find decent people in other parties. The last major party person I voted for was Reagan in his first term, not in the second. By then I understood that neither party is looking out for the people, and we need a 'change", not just in party leadership, in parties period. George Washington in his Farewell Address warned of the consequences of a two party system. Now I vote for the likes of Ross Perot, Pat Buchanan, etc.

And yes I do know of how the likes of Limbaugh say it is a wasted vote. However, Limbaugh is one of those lying cowards I cannot tolerate.
It's that 'wasted vote' line that people come out with, that keeps people voting for the same parties time after time, and so nothing will ever change if that's the case.

If people only vote for the party that's got the best chance of winning rather than the party who's got the best candidate for you, then there's no point in having an election in the first place then.