Will AMERICA survive Obama ???

Proof to morons anyway
Not proof to the legal system
A bent legal system cannot disprove the clear evidence of voting fraud, which is why hasty court judgments following the fraud of 2020 never disproved any evidence of voting fraud.
A bent legal system cannot disprove the clear evidence of voting fraud, which is why hasty court judgments following the fraud of 2020 never disproved any evidence of voting fraud.
Legal systems don't disprove things
You aren't even smart enough to be a legal ***** lol
Comey had no legal right to dismiss charges against Hillary. He was not a judge, and he was guilty himself of violating the law against mishandling classified documents, further removing him from appearance of propriety of justice by making any decision about Hillary's criminal violations of the law as well.

The “Comey Standard” for Espionage Act and 18 U.S.C. § 1924 Violations and What It Could Mean for Comey Himself | American Center for Law and Justice (aclj.org) 7-11-17

Setting aside for now the accuracy of Comey’s questionable and convoluted treatment of mens rea jurisprudence or even the propriety of him imposing his own value judgment to nullify the express will of Congress, what is clear from his testimony is that Comey (1) knows both the Espionage Act and 18 U.S.C. § 1924 exist; (2) knows what the laws require; (3) believes that if someone knows the law exists and then violates that law by mishandling classified information, the law is plainly violated; and (4) believes such a knowing violation justifies prosecution.
Oh yes he has the right and did. You need evidence just like you need evidence for a god.
But post another silly link that makes you look even more silly.
Legal systems don't disprove things
You aren't even smart enough to be a legal ***** lol
So? Courts have not disproven the evidence of fraud and you confirm that you also believe courts cannot do that. Who has been uncovering fraud and jailing crooks for committing fraud for more than 100 years in the US? Honest law enforcement officials and responsible investigators. Who among leftists and the ignorant masses advocated the evidence of 2020 fraud be investigated? Quite a few Republicans but practically no Democrats. If Democrats did commit massive fraud as the evidence suggests then they would not want anybody investigating the reports of fraud. That is what we have seen.

If Democrats truly believed little or no fraud had occurred, they would have been knocking down the doors of law enforcement demanding investigations, knowing the investigations would prove they did not commit the fraud that republicans said the evidence shows that they did.
No whining by me
I am content that you losers lost every court case
What court case? Speeding tickets? Court cases that were hastily thrown together just days after the election before reasonable investigations had even begun? You keep mentioning court cases as if you think court cases somehow prove democrats did not commit massive voter fraud, which false assumption about courts is ludicrous.
No they don't and never will. Like claiming there's a god, you made the claim you prove it.
You are right. Democrats don't have to prove anything because they stole the power and now can do whatever wicked or unlawful thing they like and to hell or to jail with those who object.

It's only proof if those making the claim can prove it. You can't and you didn't.
You're a loser.
Just because Democrats successfully prevented investigations from uncovering many details of their voting fraud before they destroyed the evidence does not mean nobody saw the evidence before it was destroyed, and millions of Americans still see the evidence the Democrats could not destroy and cannot refute to this day.
Oh yes he has the right and did. You need evidence just like you need evidence for a god.
But post another silly link that makes you look even more silly.
In other words, Comey can forgive sins because Democrats say so? What if he is a crook and wants to forgive the sins of other crooks, does he have that right from God? From Obama? From Trump? From Strzok? From Congress? From the Constitution?

No, Comey's job was not to judge guilt or innocence, that was the job of courts and prosecutors.
In other words, Comey can forgive sins because Democrats say so? What if he is a crook and wants to forgive the sins of other crooks, does he have that right from God?
Fyck god. No one needs permission from that ratbag. Especially Comey.

You always inject a bit of god to cover your pathetic hate.

From Obama? From Trump? From Strzok? From Congress? From the Constitution?

No, Comey's job was not to judge guilt or innocence, that was the job of courts and prosecutors.
Just because Democrats successfully prevented investigations from uncovering many details of their voting fraud before they destroyed the evidence does not mean nobody saw the evidence before it was destroyed, and millions of Americans still see the evidence the Democrats could not destroy and cannot refute to this day.
You can't prove a thing other than your stupidity.