WI and Mass vote Dem....

Well Mass is a liberal crap hole, there was no way he was going to win that state. It did happen once before. The news was reporting on that but I didnt pay attention to when it was.

Reagan carried MA in both his elections as such, last time they went R was '84.

Funny thing....Reagan was the last conservative R to win the nomination and he carried nearly all 50 states in both his elections. You would think the Rs would recognize this, but no.
I guess most States not situated in the Bible belt or the Mormon belt must be a "crap hole"

I'm not surprise since some of you live there!
Reagan carried MA in both his elections as such, last time they went R was '84.

Funny thing....Reagan was the last conservative R to win the nomination and he carried nearly all 50 states in both his elections. You would think the Rs would recognize this, but no.

And even when 49 states when Red...the Dem at a least one of there home states...

Also you can't vote for a fictional person, this Reagan you guys believe in..though he is lossly based on a real person I hear.
I do have to say, being told to be classy, and Respectful by Republicans after we kicked there ass...funny..given the Zero Respect shown to the President for 4 years. Respect is Earned not given...Earn it.
You are right, respect is earned and not given, so why are you upset that zero respect was shown for obama for 4 years when he clearly has not earned it? I think your gloating is fine, I don’t even think anyone told you to be respectful. Had Romney won, I would be gloating too J
You are right, respect is earned and not given, so why are you upset that zero respect was shown for obama for 4 years when he clearly has not earned it? I think your gloating is fine, I don’t even think anyone told you to be respectful. Had Romney won, I would be gloating too J

read the post right above your last one...

and Yes he did...but since the dingbats decided it was better to cry Muslims from Keyna who hates America...rather then do a fucking thing to help anyone...Who cried Hitler when the same health care your own guy put in place was set up...When Jobs where created evry month for years and you bitched while not saying a thing about the guy who actuly had a net loss of jobs and was watching 800,000 jobs a month go away when he left office...the guy who ordered the raid that killed Bin Laden..something Bush failed to do. Helped Remove a Dictator who committed terrorist acts against the US...without even haveing to put boots on the ground...Fact is you guys where little bitches about Obama from the day he took office. But no one is worth respect in your Tea bag Bubble where anyone who is left Bachmann hates America and only your small minded views are really American. Your worthless party has done nothing but sit in the way of progess..now get the fuck out of the way or start doing something. you lost 5 of 6 Elections in the Popular vote and 4 of 6 overall...maybe that should be a wake up that the people are not buying the shit your selling.