Why The GOP Might Lose The Elections

I agree; I don't think it matters fiscally. The major differences are in social issues - planned parenthood, teaching creationism in schools, corporate regulation, etc.

I've become very cynical (obviously). I see these and other things as basically being "wedge issues" to keep people stirred up. How many of these politicians will actually work to change the stuff they're yammering about while trying to get elected? I just don't have any "benefit of the doubt" left to give any of these guys.

The thing I like about Trump is that he keeps shaking things up. They need shaken up.
The most likely outcome of Palin's endorsement will be to get Hillary Clinton, or perhaps Bernie Sanders elected, just like she helped get Barack Obama elected back in 2008.
The most likely outcome of Palin's endorsement will be to get Hillary Clinton, or perhaps Bernie Sanders elected, just like she helped get Barack Obama elected back in 2008.

I had no intention of voting for McCain until Sarah stepped in. I know a lot of people who felt the same. I'm curious why she went for Trump and not Cruz.
My theory is that Trump and Palin are both sort of self described "rogues."
Yeah true.
But Mrs Palin is also a name with no particular purpose. In order to gin up relavance she has to find players to glom onto.
It's not a slam, there are lots like her. But she does not appear to have any visible means of support so I'm forced to question her motivation.
Yeah true.
But Mrs Palin is also a name with no particular purpose. In order to gin up relavance she has to find players to glom onto.
It's not a slam, there are lots like her. But she does not appear to have any visible means of support so I'm forced to question her motivation.
She sure picked a good choice for a spotlight to get under and try to share. It will be interesting to see where this Palin-Trump thing leads. Will Trump let her share his spotlight more?

I thought her support was in published books and lectures. Has that fizzled?
She sure picked a good choice for a spotlight to get under and try to share. It will be interesting to see where this Palin-Trump thing leads. Will Trump let her share his spotlight more?

I thought her support was in published books and lectures. Has that fizzled?

Books n lectures ? Don't know. I thought it was tv but that didn't seem to be happening.
Firstly (IMO) there is only a Trump thing in the Donald's mind. He is happy to accept whatever support people wish to give but they need to kn I w they are buying nothing and will be discarded the instant they forget this.
He knowns she has appeal and will make the most of it. It's what he does. But there is only one star in this show.
The way I see it, the only way we loose this time, IS Donald Trump.. BUT the Clinton's do have away of pulling out of a hat..