Well-Known Member
To bad non of them are any good
OK I liked Powell a lot, less after his Iraq WMD Speech...More again after he said he was sorry he ever made it, and how pissed he was that he was basically lied to.
I want to see Rice run as VP, I just want to see the Clip of
Rice" we did not know Bin Ladin was going to attack inside the US..."
Question...WOuld you please read the title of the memo?
Rice" I belive it was.Bin Ladin determined to attack inside the US"
A priceless moment that helped Define how truly bad at her job she is.
And how poorly prepared the Bush team as a whole was. .
one of the 3 moments I think say it all
the others, Mission Accomplished. and 3rd...the Yellow Cake From Niger/Outing of A CIA Agent as punishment for pointing out that lie.
Powell also attempted to whitewash and downplay the My Lai Massacre in Vietnam. As a Major he was charged with investigating a detailed letter by Tom Glen (a soldier from the 11th Light Infantry Brigade), which backed up rumored allegations of the massacre at My Lai. Powell wrote: "In direct refutation of this portrayal is the fact that relations between American soldiers and the Vietnamese people are excellent." Not only is that quote laughable, we now know that was a direct lie. Just another example, much like the UN speech, of Powell repeating what he is told by his superiors even though he knows it to be false.