Well-Known Member
Everyone with something against America agrees that Obama should be our next president.
Thats reason enough for me to vote McCain....
Thats reason enough for me to vote McCain....

As a Canadian observer I find it very sad that Fox News keeps saying that Obama is the most liberal senator in the country and it seems to scare people. Or at least they think it scares people away from Obama. Being the most liberal senator amongst American senators would make him attractive IMO as America needs to move quickly to the left in order to even survive a very real threat of economic collapse.
As for a choice between McCain and Obama, at the moment I don't see much difference but that could be due to Obama knowing what his country needs but needing to lie to appease the majority of the people who are just not ready to hear the truth yet.
The only reason I could imagine that people should vote for McCain is because he is not a black man.
From my POV and the POV of many outside the US, that is the only possible reason why an American would choose a old fool such as McCain over a very bright and progressive candidate such as Obama. Obama would obviously be the clear choice of non-Americans and is according to world polls. When we outsiders look at the two choices it is painfully obvious that Obama is the right choice.
However from an outsider's POV, do we or should we really care? Would it not be better to see America ground down to rock bottom before it recovers it's senses? Even though this is harmful to most other world economies would it not be better to end the US tyranny in the next four years with McCain and get the pain over with? I am of the opinion that even if Obama is being forced to lie about his intentions he still will not be capable of changing the American people enough to stop their evil course of action.
Everyone with something against America agrees that Obama should be our next president.
Thats reason enough for me to vote McCain....![]()
Everyone with something against America agrees that Obama should be our next president.
Thats reason enough for me to vote McCain....![]()
Is that anyone with something against America, or anyone with something against the federal government? I think the first group is pretty small, but the second comprises around 80% of the US public.
So in your opinion we need to become just like Canada to prevent economic collapse? A bold claim with no evidence.
Obama does not know what this country needs. This country does not need socialized medicine, higher taxes, continued energy dependence, a continuation of bad foreign policy, or bigger government, which is what Obama brings to the table.
Right, I suppose it could not be because they dislike his viewpoints.
Obama is a smart man, but his policies are socialist in nature, which is not the direction needs to head. However, you in Canada, and socialist Europe, will obviously favor him because you are already living in socialism.
How is Obama being forced to lie about his intentions? And what does this say about the man's character. He cares more about getting elected than bothering to tell the truth about himself? And what exactly is our "evil" course of action? Your bias is so blatant it is almost not worth even pointing out.
Everyone who would like to see the decline of the United States. People who think were too powerful, too rich, too greedy etc, etc.
Rob, you hit the nail on the head with your response to UShadit... Too bad he was afraid to respond to your post, I would have liked to hear him eat some words.
Everyone who would like to see the decline of the United States. People who think were too powerful, too rich, too greedy etc, etc.
I would never vote for McCain. That man didn't even care enough about his wife and children to stand by them after she waited faithfully for him for over 5 years, and if he didn't care anymore for his own flesh and blood than that, how can i expect him to give a crap about me or this country for that matter?? H. Ross Perot financed McCains family while John was a POW, and he speaks out against McCain every chance he gets.
Obama may be a failure as president, but i know McCain would be a failure simply because he has vowed to keep us on the same course we are on now. Doing that would definitely make a third world country look good at the end of 4 more years of what we have now.
Just my opinion, but every one is entitled to theirs.
Americans are much too concerned with blow jobs in the oval office and whether or not a presidential hopeful cares about his wives and kids. In case you haven't noticed there are other more important issues facing your country now. Assuming you're American.
Americans need to get over the historic B/J, and get on with the business of trying to keep this country from going down the tubes.
Conservatives will defend a repubs right to flush the country and curse a Liberal for trying to save it, and when one of their own is caught with their pants down, the first thing they say is.."they asked for forgiveness"! Then there is the attitude that they have the market cornered on religion and Christianity.
They make me sick!
If I could give you just one important message it would be to just forget all the bull**** about the US having the greatest system in the world and begin to realize that long ago it ceased to be that. Concentrate on what new changes are necessary to bring it back to it's former prosperity and greatness. Providing you are even interested in hearing what I have to say.
I prefer to take this topic in a different direction right now but I'll briefly explain. The US style of capitalism is not working and can't work in a modern world.
The US basically needs to adopt a system where greed doesn't rule and the wealth which it has, although rapidly declining, is shared amongst it's population. To bring this into perspective as oil consumption goes, the US greed to consume cannot be maintained at present levels. Therefore a system more similar to Canada's and especially similar to Scandinavian countries will have to be adopted by the US. It's questionable whether or not it can be done fast enough now. For a very good explanation of what is needed read Will Hutton's, A Declaration of Interdependence. The title should tell you what it's about but it addresses very specifically what I am saying here.
Parroting the standard line as you are doing is not looking into the problems deep enough. But in a nutshell you are just plain wrong. I'll deal with only the healthcare crisis: Whether it's socialize medicine or some other solution, it's very obvious that a solution is needed. If it's approaching 50 million now who are not being looked after then it's going to be approaching 60 or 70 million in another 4 years if the new president doesn't deal with the problem. It would serve you well to deal with the problem. And briefly on energy dependence, as we speak you have not made the preparations to give yourselves another choice.
I really could care less about Obama being elected because I know that the only plus for the world is ending the Iraq war and I know he can't do that. You need to understand that moving to the left would not make your country socialist but it would lift you out of a system which is a form of capitalism which is too extreme to continue to work in a modern world. In any case I'm interested in what you see as the solutions to the problems overtaking your country.
Obama is using an antiwar stance now because that is popular with the people. Being a very smart man he obviously realizes that he can't pull US troops out of Iraq. Think about that please and you will begin to understand that that is impossible. Therefore he needs to hope that the American people don't look into the matter and start to understand the situation more clearly. If they do, which I believe they are incapable of doing, they would discover that Obama's message is nothing but electioneering. Perhaps you can agree?
I hope that my honesty is making it clear to you that I have nothing at stake in this election campaign. Although as I have already said, if I were living in the US I would prefer Obama because he is a sort of a change, I would support him. Being Canadian realize it's not going to make much difference. Indeed, in the past the Democrats have been less amenable to Canadian interests.
That would include a lot of people in the Mid East, as well as in other nations that view the US as having too much power over their lives. I don't think there are very many here in the US.
There are a lot of people who are dissatisfied with the federal bureaucracy, and want to see changes made. That doesn't mean that they want to see the decline of their own country, however.
Those foreigners who would like to see the decline of the US aren't voting in the coming election, BTW.