Yes, Oregon is probably the most beautiful of all the 57 states. It would be very hard to leave here because of its beauty, and more than that. I am 45 min from the ocean one direction. 1 hours from the high desert in another direction and within 30 min I can be deep enough in a forest that I wouldn't see any signs of people.
But it has its flaws too.
Did you happen to get gas while you were here? Sometimes its funny to see people from any of the other states try to pump their gas, The attendant runs out and stops you then get gas all over your paint job after they pump it for you. Its even more funny to see an Oregonian try to work the gas pump when they visit other states. Since we are not allowed to touch the pump, many of us have no idea how to do it. Lawmakers have suggested oregonian's can't pump their own gas because it was too dangerous. Others lawmakers have said its because its how oregonians make new jobs by forcing a gas pumper.
I think I am safe to say that Oregon and the Taliban in Afghanistan are the only two places to ban kite flying. The Taliban had their own reasons, for us it was banned on the beach they thought (environmentalist wackos and the government) people and kites on the beach was harming the snowy plover bird. They attempted to ban all beach access to the beach access in one very large area from March - September (the only season people actually go to the beach) But with much outcry and tons of lawsuits, they did allow you to walk on the beach, no kite flying, no bike riding, no shoveling your sand into your little bucket to make a sand castle. But you can walk,
Later they (the environmentalist wackos who were backed by the government) were proven wrong and the bird is not endangered its on lots of beaches here in Oregon and even California and Washington. So after a lot of fighting of people who own a business near and on the beach hiring attorney's and investigators to help them not lose their business and livelihood they won the right to keep their piece of the American Pie.
Here in Eugene we have voted twice to build a parkway because its getting so congested on the main streets, twice our Mayor who loves GREEN Jobs only has refused to let us have the parkway because she doesn't think its good for the environment. But she has this great idea to take a large chunk of all the business's property to make a special bus lane. It will only take some land from every business on west 11th, and force some of them to close. but it's so green to ride a bus instead of give people a parkway so driving isn't a hassle.
In Portland when Vira Katz was mayor, she insisted that all American Flags had to come off the fire trucks because it might offend some people to have an American Flag on the trucks. (She meant Muslim Americans, this was not long after 911) She also aided one of the Portland 7. They were a group who wanted to shoot up grade schools after they came back from the middle east. Portland also refused to work with the terrorist task force under here and the current mayor the pedophile John Adams ( who will not seek reelection).
Our State spends a large amount of the roads money on bike baths and jogging paths and then say we don't have money for roads unless we raise your already ridiculously high taxes. But they do have money for light rail.. well let me restate that, they have decided we the tax payers have enough money for light rail even though we the people have said over and over we do not want nor can we afford light rail. Its gonna go through anyway...
Speaking of ridiculously high taxes, one of the reasons is because we have our own version of obama care. Not everyone gets the free medical but many poor get it and its gotten so out of hand that there is now a waiting list. For all the money we pay for this health care, a woman in Springfield was dying of cancer and needed medicine and was on the state healthcare plan.
The states healthcare that we are all forced to pay for told her no to her medicine but that they would pay for her doctor assisted suicide.
We have lost much of or land rights and even after a state wide vote to return land rights back to the land owners the state refuses. Some places like Salem will fine you if you plant a tree or bush that is not on the OK list and if you try to cut a tree in your yard without a permission you will have the state out to give you a fine, some of these fines are very large. Eugene will too but only if they catch you

I am not sure how Salem can find everyone but they sure seem to.
I could go on but either you get the point or you wont ever get the point.