The poor
As Jesus sat talking with his followers, a wealthy Conservative Republican came unto him saying: "Lord, what must I do to be saved and enter the kingdom of God?"
Jesus answered: "You must give away all your money and earthly possessions to the poor and follow me."
Shocked, the Conservative Republican said: "But lord, I have worked hard for my stocks, Beamer, nice threads, why should I give all this away to some welfare mother and kids and the poor who are too lazy to work?"
Jesus said unto him: "What profit a man if he gain the whole world but lose his own soul?"
The Republican went away sad (He could not bring himself to give away his wealth and follow Jesus; he would rather lose his own soul and keep his swimming pool and Blackberry.)
After the man had left, Jesus said: "It would be easier for a Camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man enter the kingdom of God."
However, hearing what Jesus said, his followers said unto him: "Lord if that be true how can any of us enter the kingdom of God?"
To that Jesus answered: "All things are possible in God."
Hearing this only confused his followers. They pressed Jesus: "Lord which is it? Why would you give a clear instruction of what a person must do to be saved and then say that "...all things are possible in God"?"
And Jesus answered: "I just wanted to see how many of you in your greed would choose to ignore the clear instructions I gave and choose that "all things are possible in God..." option. It keeps those who's lives are centered around acquiring earthly goods from entering the kingdom of God.
Just a "little" license with the written word.