Who's Driving?

Oh, Goodness-Freaking-Gracious!!!

I guess we're just not up-to-date on our knowledge of the Federal Reserve System and Open Market Operations, huh?

You think somebody oughta' just... call 'em up and say something sweet like, "didja' all know that you've got an FOIA problem brewing... ? Enquiring (yes, that's mispelled on purpose) minds want to know!"

Trust me, kiddo... there's a MASSIVE arcane world behind the curtain, where the implementation and control of monetary policy is performed. And now's your chance to take your first real peek, should you decide to go looking before what was once reasonable transparency turns into pitch black opacity.

You can see the Federal Reserve balance sheets:

Treasury Auctions:


Graph the TED Spread:


Run Slosh Reports on Open Market Operations (less now):


Follow the Baltic Dry Index:


Tell you what... why don't you take a little <snicker!> vacation from here and spend a little time researching that stuff, what it is, how it works, how to use it... THEN... maybe we can talk a little more about it. Those links, by the way, don't even begin to fulfil the requirements of "the tip of the iceberg". But they're a start.

Here's one of mine: www.wallstreetjournal.com, the rest of yours that I've changed to red I have on a favorite folder...the new one in blue I will add!

Now for your unexpected but obvious <snicker> ****ty uncalled for attitude...let me éclairissement this confusion you seem to struggle with.

You stated that: Quote:
As the days and weeks have been going by, they've been closing down the public information channels whereby one can see evidence of this. It's a very desperate move.

With WHOM are your referring to as the "THEY'VE BEEN CLOSING DOWN"
1. you could find out who's is behind it
2. you could contact the PBS/PBN and question them
3. you could just continue to post innuendo and assumptions without finding the facts
SEE, lots of choices but just continue to supply the attitude and it will get you no where:D
We are nothing like England. WE have changed much since 1867. Good thing our former masters decided not to continue whooping your ass no? Otherwise, you would be Canadian too.

I could NEVER think of living anywhere else. Blasphemy!!!! How dare you!?

England is a veritable MUSLIM state. You know it, I know it, EVERYONE knows it.

GOD FORBID THAT THE QUEEN SHOULD HERE SUCH TALK it might finally make Charlie the King...;)

Yes, I've been hearing quite a bit about the influx of the Muslims and the problems that their style of dress, type of faith, communication and basic business practices are creating over there!!! Seems we share an immigration problem as well!

And about that 'arse whooping'; actually, we wouldn't be Canadian would we...wouldn't we all be French???