Do you still vote "lesser of two evils"?

You seem to be unable to read and incapable of staying on track.
Open borders have been a boon to gangs of all stripes.

Being "on track" would require some form of intellect from you. What does open borders have to do with the conversation? Are you saying the Chinese, the Blacks, etc., crossed the border illegally, and started gangs?

As to "open borders", that is another myth being created by the likes of fools. Even the clown Trump has had to back off from his position realizing, or being told, how stupid it is. Now he says we will get rid of the criminal illegal first. How is he going to do that when it is the criminal illegal that is part of the gangs such as MS13? And perhaps he does not know that it is being done today? Then too, Trump is trying to copy the Obama plan which the Supreme Court has blocked:

"The court’s action crushed the hopes of about 4 million illegal immigrants estimated to be covered by Obama’s plan, which would have deferred deportation for those who have been in the country since 2010, have not committed any serious crimes and have family ties to U.S. citizens or others lawfully in the country.

Immigration already represents one of the flash points of the 2016 elections, with sharp distinctions between Democrats and Republicans, and the court’s action looks to further intensify the debate.

Obama responded to the Supreme Court’s news by vowing to continue other programs that put a top priority on deporting violent criminals rather than longtime residents who do not pose a threat to the country. He also sharply criticized congressional Republicans for refusing to consider his nominee to replace Justice Antonin Scalia, who died in February."
The reality is that Trump is a third party. There is no end of people crying about him not being a republican and they are right at least in terms of recent GOP ideology.
Sanders was trying to do the same but that half of the establishment held onto the reins and boxed him out.

Since third parties can't (yet) get enough traction, this has become more common. It's the only way to get votes. The Rs and Ds need some competition.

Ron Paul wasn't a "real" Republican either (whatever that even means these days). He was far more conservative than the rest of the party (which has lost its way), and we see what that got him.
Since third parties can't (yet) get enough traction, this has become more common. It's the only way to get votes. The Rs and Ds need some competition.

Ron Paul wasn't a "real" Republican either (whatever that even means these days). He was far more conservative than the rest of the party (which has lost its way), and we see what that got him.
Only way to break the mold is having your own money. Parties do their best to require money aND they allocate that.
It's why Ross Perot got 20% even after flaking out. A better veep and not quitting midway through and who knows what might have happened. He got it right about NAFTA.
It long ago became about voting for the lesser of the two 'idiots' more than actually putting the right man or woman for the job in the seat. Now it's just a matter of praying and hoping that the lesser of the two evils wins.
It long ago became about voting for the lesser of the two 'idiots' more than actually putting the right man or woman for the job in the seat. Now it's just a matter of praying and hoping that the lesser of the two evils wins.

That's just the way it is, huh?

However, it seems that a better way would be for all those people who put so much time and effort and money into "electing somebody to rule over them" would instead put those resources into finding realistic solutions to the problems of the world, maybe more of those problems would be solved.

Of course, the elected and appointed (and otherwise endowed) masters of society would oppose any real solutions that didn't give them more power and prestige.

Since most real solutions don't give anybody more power and prestige, we get the same-o same-o concert every political season.

"Jingle ads, jingle fads, jingle all the way, Oh how crucial it is to vote in our traditional way..."

Maybe the solution is to not give them any authority. Maybe not voting is better than voting. Think about it.
That's just the way it is, huh?

However, it seems that a better way would be for all those people who put so much time and effort and money into "electing somebody to rule over them" would instead put those resources into finding realistic solutions to the problems of the world, maybe more of those problems would be solved.

Of course, the elected and appointed (and otherwise endowed) masters of society would oppose any real solutions that didn't give them more power and prestige.

Since most real solutions don't give anybody more power and prestige, we get the same-o same-o concert every political season.

"Jingle ads, jingle fads, jingle all the way, Oh how crucial it is to vote in our traditional way..."

Maybe the solution is to not give them any authority. Maybe not voting is better than voting. Think about it.[/SIZE]

And that's just the way it is. Think about it.
Normally I have voted 3rd party and/or for the person I want .Jesse Ventura, Ralf Nader, Ross Perot, some Independence party people in my state that I am sure you don't know...I also voted For Kerry because I thought he was the best choice though was not supper excited but not holding my nose as well...I liked Obama though I gave McCain a chance ( then he suggested Obama wanted us to lose the war in Iraq and picked Palin so the choice was easy) ...this year when they say the lesser of 2 evils...the problem is one is someone I truly find Evil...not just in a hyperbolic way. So Trump is out. I very much wanted to find a choice that was not Clinton as well...But Stein is a Crackpot, Garry Johnson I was leaning to until His Aleppo ...then Aleppo 2.0...then suggested not knowing what he is talking about internationally is a assets ( just about the same time his VP called Clinton the most qualified and said he would be spending the rest of his time making sure trump does not win ( reading between the lines, he is saying back Clinton)...And Evan McMullen....who I am sure if a fine person who i don't agree with a lot, but has a strong background in security having worked for CIA....But he has poorly laid out issues page, no idea he plans outside some basics and basically has said he is more just a way for conservatives to vote for republican who is not a Racist. So Likely my vote goes to Clinton as there is no good third party Option and she is the best choice. Not the lesser of 2 evils, but the best of evil, crackpot, incompetent, and not serious . Though if Clinton crushes Trump in my state I may still vote for McMullen as he is supported by the independence party and could help us get back to major party status in the state.
Seems like the consensus if really doomed if you do doomed if you don't. That is really what it has always been though, and I am still relatively new to the election process. It just makes you wish that more candidates were able to rise, and that just means that they do not have the money to run.

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