You seem to be unable to read and incapable of staying on track.You really have no grasp of reality.
Blah blah blah.
Open borders have been a boon to gangs of all stripes.
You seem to be unable to read and incapable of staying on track.You really have no grasp of reality.
Blah blah blah.
You seem to be unable to read and incapable of staying on track.
Open borders have been a boon to gangs of all stripes.
The reality is that Trump is a third party. There is no end of people crying about him not being a republican and they are right at least in terms of recent GOP ideology.
Sanders was trying to do the same but that half of the establishment held onto the reins and boxed him out.
Only way to break the mold is having your own money. Parties do their best to require money aND they allocate that.Since third parties can't (yet) get enough traction, this has become more common. It's the only way to get votes. The Rs and Ds need some competition.
Ron Paul wasn't a "real" Republican either (whatever that even means these days). He was far more conservative than the rest of the party (which has lost its way), and we see what that got him.
It long ago became about voting for the lesser of the two 'idiots' more than actually putting the right man or woman for the job in the seat. Now it's just a matter of praying and hoping that the lesser of the two evils wins.
That's just the way it is, huh?
However, it seems that a better way would be for all those people who put so much time and effort and money into "electing somebody to rule over them" would instead put those resources into finding realistic solutions to the problems of the world, maybe more of those problems would be solved.
Of course, the elected and appointed (and otherwise endowed) masters of society would oppose any real solutions that didn't give them more power and prestige.
Since most real solutions don't give anybody more power and prestige, we get the same-o same-o concert every political season.
"Jingle ads, jingle fads, jingle all the way, Oh how crucial it is to vote in our traditional way..."
Maybe the solution is to not give them any authority. Maybe not voting is better than voting. Think about it.[/SIZE]