Who was correct, Jews or Christians? Was Eden our elevation or our fall?

That says a great deal.

Government whether lead by a dictator, monarch, or democrat is DANGEROUS. And yet, many Americans think government is good. How can this be when history clearly SHOUTS at us that big uncontrolled government is deadly?

We humans are evil. But there are those who think humans are good. God is the answer, but He is being pushed away.

How does one push away an invisible absentee God?

f God wants to be relevant then he has to show his face and face the music for his atrocities.

Religions are responsible for about 3/4 of the wars to date if you believe the experts. Clash of Civilizations is a good read.

Be they religionists or just citizens, it is impossible to separate church and state in my view.

People can be pretty passionate about their religious beliefs. So, it is not surprising that at least a few famous wars have resulted from disagreements about religion. However, is it true what Gnostic Christian says that our tendency to slaughter each other "generally have their roots in religion?"
The history of human warfare goes back to the beginning of recorded history (and, no doubt, well before that). A recent comprehensive compilation of the history of human warfare, Encyclopedia of Wars by Charles Phillips and Alan Axelrod documents 1763 wars, of which 123 have been classified to involve a religious conflict. So, what atheists and Gnostic have considered to be "most" really amounts to less than 7% of all wars. It is interesting to note that 66 of these wars (more than 50%) involved Islam, which did not even exist as a religion for the first 3,000 years of recorded human warfare.

Since the United States of America is and has been one of the most religious countries over the last 200+ years, if the atheists are correct, the U.S.A. should have been involved in the largest number of religious wars of any other nation. In fact, the United States has been involved in 17 wars, only one of which (the current "War on Terror") has any religious entanglement. The number of Americans who have died as the result of religious wars is 14.2/year, which is less than the number of people who die yearly from dog bites.

Gnostics claim that religion is the cause of most wars is shown to be false. The history of human warfare shows that less than 7% of all wars have religious causes. If atheists are correct, the most religious industrial nation, the United States of America, should be involved in more religious wars than any other country. However, only the "War on Terror," among all 17 American wars, involves a religious component.

cashmcall.. Christian
People can be pretty passionate about their religious beliefs. So, it is not surprising that at least a few famous wars have resulted from disagreements about religion. However, is it true what Gnostic Christian says that our tendency to slaughter each other "generally have their roots in religion?"
The history of human warfare goes back to the beginning of recorded history (and, no doubt, well before that). A recent comprehensive compilation of the history of human warfare, Encyclopedia of Wars by Charles Phillips and Alan Axelrod documents 1763 wars, of which 123 have been classified to involve a religious conflict. So, what atheists and Gnostic have considered to be "most" really amounts to less than 7% of all wars. It is interesting to note that 66 of these wars (more than 50%) involved Islam, which did not even exist as a religion for the first 3,000 years of recorded human warfare.

Since the United States of America is and has been one of the most religious countries over the last 200+ years, if the atheists are correct, the U.S.A. should have been involved in the largest number of religious wars of any other nation. In fact, the United States has been involved in 17 wars, only one of which (the current "War on Terror") has any religious entanglement. The number of Americans who have died as the result of religious wars is 14.2/year, which is less than the number of people who die yearly from dog bites.

Gnostics claim that religion is the cause of most wars is shown to be false. The history of human warfare shows that less than 7% of all wars have religious causes. If atheists are correct, the most religious industrial nation, the United States of America, should be involved in more religious wars than any other country. However, only the "War on Terror," among all 17 American wars, involves a religious component.

cashmcall.. Christian
Excellent comment cash ...

As with all anti-theist comments, theirs is not based in fact but, the hatred of their fellow man's faith.
How does one push away an invisible absentee God?

f God wants to be relevant then he has to show his face and face the music for his atrocities.

There you go. assuming God wants to be relevant to you and people like you.. He does not.. except Jesus as you savior and all that changes..
It is not God who commits atrocities. It is human beings. How is it possible you do not know this?

It is possible because I am not blinded by the usual immoral Christian double standard of morality.

Is it not atrocious to torture a baby for 6 days before finally killing it because of anger with the father?

That is what your God did to King David's baby.

There you go. assuming God wants to be relevant to you and people like you.. He does not.. except Jesus as you savior and all that changes..


He does not but he does. Yep, you make a lot of sense.

BTW. Give us a link to what Gnostics say about religious wars. None have really been around for a long time so I am curious as to who you are quoting.


He does not but he does. Yep, you make a lot of sense.

BTW. Give us a link to what Gnostics say about religious wars. None have really been around for a long time so I am curious as to who you are quoting.

It was you I was talking about.. not Gnostics in general.. un-like you I don't research things I could care less about..
The problem with you Gnostic, you know to much that's wrong..In our little corner of existence, laws are broken and no one is punished. We think that's how the universe works, too. But that condition is only temporary –I said this before, To judge God we need to find the real, absolute standard of justice. We need to accept the fact that our reasoning ability is flawed, and thus less than totally reliable.
Why Can't God simply forgive?" Do you think it's unfair that you can't grab the high-voltage line without being electrocuted; whoever made up that rule is just being mean and vindictive. It never crossed your mind that justice might be a real, objective thing; that sinning may cause death as touching the power line causes death – not because someone chose that particular outcome, but because of the natures of the things involved.
The problem with you Gnostic, you know to much that's wrong..In our little corner of existence, laws are broken and no one is punished. We think that's how the universe works, too. But that condition is only temporary –I said this before, To judge God we need to find the real, absolute standard of justice. We need to accept the fact that our reasoning ability is flawed, and thus less than totally reliable.

Your perhaps.

But I am not surprised when Christians say that they know little of morals. It shows every time they open their mouths.

Why Can't God simply forgive?" Do you think it's unfair that you can't grab the high-voltage line without being electrocuted; whoever made up that rule is just being mean and vindictive. It never crossed your mind that justice might be a real, objective thing; that sinning may cause death as touching the power line causes death – not because someone chose that particular outcome, but because of the natures of the things involved.

Your God's justice in not real as he sets and accepts bribes and ransoms.
Are your morals good enough t0o recognize that immorality or do I need to accept the fact that your reasoning ability is flawed, and thus less than totally reliable.

Your God's justice in not real as he sets and accepts bribes and ransoms.
Are your morals good enough t0o recognize that immorality or do I need to accept the fact that your reasoning ability is flawed, and thus less than totally reliable.

Good night my friend... your just to smart for me..

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