That Dan Wessons a neat gun as well. I regret selling a 6" barrel Colt King Cobra in .357, I dig revolvers. Also sold a 92FS Inox in 9mm, I needed money for a new deer rifle. For hand guns, all I have now is a Ruger Competition .22 MarkII and a 9mm P239 Sig.
I've owned Rugers before... very good guns. I bet the 22 is dead on... and I'm a 9mm fan waaaaaay back even to the old toggle top German Luger days. Of course I like the capacity of the newer automatics even better.
When I owned my body shops I liked the Beretta 380 because it was good quality, fairly small & easy to keep in a desk drawer or take with me doing bank deposits and such.
It's funny you brought up the Colt Cobra. Many years ago I was actually at the gun shop with all intentions of buying one when I saw the Dan Wesson and bought it. Truth is the Colt had a little smoother action but I really liked the versatility of being able to change barrel lengths. I could snub it out and carry it or go big and target shot with it. The thing is blindingly accurate especially when you shoot 38's out of it.
Like I said I hardly ever shoot them anymore but a bunch of us used to go shooting all the time. I remember right before they made them illegal I bought a box of 357 armor piercing shells and my buddy had just bought a Thompson 45 semi automatic machine gun. We went out to his dads old abandoned farm house where they had an old junk car sitting off in the weeds. We blasted that thing to hell. The 357 armor piercings would go right through a car rim and the Thompson with a 30 or 40 round clip rocked the car back & forth like it was in a tornado. Good times...