Who is responsible for the 9/11 attacks?

Who is responsible for the 9/11 attacks?

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Ahhh come on.

It does illustrate how gullible US citizens are in general and that given this gullibility the Government could easily get away with 9/11.

Like they have done.

So far
Ahhh come on.

It does illustrate how gullible US citizens are in general and that given this gullibility the Government could easily get away with 9/11.

Like they have done.

So far

Demonstrating that a group of people "can" be gullible still does not substantiate the claim that 9/11 was an inside job.
No but it is one of the contibuting factors.

The US Government needed to get away with it and the gullibility of the citizens would help to ensure that they would.

As would refusing an inquiry and then fixing one.

Like sending the remaining steel from the twin towers off to China for scrap before it could be investigated.

No but it is one of the contibuting factors.

The US Government needed to get away with it and the gullibility of the citizens would help to ensure that they would.

As would refusing an inquiry and then fixing one.

Like sending the remaining steel from the twin towers off to China for scrap before it could be investigated.


Let us follow your argument so far:

1) Your entire basis is that 9-11 was an inside job.

2) You argue that Hollywood is a willing participant to brainwash the US to make them gullible and point to examples like Cowboy-Indian movies.

3) Many of these movies were made before the World Trade Center was even built.

4) So, Hollywood (who makes many anti-american movies) is really just controlled by the government, so that we would be able to destroy buildings that did not exist at the time? They also could have predicted the exact scenario of the situation in the world and wanted us to invade Iraq for the oil, so we could then fight the war, so that China can sign the oil deals?

Nice logic. :rolleyes:
Oh come on don't make this harder than it need be.

The hollywood argument serves merely to show that the US public is generally very gullible when it comes to matters of patriotism and the US administration knows it can count on this blind faith when it does something as bad as 9/11.

In short it knows most people will not believe it possible that its own government would do such a thing even though the evidence points to this conclusion.

Like Hollywood knew the public would lap up films about reverse genocide
Oh come on don't make this harder than it need be.

The hollywood argument serves merely to show that the US public is generally very gullible when it comes to matters of patriotism and the US administration knows it can count on this blind faith when it does something as bad as 9/11.

In short it knows most people will not believe it possible that its own government would do such a thing even though the evidence points to this conclusion.

Like Hollywood knew the public would lap up films about reverse genocide

Well, first of all the "evidence" does not point to that conclusion as has been discussed throughout the entire thread.

Secondly, Hollywood makes just as many anti-American movies as it does pro-American movies. So, I will take your reasoning and argue that the anti-American movies being made in Hollywood are making people gullible to believe that the government is behind everything that happens in this country.
Just think

Your tax dollars at work

A defense department that FAILS to defend even its own HQ!

whats up with that?

and all the while, just exactly what was the COMMANDER in CHIEF doing?

we have a PROBLEM!
He was reading a story about goats. And he wasn't whisked off his schedule to safety as he would have been if the US didn't know exactly what was happening and that he was safe.

Because they new about the full extent of the attacks in advance
Has this discussion degenerated into petty bickering
rather than a REAL discussion of the FACTS
about the FALSE FLAG ATTACK that is 9/11/2001

I think a more accurate description is that Genseneca has run out of arguments and has resulted to petty tactics that are neither clever nor funny.

They are, however, quite revealing.