White-Trash Insurrectionists Still Piling-Up

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You need to avoid the mute-button, when you're watching the news!!!
That’s all you got buddy! If those thousands of people were like a gang or thugs, that whole Capitol would have been destroyed along with deaths of our government officials!

Because videos addition footage of videos show police letting them in through the building and offices. Crooked police suspended! Why do you think?

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That’s all you got buddy! If those thousands of people were like a gang or thugs, that whole Capitol would have been destroyed along with deaths of our government officials!

Because videos addition footage of videos show police letting them in through the building and offices. Crooked police suspended! Why do you think?

the goal of jan 6 insurrectionists wasn't to destroy the capitol. duh.
it was to violently prevent the counting of electoral votes to illegally keep trump in office. duh again
she was right to focus on trump, who started the whole insurrection by scheduling a "stop the steal" rally on the exact city and date as the electoral count, and told his mooorons to "fight like hell"
Like Harris states as well! Pelosi knows she was wrong and it was stated to fire the Sargent of arms! All evidence for Trump! People have other video! What Pelosi, Biden and Pence are NOT immune from anything!
Harris promotes fight every rally! Every rally! Look it up! Don’t think if Dems lose they will go down easy! Trump, he will be fine if he does lose! But, watch after the fact of what comes out! Will be interesting either way it goes! 🤔🤔🤔🤭

Like Harris states as well! Pelosi knows she was wrong and it was stated to fire the Sargent of arms! All evidence for Trump! People have other video! What Pelosi, Biden and Pence are NOT immune from anything!
Harris promotes fight every rally! Every rally! Look it up! Don’t think if Dems lose they will go down easy! Trump, he will be fine if he does lose! But, watch after the fact of what comes out! Will be interesting either way it goes! 🤔🤔🤔🤭

nothing wrong with saying to "fight" in general.

calling together an angry crowd to "fight" and "stop the steal" on the exact day and location of the counting of electoral votes is totally different and anti american.
nothing wrong with saying to "fight" in general.

calling together an angry crowd to "fight" and "stop the steal" on the exact day and location of the counting of electoral votes is totally different and anti american.
Thought so!
the goal of jan 6 insurrectionists wasn't to destroy the capitol. duh.
it was to violently prevent the counting of electoral votes to illegally keep trump in office. duh again
Demorats cooked up the fake Jan 6 sedition conspiracy theory to cover up their voting fraud and to stop the congressional hearing of voting fraud evidence they knew had been scheduled in advance to take place that day.
Pelosi's daughter is filming her that day because they planned the whole show. Pelosi is asking why the National Guard had not been there before any rioters showed up. Maybe she forgot she denied Trump's offer to send in the Guard at the start of the day and she repeatedly denied the request from the Capitol Police to send in the Guard for several hours into the mele. Democrat lie and shame on them.
she was right to focus on trump, who started the whole insurrection by scheduling a "stop the steal" rally on the exact city and date as the electoral count, and told his mooorons to "fight like hell"
Democrats were telling their deluded followers to "fight like hell" against Trump while Trump challenged his supporters to "fight like hell" against nation-destroying corruption. Congress had scheduled hearing voting fraud evidence that day but the democrats planted leftist rioters among the Trump protesters to incite violence the democrats could blame on Trump and shut down the hearings of voting fraud evidence.
nothing wrong with saying to "fight" in general.

calling together an angry crowd to "fight" and "stop the steal" on the exact day and location of the counting of electoral votes is totally different and anti american.
Dummycraps claim Trump was evil for using the words "fight like hell." Hypocritical democrats lie and falsely slander others for doing what they themselves do without regret.

Abortion Rights Groups Prepare To ‘Fight Like Hell’ In Wake Of Ginsburg's Death | HuffPost Latest News 9-18-20

Ilyse Hogue, president of the group NARAL Pro-Choice America, told HuffPost that her organization also plans to honor Ginsburg’s legacy by continuing to fight for everything she believed in.

“We must fight like hell
to prevent Mitch McConnell, Donald Trump, and Senate Republicans from stealing yet another Supreme Court seat,” Hogue said. “They have been chomping at the bit waiting for this moment, and their end goal ― to end the legal right to abortion in this country ― flies in the face of the values of a vast majority of Americans: that politicians have no place in personal decisions about pregnancy.”

Old tweets show Raskin, Biden saying 'fight like hell' (nypost.com) 2-11-21

DECEMBER 7, 2023

Unearthed tweets show Jamie Raskin, Joe Biden saying ‘fight like hell’
“The GOP rush to replace Justice Ginsburg is all about destroying the Affordable Care Act, women’s health care and reproductive freedom, and the voting rights and civil rights of the people,” Raskin tweeted at the time.

“We must fight like hell to stop this assault on health care and the Constitution.” ...
In another tweet unearthed by the Trump War Room, Raskin exhorted, “This is our Democracy–fight for it” in 2017 while calling for a probe into Trump’s alleged ties to Russia.

A 2019 Atlantic magazine interview featured Raskin saying of Trump’s presidency, “Let’s hope for the best, be prepared for the worst, and go fight like hell for the Constitution,” the Trump War Room tweeted.
And a 2017 article reposted on his own website shows Raskin saying, “We’ve got to wake up every day and fight like hell for liberal democracy, not just in Maryland, not just in the United States, but all over the world.”

The Trump War Room also resurfaced a pair of 2017 tweets in which House manager Ted Lieu (R-Calif.) put a violent spin on former first lady Michelle Obama’s famous credo, “When they go low, we go high.”

“I like that. But I like better, ‘when they go low, we fight back,'” Lieu said in one.

House manager Joe Neguse (D-Colo.) was also revealed to have tweeted in 2018 that he was “truly humbled to have the support of such a fearless leader as we fight to take back Congress” following his endorsement by then-Sen. Kamala Harris, who’s now vice president.
Republican members of the House Judiciary Committee also tweeted a screengrab of then-candidate Biden discussing how his father walked upstairs to break the news that their family had to move from Pennsylvania to Delaware so he could make a living.

“That’s why I’ve spent my whole career fighting — and I will continue to fight — like hell so that no one ever has to make that walk again,” Biden tweeted in May.

In a snarky reference to the “incitement of insurrection” charge pending against Trump, @JudiciaryGOP added: “Incitement?”

Former Trump campaign spokesman and adviser Jason Miller also joked on Twitter on Wednesday evening that he’d say Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) “is fighting like hell to figure out what to do, but then I’d get impeached.”

Dems Lose Their Minds Over Trump Saying 'Fight Like Hell,' But Here Are All the Times They've Said It (westernjournal.com) 2-11-21

Dems Lose Their Minds Over Trump Saying 'Fight Like Hell,' But Here Are All the Times They've Said It
8/ #TrumpBudget is a sweeping attack on active & retired civil servants. I will fight like hell for the 88k+ fed workers in my district. pic.twitter.com/6f0tvwr2Mv

— Rep. Jamie Raskin (@RepRaskin) May 23, 2017

Unfortunately, Raskin also decided to use the phrase on another occasion less than a year ago.

“We must fight like hell to stop this assault on health care and the Constitution,” he said in September, regarding Trump’s appointment of Justice Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.

With this comment, he crossed over into the territory of “incitement” by the Democrats’ own standard. He was no longer just promising that he would “fight like hell” — Raskin was calling for others to join him.
Rep. Ted Lieu, also of California, has used the phrase multiple times in regard to “racist,” “sexist” and “anti-immigration” policies over the past five years.

Yes. I will fight like hell to oppose any anti-immigration policies.

— Ted Lieu (@tedlieu)
November 11, 2016
Demorats cooked up the fake Jan 6 sedition conspiracy theory to cover up their voting fraud and to stop the congressional hearing of voting fraud evidence they knew had been scheduled in advance to take place that day.
God you are stupid lol