White-Trash Insurrectionists Still Piling-Up

After watching the whole DNC convention this week. An abortion and vasectomy bus outside of their doors. As delegates come in through the airports and streets of Chicago. People living on the streets and airport. Killings and shootings occurred. Protestors burning American flags and some screaming they hate America. Not one word stated for “the people” other than “we will do this or that on day one”!
Biden stated his life history as others state Trump speaks of himself! People interviewed stating they have been forgotten and used! Not one word stating for those people. Obamas, Clinton’s, Biden’s, made into millionaires by the people, you speak down to us. Shunning Trump with criticism of actions they do not see themselves with their own eyes they are what they accuse Trump of.
Michele speaks of her parents not trusting someone of how she and Barack live today. But Trump is criticized!
No mention of people killed in the streets. No mention of fentanyl. No mention of border. No mention of poverty. No mention our vets on the streets. No mention of a child killed by drive by shootings. No acknowledgment of the 13 soldiers killed in Afghanistan exit. Oprah the billionaire speaks of race. DEI! A crock of shit!
People speak as though Biden is not even in office and Harris our Vice President. Four hundred million dollars can transform anyone in a month.
For one to not answer anything asked by the people is wrong. To run away from Americans is running away from our tomorrows. If one cannot handle Americans, one will turn the blind eye to the world.
Americans are being used and abused and many do not see! Keep this administration in, this will be forever an America forever changed. Every person over the border, they will vote and that is all they want, power and their followers and they want people NOT to better themselves.
We all have a choice, for now! It’s yours of course but make damn sure the one you make is the one you can actually live with! Anyone can make a speech but it’s the actions.
People can bring up Jan 6th, Afghanistan, Minnesota etc, but when you have so many sides of the fences pulling Americans apart and some will just show what they want people to see, the easily influenced and one’s that do not further research information is their own ignorance.
If people do not see the actions as to what is happening, I can turn blue to try to make one see what I see. Russia destroying Ukraine. China will hit Taiwan. Israel. Iran funding Hamas, China and Russia with U.S.’ funds given to Iran to make them wealthy again! Another leader from Al-Qaeda killed. People will hit America and if one thinks it can’t happen in the “world” today, you are sadly mistaken. We will have war especially if this administration stays in!
People that run for an election, it’s about and for the people, not the candidate!
If it sounds stupid, well then you are!
After watching the whole DNC convention this week. An abortion and vasectomy bus outside of their doors. As delegates come in through the airports and streets of Chicago. People living on the streets and airport. Killings and shootings occurred. Protestors burning American flags and some screaming they hate America. Not one word stated for “the people” other than “we will do this or that on day one”!
Biden stated his life history as others state Trump speaks of himself! People interviewed stating they have been forgotten and used! Not one word stating for those people. Obamas, Clinton’s, Biden’s, made into millionaires by the people, you speak down to us. Shunning Trump with criticism of actions they do not see themselves with their own eyes they are what they accuse Trump of.
Michele speaks of her parents not trusting someone of how she and Barack live today. But Trump is criticized!
No mention of people killed in the streets. No mention of fentanyl. No mention of border. No mention of poverty. No mention our vets on the streets. No mention of a child killed by drive by shootings. No acknowledgment of the 13 soldiers killed in Afghanistan exit. Oprah the billionaire speaks of race. DEI! A crock of shit!
People speak as though Biden is not even in office and Harris our Vice President. Four hundred million dollars can transform anyone in a month.
For one to not answer anything asked by the people is wrong. To run away from Americans is running away from our tomorrows. If one cannot handle Americans, one will turn the blind eye to the world.
Americans are being used and abused and many do not see! Keep this administration in, this will be forever an America forever changed. Every person over the border, they will vote and that is all they want, power and their followers and they want people NOT to better themselves.
We all have a choice, for now! It’s yours of course but make damn sure the one you make is the one you can actually live with! Anyone can make a speech but it’s the actions.
People can bring up Jan 6th, Afghanistan, Minnesota etc, but when you have so many sides of the fences pulling Americans apart and some will just show what they want people to see, the easily influenced and one’s that do not further research information is their own ignorance.
If people do not see the actions as to what is happening, I can turn blue to try to make one see what I see. Russia destroying Ukraine. China will hit Taiwan. Israel. Iran funding Hamas, China and Russia with U.S.’ funds given to Iran to make them wealthy again! Another leader from Al-Qaeda killed. People will hit America and if one thinks it can’t happen in the “world” today, you are sadly mistaken. We will have war especially if this administration stays in!
People that run for an election, it’s about and for the people, not the candidate!
If it sounds stupid, well then you are!
What a drama queen you are
America forever changed blah blah blah
The biggest impacts recently came from Trump with Jan 6 and ending roe
Don't let him 8n if that's your concern
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You Putin third-stringers really do need to work on your English....especially your punctuation.
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You Putin third-stringers really do need to work on your English....especially your punctuation.
And your cartoon characters are special I guess! Sitting back collecting that check is easy to criticize others.
You would not be able to handle my Cajun words no doubt. Unlike you, at my employment, I do just fine.
Copy and paste is about all you seem to know how to do! Thug!
Comparing the two on this issue is stupid
Trump has spent 4 years claiming it was stolen
Of course being anti-American that's how he rolls
You can give democratsa two hundred years and they will still never be able to refute the massive collection of 2020 voting fraud evidence already publicised but not disproven.