White-Trash Insurrectionists Still Piling-Up

Pelosi is the fucking trash. Just like she got rid of Biden, she was in control of Jan 6th. If those thousands wanted that building destroyed, just as BLM in MN, that would have been a WAR.
They HATE Trump! Harris stated last night all Americans! Then turns it around lol! Anyone can write a speech! And it was not her!

The hate from when Trump was in office! They hate him! Jan 6th truths will come out!

they didn't want the building destroyed. duh. god you missed the whole point.
they wanted the vote delayed so trump could stay in power. god you missed the whole point.
comparing jan6 and the other riots is something only a true moooron would do, they had completely different goals and implications.
That’s all they needed to hear! Pelosi and Sargent of Arms! Thousands of people there, if they were there for severe harm, they would have destroyed all!
The Dems can put up damn walls in Chicago for their convention but noooo let’s not protect the Capitol! Pence! Etc. They knew protesters would be there!
Look up the video finally released police showing them the way. It’s *********! The ones “hired” were the actors that got away! Soon!!!
woman-looking-over-her-glasses-debrockeclassicstock[2].webp That’s all they needed to hear! Pelosi and Sargent of Arms! Thousands of people there, if they were there for severe harm, they would have destroyed all!
The Dems can put up damn walls in Chicago for their convention but noooo let’s not protect the Capitol! Pence! Etc. They knew protesters would be there!
Look up the video finally released police showing them the way. It’s *********! The ones “hired” were the actors that got away! Soon!!!

You Putin third-stringers really do need to work on your English....especially your punctuation.
they didn't want the building destroyed. duh. god you missed the whole point.
they wanted the vote delayed so trump could stay in power. god you missed the whole point.
comparing jan6 and the other riots is something only a true moooron would do, they had completely different goals and implications.
Democrats stole the 2020 election by fraud and wickedly schemed to portray protests against the fraud as evil.