White-Trash Insurrectionists Still Piling-Up

Every American should be disgusted by the way Democrats are giving leftist crooks and thugs free passes to commit violent and seditious crimes while jailing innocent Americans for years on trumped up charges for committing nonviolent alleged political crimes in the eyes of the Democrats.
Innocent Americans. Trumped up charges.
Non violent crimes.
Alleged crimes.

you have to be kidding.
you live in another world dickhead.
Innocent Americans. Trumped up charges.
Non violent crimes.
Alleged crimes.

you have to be kidding.
you live in another world dickhead.
When Biden said democrats choose truth over facts, what he meant was that Democrats interpret facts the way they like as opposed to how other Americans interpret the facts.

For example, the Democrat 'truth' about leftist looting and rioting is that those are mostly peaceful protests, protected by the Constitution and an extremely important valid means of addressing grievances like officer arrests of dangerous and violent suspects, slavery, and opposition to reparations.


On the other hand, Democrats view protests against Democrat voter fraud to be dangerous threats to national security worthy of charges of treason.

When Biden said democrats choose truth over facts, what he meant was that Democrats interpret facts the way they like as opposed to how other Americans interpret the facts.

For example, the Democrat 'truth' about leftist looting and rioting is that those are mostly peaceful protests, protected by the Constitution and an extremely important valid means of addressing grievances like officer arrests of dangerous and violent suspects, slavery, and opposition to reparations.

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On the other hand, Democrats view protests against Democrat voter fraud to be dangerous threats to national security worthy of charges of treason.

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Bullshit. They are getting locked up because they are domestic terrorists and right wing fundamental ratbags.
You wouldn't be defending them if they were democrats. That's how sick you are.
Bullshit. They are getting locked up because they are domestic terrorists and right wing fundamental ratbags.
You wouldn't be defending them if they were democrats. That's how sick you are.
You prove my case. Leftists accuse peaceful protestors of terrorism while excusing looters, arsonists, cop killers, and common thugs of being nothing more than justified peaceful protestors.

When Biden said.....


Ya' couldn't find any actual quotes, huh????

When Biden said democrats choose truth over facts, what he meant was that Democrats interpret facts the way they like as opposed to how other Americans interpret the facts.

For example, the Democrat 'truth' about leftist looting and rioting is that those are mostly peaceful protests, protected by the Constitution and an extremely important valid means of addressing grievances like officer arrests of dangerous and violent suspects, slavery, and opposition to reparations.

View attachment 7267

On the other hand, Democrats view protests against Democrat voter fraud to be dangerous threats to national security worthy of charges of treason.

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Plenty of people were convicted for the 2020 riots *****
Just like plenty of people from jan6 riots *****
You can cherry pick pictures all you want lol
Plenty of people were convicted for the 2020 riots *****
Just like plenty of people from jan6 riots *****
You can cherry pick pictures all you want lol
leftist judges went easy on violent 2020 rioters, but lowered the boom on more peaceful Jan 6 protesters. Political partisanship much?
You prove my case. Leftists accuse peaceful protestors of terrorism while excusing looters, arsonists, cop killers, and common thugs of being nothing more than justified peaceful protestors.

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I'm not disputing that but you forget these people tried to overthrow the govt and democracy. Why can't you get that through your thick skull? There's a huge difference.
Sadly you supported it purely to have a republican in power. Fuck democracy and democrats is your motto. You're a very pure example of a patriot.
I'm not disputing that but you forget these people tried to overthrow the govt and democracy. Why can't you get that through your thick skull? There's a huge difference.
Sadly you supported it purely to have a republican in power. Fuck democracy and democrats is your motto. You're a very pure example of a patriot.
Fighting to keep mobs of lying thieves and thugs from stealing elections by fraud is not wrong.
leftist judges went easy on violent 2020 rioters, but lowered the boom on more peaceful Jan 6 protesters. Political partisanship much?
Went easy? Proof ***** lol
Lowered the boom? Proof *****?

You make many partisan claims and don't prove them lol
Went easy? Proof ***** lol
Lowered the boom? Proof *****?

You make many partisan claims and don't prove them lol
I cannot account for the way so many Democrats cannot see the brutal difference between the way they judge violent leftists and peaceful opponents of leftist views, values, policies, and practices. Take the difference between anemic leftist prosecutions of violent attacks against right to life clinics and violent leftist arrest and imprisonment of peaceful protesters near abortion clinics.

Biden DOJ's Threats to Pro-Lifers and Catholics Are Unhinged (townhall.com)
Biden DOJ's Threats to Pro-Lifers and Catholics Are Unhinged

Father Raided By FBI Found Not Guilty Of Federal Charges Alleging He Assaulted Abortion Worker | The Daily Caller

Father Raided By FBI Found Not Guilty Of Federal Charges Alleging He Assaulted Abortion Worker
January 30, 20233:14 PM ET
At least 15 agents stormed Houck’s home while pointing their weapons at the 48-year-old, his wife and seven children in October, according to his wife. His children allegedly begged the agents not to arrest their father as the FBI surrounded the house in the early morning hours.
“The feds tried to make a point that they would not tolerate pro-life speech and tried to make Mark an example that they would charge and intimidate pro-lifers, all while claiming that they represent democracy and free speech. But not today. The system worked, and justice prevailed.”
Catholic pro-life activist Mark Houck was found not guilty Monday of federal charges alleging he violated the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act.
Some attorneys have expressed concern that the Biden administration is “weaponizing” the FACE Act to go after pro-life Americans.
“The left is out for blood, and Biden’s base is demanding prosecutions and the DOJ is providing them,” Roger Severino, who served as an attorney at the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights division, told the Caller in October.

The DOJ charged 11 pro-life activists with FACE in October. Seven are facing up to 11 years in prison and $350,000 in fines, and five are facing a year in prison and fines up to $10,000.

GOPers blast AG Garland, say DOJ 'targeting people of faith' (nypost.com)

AG Garland blasted for ‘targeting’ Catholic pro-life activist, ignoring pregnancy center attacks
March 1, 2023 4:46pm

A trio of GOP senators tore into Attorney General Merrick Garland and the Justice Department Wednesday for throwing the book at a Catholic pro-life activist while seeming to ignore attacks on crisis pregnancy centers.

“Why do you send two dozen agents in body armor to arrest a sidewalk counselor who happens to be pro-life, but you don’t devote resources to prosecute people who are violently firebombing crisis pregnancy centers?” asked Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.

“If you’re a violent criminal and you attack a crisis pregnancy center, that is not a priority in the Biden Department of Justice.” ...

“Has the department brought even a single case under this statute? It’s a yes or no question,” Cruz asked. ...

“DOJ has announced charges against 34 individuals for blocking access to or vandalizing abortion clinics,” he said, while noting “there have been over 81 reported attacks on pregnancy centers and only two individuals have been charged.”

“How do you explain this disparity by reference to anything other than politicization of what’s happening?” Lee asked.

In response, Garland lamely tried to explain the discrepancy by claiming that pro-life activists commit violations “during the daylight [and] seeing the person doing it is quite easy.