White-Trash Insurrectionists Still Piling-Up


"Let those punks live with US?? FUCK THAT!!
We'll just throw 'em to the "brothers"."

Former Proud Boys Leaders Sentenced For Jan. 6 Sedition
August 31, 2023
View attachment 7243

Joseph Biggs = 17 Years
View attachment 7244

Zachary Rehl = 15 Years
These are the nutters that support Trump. It makes me proud to not be associated with the idiots.
But fear not. There's still about 45 million of them out there. We have them on here.

Surely, as these idiots gets put away for the riots the law will eventually get to Trump. Knowing it was his creation and his toe rags did his bidding, he must be jailed like them.
They've got too much evidence for any other sentence.

But then we have thus civil war to contend with. Imagine that. There's not enough jails to hold these people. Even if they did it doesn't prove Trump's innocence. But what a circus the country has become because of the election of a narcissistic control freak. Who takes responsibility for all this?
I keep whacking away about low intelligent Magas and they must be the main culprits. Then we have respectable citizen, or where at one time, like Giuliani and meadows who fell into the orbit or Trump and are now dragged to the depths of common criminals. In due time all the Georgia gang will flip on Trump but it won't save them. They should all be pitied more than despised.
Another one got porridge again yesterday. All bet they are sitting in their cells wishing they'd never heard of Trump. They were sucked in big time and meanwhile Trump is still free and flying around in his $100 million jet financed by those lackeys giving him money.

Eventually....they're gonna get-out o' the "can"....unless THEIR FAMILIES GET MORE PRO-ACTIVE, FIRST!!!!
Former Proud Boys Leaders Sentenced For Jan. 6 Sedition
August 31, 2023
View attachment 7243

Joseph Biggs = 17 Years
View attachment 7244

Zachary Rehl = 15 Years
What a great day for the tribal barbarian savages currently terrorizing America with their fascist perversions of justice. Innocent Americans are sentenced to decades in prison for entering the US Capitol to protest Democrat voter fraud while charges are dropped against violent leftist looters, rioters, arsonists, and felony assailants. That is injustice, common to illegitimately elected Democrat politicians and their jack-booted, anti-American, Gestapo-style state police enforcers.

NYC Drops Charges Against Hundreds of BLM/Antifa Rioters, Looters (legalinsurrection.com)

NYC Drops Charges Against Hundreds of BLM/Antifa Rioters, Looters
You probably know this. About 1200 have been charged and waiting for sentencing. They done 600 already.
But it was a peaceful protest remember.

Hundreds of American patriots have been cruelly jailed by anti-American leftists exhibiting their ruthless fascist hatred towards good Americans, while dismissing charges against murderers, rapists, thieves, seditionists, liars, arsonists, looters and the like. May the left praise Allah or whatever other fake god they wish to thank for that wicked temporary delight.

Violent Rioters Set Police Station On Fire In Portland, Smash Out Windows, Attack Police

Daily Wire News
Aug 19, 2020 DailyWire.com

Horowitz: BLM activist who burned cop car gets lenient sentence to protect him from deportation - TheBlaze

Horowitz: BLM activist who burned cop car gets lenient sentence to protect him from deportation

July 20, 2022


Where was the Democrats' outrage during the riots, looting and vandalism of the summer of 2020? - Washington Times

Where was the Democrats’ outrage during the riots, looting and vandalism of the summer of 2020?

NYC Drops Charges Against Hundreds of BLM/Antifa Rioters, Looters (legalinsurrection.com)

NYC Drops Charges Against Hundreds of BLM/Antifa Rioters, Looters

“For many of these commercial burglaries, you will be asked to reduce the initial felony charge to a misdemeanor and to dispose of the case … with an eye towards rehabilitation.”

Posted by Fuzzy Slippers Saturday, June 19, 2021 at 06:00pm
Proud Boys Leader Gets 18 Years; Matching Longest
September 1, 2023

Ethan Nordean = 18 Years


Dominic Pezzola = 10 Years
Hundreds of American patriots have been cruelly jailed by anti-American leftists exhibiting their ruthless fascist hatred towards good Americans, while dismissing charges against murderers, rapists, thieves, seditionists, liars, arsonists, looters and the like. May the left praise Allah or whatever other fake god they wish to thank for that wicked temporary delight.

Violent Rioters Set Police Station On Fire In Portland, Smash Out Windows, Attack Police

Daily Wire News
Aug 19, 2020 DailyWire.com

Horowitz: BLM activist who burned cop car gets lenient sentence to protect him from deportation - TheBlaze

Horowitz: BLM activist who burned cop car gets lenient sentence to protect him from deportation

July 20, 2022


Where was the Democrats' outrage during the riots, looting and vandalism of the summer of 2020? - Washington Times

Where was the Democrats’ outrage during the riots, looting and vandalism of the summer of 2020?

NYC Drops Charges Against Hundreds of BLM/Antifa Rioters, Looters (legalinsurrection.com)

NYC Drops Charges Against Hundreds of BLM/Antifa Rioters, Looters

“For many of these commercial burglaries, you will be asked to reduce the initial felony charge to a misdemeanor and to dispose of the case … with an eye towards rehabilitation.”

Posted by Fuzzy Slippers Saturday, June 19, 2021 at 06:00pm
You certainly have some issues about your colleagues getting locked up. The guilt and feeling of stupidity must be killing you. All the efforts to prove Trump innocent were in vain and I've been telling you all along but what would an ungodly atheist know.
You certainly have some issues about your colleagues getting locked up. The guilt and feeling of stupidity must be killing you. All the efforts to prove Trump innocent were in vain and I've been telling you all along but what would an ungodly atheist know.
Every American should be disgusted by the way Democrats are giving leftist crooks and thugs free passes to commit violent and seditious crimes while jailing innocent Americans for years on trumped up charges for committing nonviolent alleged political crimes in the eyes of the Democrats.