White-Trash Insurrectionists Still Piling-Up

Blah blah blah, noun, blah blah, deflect top 4 politicians during a catholic invasion were also all catholic, hate hate, rhetoric, schpeel schpeel.

Dial down your stereotypical faggotyness and try again. You're a living failure.
It must be so frustrating you cannot lay a glove on me so you resort to the one insult you perceive will hurt me.
Have another go son. You're confirming what a brain dead American you are.
fascis--port-320x460-30k.pngIt must be so frustrating you cannot lay a glove on me so you resort to the one insult you perceive will hurt me.
Have another go son. You're confirming what a brain dead American you are.

Oh shit i nailed it, you're basil faulty from faulty towers arent you? Do you know the doctor from that group obiden likes so much? The WHO? Hey, did you limey's finally stop sucking faggots or is that still a thing.

Whats it say folks that you always find limeys supporting foreign pederasty cults like the namblacrats.
Oh shit i nailed it, you're basil faulty from faulty towers arent you? Do you know the doctor from that group obiden likes so much? The WHO? Hey, did you limey's finally stop sucking faggots or is that still a thing.

Whats it say folks that you always find limeys supporting foreign pederasty cults like the namblacrats.
I'm sorry but you've managed to go on an unfamiliar tangent.
I certainly hope it has meaning for you and you think you have nailed it.
Good luck.
I'm sorry but you've managed to go on an unfamiliar tangent.
I certainly hope it has meaning for you and you think you have nailed it.
Good luck.
Lol you feign so hard! And whats to think about the faggots turning on harry potter? Will your broomstick factories go out of business? Maybe you won't sell as much of that eyesore Campbell tartan this year?
Lol you feign so hard! And whats to think about the faggots turning on harry potter? Will your broomstick factories go out of business? Maybe you won't sell as much of that eyesore Campbell tartan this year?
Is anyone else witnessing this idiot?
Is this representative of republican America today?
Could this be a mitigating factor why Trump lost?
You should be in an Asylum.
Is anyone else witnessing this idiot?
Is this representative of republican America today?
Could this be a mitigating factor why Trump lost?
You should be in an Asylum.

Aww look, his inner terrorist is showing. That's so sweet.

Jfyi, im an anti-partisan. You just think im republican because i can't stand you british faggots.
Good choice he is a waste of site bandwith
Nah. I'm gonna do the bastard slowly. There must be fun in this for everyone.

What puzzles me is we have a couple of obviously loopies who can't tell daylight from dark, burst in here blustering ridiculous opinions about atheists and communist democrats while the other is obsessed with faggots and both have no understanding of the issues they speak about.

The project themselves as oracles of intelligence and both can count past 10.
Verifiable citation the namblacrats have a circle jerk fetish.

Citation appropriate for anything contextual to the ukranian defense fund; Which is also a circle jerk, tax payer funded type.
Verifiable citation the namblacrats have a circle jerk fetish.

Citation appropriate for anything contextual to the ukranian defense fund; Which is also a circle jerk, tax payer funded type.
She did not.
The girls were at Walmart when that happened.
John's car broke down.