Well-Known Member
I'm a bit confused. You accept the BBC news article, but reject the Wikipedia information, and the data on firearm offenses?I will buy the first citation, but the other two are op-ed. Well done.
I understand that Wikipedia is subject to "editing", but that was relating to the information on England's Bill of Rights, and some historic parameters. Under very extreme classification I guess this could be considered op-ed.
The data on the firearm offenses was published by a group called Gun Control Network, but oddly, their objective is to work towards banning firearms. Their cited statistics, showing the increase in gun-related crimes since the 1997 absolute restrictions in England occurred, are numbers obtained from a Home Office Statistical Bulletin, a document by the Research, Development and Statistics Directorate. I'm from the U.S., and not intimately familiar with the governmental entities, but this appears to be part of the British government. I fail to see how you would consider this an op-ed piece.
Here is the link to that one, too: