how about the 2nd? you know the words Well Regulated are in there right? I know you guys hate that part. And yes it jammed...I think it did its job though...
Was Holmes a member of a Militia that we haven't heard about? After all, the words "Well Regulated" that appear in the 2nd are immediately followed by the word "Militia"... I know you Leftists hate that part, in your warped minds the words in the text have moved around without anyone else noticing:
What the 2nd
actually says:
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
What Pocket likes to
pretend it says: "A *relocated text* Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear
well regulated Arms, shall
not be infringed (whenever Leftists feel like doing so)."
Typical bullshit Republican ....said nothing when anyone said its why we need more conceal and carry laws...
I'd like to point out that, once again, the theater where this shooting took place was a "Gun Free Zone", as are most of the places mass murders choose to go on their shooting sprees - because they know damn well all of the law abiding citizens will be unarmed and unable to defend themselves. They may be homicidal maniacs, but they aren't stupid... You never hear about a mass shooting taking place at a gun show, a target range, a police station, or anywhere else that criminals KNOW the people in attendance are fully capable of defending themselves.
but its wrong for anyone to say...hey you know maybe we don't all need ar-15s with 100 round drums of ammo..
Sure, you can say it... Just don't expect to be taken seriously with such a vacuous argument.
And of course the old, Its not the right time to talk about gun control...but of course it never is...Im sorry do we have to wait for the next guy with 100 rounds of ammo to go shooting mass groups of peope...or 2 more? 3 more? when is the time to talk about it?
Let's talk about it now... You can start by answering this simple question:
What is the exact number of innocent people that can be murdered by homicidal maniacs on a shooting spree before you stop pushing for stricter gun laws?
You ban the 100 round mag, so the next mass murderer uses a 50 round mag, so you ban those too, then the next one uses a 30 round mag, so you ban those, the next uses 10 round mags, naturally those must also be banned because clearly banning has worked out great so far....
Even if you banned everything else and only allowed for people to use single shot bolt action 22 caliber rifles, homicidal maniacs would use
those to kill people! What then?
Here is your proof....Nations with strict gun laws...far less Murders and gun deaths...
How many of those countries have Bloods, Crips, and MS13 to deal with? Let's round up all those gang bangers and ship them to whatever country you think has the best gun laws and see what happens to the crime rates here in America and your country of choice.
Highest gun ownership per person...
There are roughly 80 million gun owners in America. One guy - ONE EFFING GUY, - went on a killing spree while the other 79,999,999 gun owners didn't kill anybody and you knee-jerk progs see punishing ALL gun owners as the solution to the problem.
Highest Murder rate by huge numbers...But yea. not corrilated...Americans are just by nature murders I guess.
The poorest cities are all dominated by democrat mayors
But yea. not correlated... Americans are just poor by nature.