You can put wings on a pig but that don't make him an eagle. That's all Bush did. It will be held against us because most think it violates international law... not just Liberals or other countries but your Party's candidate for President of the United States of America Senator John McCain.
Most "thinking" it violated international law does not mean that it actually did. I would say the PR war was lost, but on the legal issue, the Bush administration was in the right.
Oh no it was definately wrong. People get away with stuff every single day that is wrong. It was morally wrong and violated multiple agreements we as a country had made condeming TORTURE.
We violated no legal binding international agreement that we signed.
Key word: PASSED... thank you.![]()
Yes, but legally that is not relevant and has no bearing.
OK THEN!You can't get touchy when I say you liked it. That's what I said. You didn't think it was bad... i.e. you liked it.
Well to be clear waterboarding three known masterminds of terror attacks was not bad. Other instances were people have been tried were wrong.
I never said targeting civilians was illegal. I don't think "targeting" prisoners for water suffocation is illegal. It's doing that breaks the rules & standards, not thinking about it.
So Truman and FDR are war criminals?
And you know while we run every scenario through war games simulators the goal of nukes is to be a deterrent not a first strike weapon.
That depends on who you ask. In many scenarios of deterrence, nuclear weapons need to be viewed as first strike option.
And that's what we should have done... interrogated and imprisoned them them without DROWNING THEM.
Which is exactly what we did with almost all of them.
I do it for two reasons. One: To illustrate their true position and Two: It's a different situation if they are actively fighting our men & women or trying to escape. Then you might have to shoot them who knows.
So you agree that circumstances dictate our behavior?
Ah then you know Russian military thinking. God knows I've heard enough about it... LOL! What do they do differently compared to us in almost every military field?
With the Russians it's quantity over quality. They might have say a lesser tank... but they have 10 or 20 to 1 in numbers. Same all the way up the line. They are numbers driven.
Numbers driven yes, but what is also important is knowing that their nuclear weapons work. In the United States for example, Bush tried to implement the RRW program just to ensure our weapons could work and it was branded as destabilizing and the move of "war-monger." I fail to see how wanting to make sure our weapons work is destabilizing and provoking war.
Eventually the Army took back more control over her section and she decided to leave the service. She liked reporting more directly to NSA much better.
She didn't want to continue in the field as a civilian?
I think arrogance on the world stage with a sense of entitlement and their belief they had undefeatable power is what the Romans thought they had too.
The Carthaginian General Hannibal as well as the barbarians from Gaul seemed... let's say... less impressed.
Those who fail to recognize history are bound to repeat it. We shouldn't torture.
I do not think that waterboarding three people equates to the end of American empire exactly.