Ok then, what country are you interested in persuading?
While you're at it... I asked you in another thread that got off topic to come here and offer your suggestion for how we can obtain information from a 1-A suspect who's been through all 5 levels of interrogation and remains uncooperative... He needs to go to level 6, "enhanced interrogation", so....
What Interrogation Techniques are Acceptable?
Just start with ONE technique that accomplishes these 2 goals:
1. Both you and the "civilized world" must find it acceptable.
2. It must achieve timely results.
Now, seeing as you're a self declared pragmatist... I'm surprised you abandon pragmatism and choose ideological grounds where waterboarding is concerned. In pragmatic terms, its very effective and takes only seconds to get results... That's the epitome of pragmatism: works fast and is effective.
In pragmatic terms, torturing prisoners is more likely to elicit whatever the interrogator wants to hear than it is to bring out the truth.
In pragmatic terms, torturing prisoners is a great way to recruit more enemies.
In pragmatic terms, torture causes more problems than it solves.
In purely ideological terms, the great democracies of the world, of which we need to be one, simply don't engage in torturing prisoners.