Well-Known Member
I think the blame lies solely at the feet of Obama and his New Black Panther Party.
I think the blame lies solely at the feet of Obama and his New Black Panther Party.
Yes, I agree. I should have included them in the list of Gestapos. How many of Obama's gestapos were at Sharpton's National Action Network annual event two weeks ago. Eric Holder was a guest speaker. He praised Al Sharpton and promised a "fair review" of the Trayvon Martin case. How can he promise this. This is not a federal case! Obama spoke there last year. Kathleen Sebilius was there and many more.they alone cannot rouse ordinary blacks, it takes Jessie and Rev Al.
Well Blame the Media for creating this mess.
Don’t lump ABC in this one. They are usually in the tank for whatever liberal cause is out there, this time they are being pretty fair. They are showing pictures of Martin as he really looked not as the 12 year old boy the liberal race baiters want you to see and they showed the bloody head and showed proof the photo of the bloody head was taken 3 min after the shooting. No other liberal scum station is doing that, all they are doing is showing pictures of Martin from when he was 12 and old pictures of Zimmerman from the time he went to jail in an orange jump suite.
Lets hope they keep thinking this come Novemberyes they are and isn't it refreshing ? I'm guessing they have come to accept that the path to ratings is fair and balanced.
Not only i like this,,I agree with that statement.I think the blame lies solely at the feet of Obama and his New Black Panther Party.
Another non-news worthy story the MSM isn't covering.
uh... my antivirus sez this place is malicious but the count of retaliation attacks is growing.
There is a race issue here .... and it has nothing to do with a hispanic man shooting a black teenager. The real racist are the ones crying racism. Isn't that always the case? Can anyone name one single "justice rally" that Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson attended or organized, many which created fatal consequences, that prove to be as they claimed? Twana Brawley? The Duke Lacrosse case? Crown Heights riot, etc. Yeah ... there is a race issue here but, again, it has nothing to do with a hispanic man shooting a black teen.
Suspect: I Beat Up White Man Because I Am Mad About Trayvon Martin Case
Maywood, Ill. - Alton L. Hayes III, a west suburban man charged with a hate crime, told police he was so upset about the Trayvon Martin case in Florida that he beat up a white man early Tuesday.
Hayes and a 15-year-old Chicago boy walked up behind the 19-year-old man victim and pinned his arms to his side, police said. Hayes, 18, then picked up a large tree branch, pointed it at the man and said, “Empty your pockets, white boy.”
The two allegedly rifled through the victim’s pockets, then threw him to the ground and punched him “numerous times” in the head and back before running away, police said. Hayes and the boy are black; the victim is white.
After being arrested, Hayes told police he was upset by the Trayvon Martin case and beat the man up because he was white, Cook County State’s Attorney’s office spokeswoman Tandra Simonton said, citing court records.
I would like to see it repealed as well. However, I do not put much faith in a R.I.N.O. like Mitt Romney.Eric Holder will not make this a hate crime. You see Hate crimes dont apply to blacks commiting it. Just Whites who kill blacks will be charged with an hate crime. I want Mitt Romney to repeal Bill Clintons hate crime law.Just like Dont Ask,Dont Tell was repealed.